Uncalled killer

"There's another one here somewhere. I've seen four people; maybe it's the one with the back hair that I haven't spotted yet. Let's get down first. Actually, not yet; I should wait," I thought, stepping back. I could hear the sounds of violence from downstairs, and then a text from Mikhail arrived: '2 are down. Rae is fighting one and luring him out to be above you. Do something to get rid of the enemy.' I read the text, peeking down, unable to see much except for the sounds of bashing against the window. I began to look around, searching for something to use for an attack.

"So what are you going to do now?" Mae questioned, settling down, and then lost in thought. "What are we going to do with the bodies?" She asked, hand to her forehead, staring at the ground.

"We'll just leave them. The agency would collect them, and no one is coming to this area," I answered slowly, walking over to the little storage room and checking for a makeshift weapon. I grabbed a mop, pulling off the bottom part, and headed back out. "Hey, pass me a gun," I commanded, putting my hand in front of Mira, who reached into Mae's pocket, pulled out a gun, and threw it towards me.

I didn't realize at first that we were led into a construction site. "If these three weren't running for their lives," I thought, making my way to the same spot near the window. At just the right time, I jumped down just as Rae gave another powerful kick, throwing the enemy out. I raised the mop, now a makeshift pole, in front of me, pointing it at the enemy's head. With precision, I thrust it in as soon as my foot reached his shoulder, and blood sprayed out.

I kept my eyes down, and everyone turned away, feeling a mix of disgust and pity. I smiled a little. "One more down," I thought, smoothly pulling out the pole and looking around, then up at the camera...

(Meanwhile somewhere far off)

"Miss, you might want to see what you are dealing with here," the secretary knocked on the door, making her way inside with an iPad in her hand, playing a video of Hyun and the pole incident.

"Hah, let's see then," she said, taking the iPad, replaying the recording, and watching every second, not missing out on any of Hyun's movements and his partners. She scanned over the recording once before skipping to the part with the metal sheet by now her smile had faded. "Good strategy and usage of things,...tell the other team to stay behind for now if they want to die," Xna mumbled, handing the iPad back and sitting back in her chair. "How old did you say he was?"

"Umm, 18 miss why do you ask?"

"Just no reason, you can go now thanks"


"Don't you think that was a bit too violent?" Rae asked as he made his way out from the broken window, and then everyone else followed suit.

"Worry about that later. We just ruined someone's hard work. Let's get out of here before we get in trouble," I answered, snatching my precious dagger from Mikhail before dashing out.

"OH yeah, forget the camera; the HQ will deal with it. Now, let's go," Mikhail commanded, following Hyun, who was already a mile away.

"Wow, and here I was thinking how everyone just vanished," I thought, staring up at the night sky. "Hmm, those papers blondie left behind. I wonder if they were important. Let's look at them as soon as we go home and make a callback." I peeked behind me, slowing my pace down as I saw everyone rushing towards me, making themselves look crazy. There was blood on all of us "thank god I wore black" I mumbled turning back and then back to the front quickening my pace.

time skip

Everyone had made their way back in time, cautiously navigating through the alley and into the base. "Where is all your stuff?" I questioned, pointing at the trio, while Mikhail had already changed and was on his laptop.

"Oh shit, we forgot it at the restaurant," Mae said, realizing it. She quickly turned back to the door, but Rae pulled her back. "Where do you think you're going looking like that?"

"Tsk, oh yeah," she complained, making her way away from the door and sitting down against the wall in front.

'Why is everyone here so stupid,' I mused, pulling a new pair of clothes and dashing to the bathroom to get changed in a hurry. "Tell us the location; Mikhail and I will grab your stuff," I asked, putting the jacket back on, zipping it, and pulling the hood over my head to ward off the cold.

"Don't remember; it was in front of a pub, though," Mira started, but I cut her off. "Forget it, let's go, Mikhail," I commanded, opening the door and pulling my phone out.

"Don't tell me you put trackers on their suitcases too?" He asked, appearing from behind me and gazing down at my phone.

"Yes, I did. I knew this was going to happen," I replied while locating the location, which was about an hour and a half away. I tried to stuff my phone back into my pocket but was stopped by a call from Ryung (Sis).

I quickly picked up. "Hello," she greeted me in a normal tone. "So how's the trip?" She asked quickly, not giving me a chance to say hi back.

"It's great," I replied. 'She thinks I'm on a trip, good,' I thought. "So why did you call?"

"Just to check, did you get in a fight again?" She inquired, sounding worried, her tone changing.

"No," I quickly answered, trying to end the call quickly. "Hah, okay then, since I seem to be boring you, bye." She abruptly ended the call, and I stuffed my phone back, turning towards Mikhail.

"So, answer my question now," I asked, walking straight and gazing up at the sky.

"Oh, that. We weren't being used. Our original job was to get rid of people; the HQ would've already got the needed information. We were just distractions," he answered in a low tone.

"Humph, that was a waste of time," I thought. But what was the point of all the extra information? I think that would've been just in case. Now that I think of it, there's so much going on in the world. I will hold onto all the knowledge.