Uncalled danger

"I think we should just get out of here, no point in sticking around," Hyun thought to himself. He quickly turned, pulled out his phone, and sent a text to the others, telling them to hide. Almost instantly, he got a reply.

He clicked on the message, revealing two pictures of people. One was the blond person he had seen at the cafe before, and the other was a stranger with short black hair. Hyun took a quick look before Mira's response came in: "We're staying in this building. Come here and act like you don't know us." The message was straightforward.

Hyun hastily stowed his phone away, instinctively recoiling as an abrupt force whizzed by him from above – a bullet. Without wasting a moment glancing upward, he swiftly retreated, backpedaling towards the nearest cover. His agile form dashed across the street, seeking refuge behind a sturdy street lamp.

As he crouched behind the lamppost, Hyun's heart raced. The distant echo of gunfire lingered in the air, but he dared not look back. Instead, he cast an upward gaze, only to meet the chilling sight of the person with blonde hair. A twisted smile played on their face.

In the blonde's grasp was a sniper, ominous and lethal. Without breaking eye contact, the assailant nonchalantly pointed the weapon in Hyun's direction. 

Hyun sensed an ominous presence behind him, but this time, it wasn't the familiar whistle of a bullet—it was the stealthy glide of a dagger. Without turning, he instinctively reached back and snagged the weapon mid-air, revealing the unseen threat that had been chasing Rae and the others.

"Even if they're not enemies, they still deserve to pay," Hyun muttered, his eyes narrowing with a blend of caution and resolve. He gripped the dagger, ready for whatever might come next. Meanwhile, the blonde adversary, undeterred by the unexpected turn, prepared to take another shot.

Hyun's sharp gaze flicked upward, assessing the looming danger. Timing the impending bullet with meticulous precision, he coiled his muscles and propelled himself into a powerful leap over the person who had thrown the dagger. Simultaneously, he executed a swift kick, the arc of his movement carefully orchestrated to coincide with the fired bullet.

In that suspended moment mid-air, Hyun navigated the battlefield like a seasoned acrobat, evading the oncoming shot with calculated finesse. As he landed gracefully,

"Perfect, one down," Hyun mused, a wry smile playing on his lips. He retrieved his phone once more, examining the two photos and the accompanying information. It detailed that these two enemies were tasked with eliminating Hyun and the other three.

"Am I here to fight or collect information? But now I wonder how they even know about me," he pondered, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. Undeterred, he jumped onto the fallen adversary's lifeless form before propelling himself backward onto the lamppost. From this vantage point, he surveyed the area below, scanning for any sign of the remaining threats.

Meanwhile, Rae, Mira, and Mae were engaged in their own debate. Rae, concerned for Hyun's safety, suggested, "Should we go down and help?"

Mae, however, held a more cautious stance. "No, stay here. I'm sure he can manage," she reassured, her eyes fixed on Hyun's nimble movements below. "It's better if we stay hidden. We don't want the enemy to know we're here or working with Hyun." The trio, perched above, observed the unfolding spectacle, wrestling with the decision to intervene or maintain the strategic advantage of remaining concealed.

"Hmm, where did the other two go?" Hyun pondered, gracefully leaping off the lamppost just as another bullet whizzed past. He scanned the surroundings, attempting to pinpoint the whereabouts of his remaining adversaries. "Shit, they went up there," Hyun realized with a surge of urgency, eyes narrowing as he gazed upward at the building where the three figures were hidden.

Retreating strategically, he skillfully maneuvered backward, dodging successive bullets aimed in his direction. Each evasive step contributed to the intricate dance between hunter and hunted in the heart of the urban battlefield, as Hyun endeavored to outwit the unseen assailants poised above. The cityscape echoed with the staccato rhythm of gunfire, the tension escalating with each precisely timed move.

Meanwhile, the other three cautiously ascended the long spiral stairs, their senses on high alert. Suddenly, a small note drifted down, landing atop Mae's head. Squinting at the note, she read the bold letters: 'BOOM.' Confusion clouded her expression until realization struck. "Jump out of the window!" she urgently shouted, swiftly turning back around.

The trio wasted no time. They rushed to the window and leaped into the unknown just as the bomb went off. The force propelled them forward through the air, and their bodies arced gracefully against the city backdrop.

