
"Come save your companion, I know you're here," Hyun called out, one leg on the ground and the other pressed against the blondie's neck, freezing everyone nearby.

"You know what? Why deal with things when you can just explode the shit out of them," Hae mumbled. He put his leg down, reaching into his jacket and pulling out something that resembled a button. Stepping back, he signaled to Mikhail, who swiftly descended from above. In a swift move, Hyun grabbed the blondie's shoulder, yanking him backward, and then took a daring leap down. With a flick of the button in Hae's hand, an explosion echoed, engulfing the area in chaos and smoke.

"I could've realized sooner," Hyun complained under his breath while landing safely. Without taking a break, he ran towards the other three, with Mikhail following closely. "If you knew, why didn't you say so?" Hyun questioned, pushing the trio forward to hide behind the building. He stopped to catch his breath before speaking again. "Why didn't you tell us that we were being used?" he asked, trying to remain calm.

"What we are being used!?" the trio shouted in sync, their confusion evident. Mikhail, taken aback, hurriedly pulled out his phone, texting rapidly.

"Say something?" Hyun asked, giving a side-eye. He then felt goosebumps run down his back, sensing a horrifying presence. His expression remained stoic as he stared back to where he felt the gaze and saw a shadow jump back. "We'll be here for longer than I expected," he mumbled, pulling out a gun from his pant pocket. "Answer the question later. Follow me," he commanded, beginning to move along the side of the building.

"What? Why?" Mikhail asked, following closely behind.

(Perspective Swap)

"Shit, are you actually too dumb to realize? Look around; we are cornered. I thought it was easy to spot since this area is all cleared out," I muttered to myself, glancing around before stomping my aching leg on the ground. The eerie feeling of being watched from every corner was unsettling. Trying to dismiss it, I carried on, but the sensation couldn't be ignored. A hand on my shoulder jolted me.

"I have an idea," Rae whispered, turning back and then looking at me. "We have to lure them out, then get rid of them or run using one of those bombs," he explained, sharing the plan with the others.

I haven't seen the blonde in a while. Was he just a distraction too? I thought, reaching into my pocket and grabbing onto nothing. Rae's idea isn't too bad, but where are we running to? It feels like everything is set up, and the darkness is closing in. I want to go back but we need to be cautious not to reveal the place.

"Soo..." Mae turned towards Rae, and he turned towards me.

"Hmm, let's do this," I mumbled, reaching back into my pocket and grabbing the small button. "Spread!" I shouted, throwing it up in the air. Everyone scattered in different directions. Meanwhile, I made my way into the building next door, cautiously climbing the stairs. I reached the fifth floor and approached the broken window, calmly settling down. Mae and Mira were in the building above. The plan was set into motion.

I felt footsteps on the floor above, now right above my head. "Just what I wanted," I mused, waiting for the person to jump. I shuffled forward, my legs dangling down. "3...2...1," I started counting, and then the person jumped. I gazed at their foot and grabbed onto it, peeking at the two in front of me. With a swift motion, I flung the person until their face hit the floor below. I didn't let go, still hanging onto their foot.

The person didn't seem to try to escape, appearing to have passed out. I let go, watching them stumble down.

Mae and Mira looked at me in horror, but I chose to ignore it, focusing on finding the other person who was peeking at me. I stood up and looked down at the unconscious individual. Suddenly, I jumped back as a bullet rushed upward. "What the heck? He's still alive," I thought, and then an idea popped into my mind. I quickly pulled out my phone, typing a message to Mikhail, Hope I don't die I mumbled and then jumped down.

Mikhail, positioned on the floor beneath Hyun, swiftly grabbed a thick metal sheet. Timing it perfectly with Hyun's jump, he flung the sheet out, then stepped forward, deftly flicking the little button he had taken from Hyun's pocket. The hope was that it would propel the metal plate and Hyun a little closer to the building where Mae was, creating some distance to shoot at the enemy.

The execution was flawless. Hyun landed on the flying plate just in time, and the explosion synchronized perfectly. The force pushed him away, and in that critical moment, Mae, ever resourceful, produced a rope from somewhere. She expertly flung it towards Hyun, who skillfully caught hold of it. Meanwhile, Mikhail jumped off just in time, escaping the blast radius as the bomb in the building erupted in a spectacular display of chaos.

As I landed on my feet with a little smirk, I couldn't help but think, "Do they think I'm dumb?" Glancing back at the eruption, Mira asked in surprise, "How did you know there was a bomb?" I replied, "I've got super hearing, but it's not over yet. We're not going anywhere until I get rid of every enemy here."

Staring down at Rae, who had made his way to the enemy dropped by Hyun, he kicked the adversary into the half-busted wall, delivering another kick to ensure the threat was neutralized.

"Already here, huh?" I thought to myself, swiftly peeking behind me. I grabbed the other dagger from my sock and hurled it towards the door. "I know YOU are in there~ come out~ maybe I'll spare you," I shouted, slowly making my way to the door. The tension in the air heightened as the standoff continued.

I leaned against the door with a whistle, then delivered a forceful kick that busted it down. "Hmm, this should be enough. He should've jumped out the window by now. Hah, this is fun and better than I thought. Let's see how the other two are doing," I mused to myself, peeking down at Rae, who was now in pursuit of the blondie, and Mikhail, who was after the other person with brownish hair. 

"I'm a bit bored" Mae mumbled her hands behind her head. 

There's another one here somewhere I've seen four people maybe it's the back hair that I haven't seen yet let's get down first.