Already starting

"I'm a good distraction aren't I" he mumbled jumping up from his seat. The surrounding whispers gradually subsided into a low drone as his attention was drawn to a ticking sound that steadily grew louder. It was a bomb, set up by the enemy just a few hours ago, and now, a mere 20 seconds remained.

Adrenaline surged through his veins, honing his senses to a razor's edge. Across the room, he spotted his target - a stack of slightly curled papers. He moved with the stealth and speed of a predator stalking its prey, his footsteps barely making a sound.

He reached out and grasped the papers, their rough texture against his skin. He didn't bother to inspect them. With the papers now secure, he turned his attention to the window. The glass pane shimmered under the dim light, the only thing standing between him and his escape. He sprinted towards it, his heart pounding in rhythm with the ticking bomb.

As the final tick echoed, he made his leap. The world outside rushed to greet him as the glass shattered, the force of the explosion propelling him forward. The whistling of the wind quickly replaced the deafening roar of the blast as he made his daring escape, leaving behind nothing but chaos and the echo of a blast. The game was far from over, and the players were just getting started.

Mikhail darted to the other side of the room, skillfully avoiding the shards of glass that littered the floor. By the time he reached the other side, the blonde-haired individual had vanished, leaving no trace behind. "Hey, are you okay?" Mikhail questioned, his voice laced with worry. He bent over, hands on his knees, as he tried to catch his breath.

"Of course, I am. Told ya," came the nonchalant reply. A thoughtful expression crossed my face as i added, "Hmm, it's probably better to get somewhere before we get into trouble. Come to think of it, where did the barista go?"

A quick scan of the street confirmed his suspicion. "There seems to be no one here. Suspicious. Let's go," he suggested, his gaze falling on the papers in Mikhail's hand. "And pass me the papers," he added, extending his hand to take them.

(Time skip)

Hyun cautiously walked through dimly lit alleyways, surrounded by narrow pathways that seemed to close in. Elongated shadows danced on the walls, and the air carried an unsettling tension. Wary glances from locals hinted at an undercurrent of danger. Vigilant eyes tracked Hyun's every move in the labyrinthine streets.

Approaching the rendezvous point, Mikhail's stern voice cut through uneasy silence " Come in" he commanded "Quickly".

Inside the secret meeting spot, the room was surprisingly spacious and well-lit, a far cry from the narrow, dim alleys outside. Flickering lightbulbs cast gentle shadows on the faces of the diverse group gathered there. Despite its discreet location, the room had a comfortable and sophisticated vibe, a stark difference from the urban decay visible through its hidden entrance.

Mikhail's authoritative presence added a sense of urgency to the atmosphere. The room's size and design provided a welcome contrast to the outside chaos, creating a quiet and strategic space for the team to gather and plan their mission discreetly.

"Make yourself comfortable, and before that, call the rest of your team. Ensure their safety," Mikhail's instructions hung in the air. Hyun swiftly complied, dialing numbers that echoed in the confined space, setting the stage for the unfolding drama.

Meanwhile, on the city outskirts, Rae sprinted through chaotic alleys, breath ragged. Relentless pursuit pushed him to endurance limits. Evading gunfire, Rae realized Hyun's prowess set an unforeseen standard for their adversaries.

"Ruun, you shit!" Rae's frustration mixed with desperation. Bullets whizzed, a constant reminder of imminent danger. Mira strategically closed the gap in pursuit, senses heightened.

The pursuers' leader barked orders, cutting through the urban cacophony. "Keep following! Don't lose them!" Urgency intensified the relentless pursuit.

Mae, under fire, felt a searing pain as a bullet grazed her shoulder. Undeterred, she pressed on, determined to overcome stacked odds. Once-bustling streets transformed into a battleground, bystanders oblivious.

Mira, quickening pace, noted the Russian gunfire's intensity. Bystanders remained nonchalant.

"What's up with Russian bullets in broad daylight, and no one cares," she muttered, finally pulling out her phone and answering the call. "HELLO, WHERE ARE YOU?" she screamed, turning into an alleyway and hiding behind a dumpster to evade the enemies.

"I'm with Mikhail at his base. What about you? I hear bullets in the background. Need help?" Hyun questioned, settling into a comfy chair.

"Well, of course, we do," she whispered as an enemy passed by. She shuffled back, holding her hand to her mouth, catching her breath.

"I don't know where we are. Quickly track down our location and come. I'm sure you aren't that far away," she urged. By now, the enemies had moved on. Rae and Mae ran inside a random building, climbing the stairs and peering down at the enemies who had regrouped in a circle.

"Ok, just wait, I'm coming," Hyun replied, ending the call and pulling up the tracker app to locate their positions.

"What are you doing?" Mikhail asked with a curious look.

"Did you not listen to my conversation on the phone just now? I'm tracking down the other three; they seem to be in trouble," Hyun answered, rushing to his suitcase. He unzipped it, pulling out a black turtleneck, cargo pants, and plain black army boots.

"Wait, you're going alone? What if something happens?" Mikhail threw questions at Hyun, who had already dashed into the bathroom. In just 10 seconds, he emerged, kicking the heel of his foot to the sofa. Instantly, a knife came sliding out from the bottom of his shoe.

"If you want to come, watch, you can, but no getting involved unless something happens," Hyun instructed, tucking a clear-black diamond dagger securely behind his back.