Simultaneously, Hyun, still engaged in the intricate dance with the assailants above, skillfully avoided the last bullet. As he landed behind the lamppost, his attention snapped to the three figures hurtling through the air. Reacting swiftly, he caught Mae in his arms, ensuring her safe landing before releasing her. The other two quickly followed each landing securely in Hyun's steady grasp, a seamless choreography amid chaos. The city echoed with the aftermath of the explosion.

The four of them surveyed the now-empty street, grappling with the unfolding chaos. "Where's Mikhail? I thought he followed," Hyun muttered, his eyes flicking upward toward the figure of the blond adversary, who had come to a standstill. Behind him, not too far away, Mikhail emerged from the shadows.

"When did he get up there?" Rae questioned, puzzled by Mikhail's sudden appearance. She exchanged glances with Hyun, whose left hand subtly reached behind his back, deftly retrieving the dagger. An unspoken understanding passed between them.

Hyun's discreet hand signal prompted an instant response from the group. Like shadows scattering in different directions, they split, each member veering off to a distinct path. Hyun, with a swift and calculated move, entered the building adjacent to the one where the blond adversary lurked.

Dashing up the stairs, he purposefully bypassed the elevator, taking the faster route to the rooftop. Cautiously navigating the ascent, he reached the rooftop's edge, keenly aware of the looming presence of the blond adversary. Hyun positioned himself in the corner, eyes scanning the area.

In a seamless exchange, he hurled the dagger toward Mikhail, who adeptly caught it without missing a beat. With swift precision, Mikhail wasted no time, sending the dagger hurtling toward the blond adversary. The distraction created by the ongoing gunfire worked to their advantage, giving Mikhail the perfect opportunity to retaliate. The metallic whir of the spinning dagger filled the air as it sailed through the distance, aimed with deadly accuracy at the adversary who was preoccupied with gunfire.

The blond adversary swiftly twisted around, deftly catching the dagger mid-air. In a countermove, they shot it back towards Mikhail, who skillfully caught the projectile. However, the blondie's attempt to retaliate with gunfire was thwarted by the realization that the ammunition had been depleted.

A subtle smirk played on Hyun's lips. "I'm so smart," he mused internally, a fleeting moment of self-congratulation before his expression reverted to its usual composed state. The rooftop tableau stood frozen, each participant in the intricate dance of danger recalibrating their strategies in the absence of bullets. The city skyline framed the unfolding drama, a silent witness to the clash of wits and skill high above the bustling streets.

With the rooftop as their battleground, the confrontation intensified between the blond adversary and Mikhail. The air crackled with tension as the two adversaries circled each other, both acutely aware of the limited resources at their disposal.

Mikhail, armed with the retrieved dagger, moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior. He lunged forward, executing a swift series of feints and slashes. The blondie matched his every move, their movements a blur of calculated precision. The dagger danced through the air, deflecting each attempted strike with a metallic clang.

In a sudden flourish, Mikhail executed a mesmerizing spin, sending the dagger on a looping trajectory. The blondie, anticipating the move, contorted their body in a gravity-defying twist, avoiding the weapon's path. The dagger returned to Mikhail's hand seamlessly, a testament to his expert control.

Undeterred, the blond adversary retaliated with a lightning-fast combination of kicks and punches, showcasing a fluidity in their movements. Mikhail skillfully dodged and parried, each evasive maneuver a testament to his agility. The rhythm of the fight echoed through the rooftop, a symphony of clashes and near misses.

The climax of the duel unfolded with breathtaking speed. Mikhail, seizing an opening, executed a daring leap, closing the distance between them. The blondie countered with a skillful backflip, narrowly avoiding Mikhail's strike. The rooftop echoed with the thud of landing as both combatants assessed the unfolding stalemate.

In a brief respite, both Mikhail and Hyun stepped apart, locking eyes for a fleeting second. The rooftop stood as a stage for the impending clash, the cityscape below bearing witness to the charged atmosphere between them. Meanwhile, the blond adversary seized the opportunity, lunging at Mikhail in a relentless assault.

Mikhail, however, proved agile and strategic. With a deft sidestep, he gracefully avoided the oncoming attack, the blondie's momentum carrying them past their intended target. It was a dance of evasion, a choreography of movement that showcased Mikhail's prowess in the midst of combat.

Seizing the momentum, Hyun sprang into action. Leaping across the gap to the adjacent building, he joined the unfolding scene with calculated precision. As the blond adversary had their back turned, Hyun executed a gravity-defying jump, tapping the heel of his foot to the ground with practiced finesse. The concealed knife was revealed, poised for a strike.

"Come save your companion I know you're here" Hyun called out.