Someone new

"Aww, how adorable dead already darling," she cooed, her voice tinged with macabre amusement, as she surveyed the lifeless figure sprawled before her. Her head tilted to the side, a dark streak of blood marring her cheek, and she deftly withdrew the dagger from the corpse, crimson pooling on the ground beneath.

As her phone emitted a soft 'ring' in her pocket, she nonchalantly brushed it aside, choosing to focus on her immediate surroundings. With measured steps, she moved away from the grisly scene, her matte hair dancing in the wind as she navigated the narrow alleyway, leaving the echoes of the sinister encounter behind.

"Hello," she murmured, reclining comfortably and wiping her cheek with a tissue, the air of indifference contrasting with the dark energy lingering in the air.

"Xena, you have a new mission," a voice declared over the phone.

Arching an eyebrow, she retorted, "Oh, who to eliminate this time?" A subtle smirk played on her lips, revealing a hint of her predatory nature.

The hurried response came, "Ah, no, no, no. You aren't killing this one. Not like you'll be able to, ha. All you're doing is watching over and passing information," dispelling any misconceptions that lingered.

"I will send you everything now; check your mail, and a word of caution before I depart: Do Not Try to mess with him. Just observe, maintain your distance," the command resonated before the call abruptly terminated.

Pondering the nature of her latest assignment, Xna wondered aloud, "Hmm, how bad can he be?" Her curiosity piqued, she delved into the agency's dossier on the subject:

Name: Jisung Hyun

Level: Special Agent

Age: 18

Family Background: Information pending

School: Gyeonggi Suwon International

Assigned to undercover duty in Russia, her task was to assimilate as a student, extracting vital intelligence without arousing suspicion. "Special agent, huh? Younger too. An agent at such an age, intriguing," she mused, tilting her head before nonchalantly stowing her phone and briskly departing the alley.

Meanwhile, in another part of the unfolding narrative, Hyun's departure prompted a swift response. "You coming or not? I'm leaving," he declared, donning his jacket and making a hasty exit.

"Hey, wait!" Mikhail's urgent plea echoed as he grabbed his own jacket, ensuring the door was securely locked in their wake.

As the immediate threat dissipated, Mira cautiously emerged from hiding, balancing on the fine line between curiosity and caution. Peering out, she discerned the absence of the adversaries, prompting her to eavesdrop discreetly, catching any snippets of information that might prove consequential.

Simultaneously, Mae and Rae surveyed the scene from a vantage point above, observing the adversaries in a huddle. Mae, the voice of reason, whispered, "If you hadn't let your anger get the best of you, this mess wouldn't be unfolding."

Rae, cool and collected, lollipop in mouth, responded dismissively, "Tsk, I don't know how to stay calm. Mira called Hyun here," casually extracting the lollipop from his mouth and playfully forcing it into Mae's, who now struggled to regain composure amid the unexpected intrusion.

"Ugh, what the heck," Mae complained, but her voice trailed off as she noticed someone gazing at her from the roof of the building in front.

"I don't want to keep it, sweetie," Rae murmured, attempting to walk away, but Mae quickly grabbed onto his hand.

"Hey, look, Hyun's there," Mae said, pulling back Rae, who nearly tripped in the process.

"What, already?" Rae was shocked, glancing out to see Hyun, who was now waving at them with a chilling smile. Simultaneously, he glared down at Mira, who was slowly navigating her way past the enemies and toward the entrance of the building where Rae and Mae were stationed.

Mae and Rae exchanged a quick glance, recognizing the gravity of the situation. Mae tightened her grip on Rae's hand, a silent understanding passing between them. As they observed Hyun's unnerving grin, an uneasy tension hung in the air.

Rae mumbled under her breath, "This isn't going to be an ordinary encounter, is it?" The impending confrontation loomed, and the unpredictable nature of Hyun's presence left them both on edge.

In a swift and seemingly effortless motion, Hyun leaped from the building, executing a gravity-defying descent with remarkable finesse. He landed with a perfect poise, the impact absorbed seamlessly by his athletic prowess. Mae and Rae, frozen in shock, gawked at the spectacle before them, their eyes wide with disbelief.

As the dust settled, Hyun stood unscathed, radiating an air of nonchalance. His composure remained undisturbed, and he seemed unfazed by the perilous descent. The enigmatic smile that played on his lips added an eerie charm to the scene.

Mira, having reached the entrance of the building, joined Mae and Rae in witnessing the unfolding spectacle. The trio stared in collective astonishment at Hyun, who stood before them as if defying the laws of gravity. The gravity of the situation intensified as they grappled with the realization that Hyun was no ordinary agent.

Hyun, meeting their gaze, remained unbothered by the fall. The air crackled with an unspoken tension, and an enigmatic aura surrounded him, leaving Mae, Rae, and Mira with more questions than answers. The stage was set for a confrontation that promised to be anything but ordinary.

"Wow, these shoes are insane, no fall damage at all," Hyun mused to himself, taking a moment to appreciate the remarkable footwear that allowed him to execute the gravity-defying leap effortlessly. His tone betrayed a hint of amusement, as if he was accustomed to such extraordinary feats.

"Is it me, or is the street suddenly empty? There's no one here, and there were gunshots. Is no one going to report this?" Hyun wondered aloud, his gaze scanning the eerily deserted street. The usual bustling urban scene had transformed into an unsettling calm.

"I swear I saw someone here just a second ago," he continued, a note of perplexity in his voice. The realization dawned on him that the situation was more than meets the eye. The inexplicable emptiness of the street raised more questions, adding to the enigma surrounding the unfolding events. Hyun's keen perception hinted at an underlying mystery, setting the stage for a narrative that defied the conventional norms of a bustling city.