Already dead

Hyun was taken aback as Mikhail casually tossed him the gun. "For me? Are you out of your mind? Why would you give me this?" Hyun retorted, throwing it back with a look of disbelief etched on his face.

Just then, a drunk individual stumbled into the alleyway, slurring incoherently and clumsily sliding down the wall. He threw a bottle, which shattered upon impact, the shards of glass scattering across the grimy pavement.

"Why do you ask?" Mikhail responded, his gaze shifting to the drunk individual. He pointed the gun at him, tilting his head slightly, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation.

Hyun chuckled and looked away. "You remind me of my father," he mumbled under his breath. He gathered his belongings and started to walk away, but then stopped and turned back around, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the alleyway. Mikhail had fired the gun, and blood began to flow like a waterfall.

Hyun couldn't help but laugh, clutching his stomach. "Why on earth am I laughing?" he wondered, rolling his eyes. "I think you've mistaken me for someone else," he said, trying to maintain his cover.

"I don't think so," Mikhail retorted, pouting slightly as he tossed the gun back to Hyun. This time, Hyun caught it and examined it, his fingers tracing over the cold metal.

"I wonder if anyone heard that shot," Hyun mused aloud. "Come to think of it, I don't even know who you are. Care to enlighten me?" he asked, removing the bullets from the gun with practiced ease.

"I'm Mikhail Chernov," Mikhail replied, pulling out an ID card and showing it to Hyun, who was lost in thought.

"Whatever, you can handle this. I've wasted enough time here," Hyun grumbled, cleaning the gun and tossing it back to Mikhail. He then grabbed his belongings, pulled out his phone, dialed Mira's number, and walked away. The game of cat and mouse continued, with each player carefully planning their next move.

Hyun grumbled to himself, "The boss is such an idiot."

On the other end of the line, Mira picked up. "Hello, did anything happen?" she asked.

"Um, you assigned the wrong person," Hyun complained, walking down the street. He felt someone following him closely and then his phone pinged.

"I don't think I did," Mira replied. "Did you get a notification? Check it," she instructed.

Hyun clicked on the notification and read through the report. "Wait, that was my partner? The HQ can be so confusing sometimes," he mumbled to himself. He turned around and came face-to-face with the same person.

"Oh hi," Mikhail greeted him with a smirk. "Told you I didn't assign the wrong person," he said. "And sorry for annoying you on the plane. You're quite interesting, you see. I had to ask some questions," he apologized with a slight bow.

"It's fine," Hyun replied abruptly, ending the call. "So, do you have anything to eat?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

"Uh, yes, of course. There's a cafe around the corner," Mikhail replied with a smile, swiftly turning back around. "Just follow me. The walk home is a bit long, so let's eat here first," he suggested.

(at the cafe)

"What do you want?" Mikhail asked pulling out his wallet.

"Anything will do" Hyun replied making himself comfortable on the chair plopping his head down in frustration.

"Ok then 2 cheesecakes please and 2 iced americanos"

"I want a coffee," Hyun said closing his eyes.

"Just one Americano and a coffee, thank you"

"again sorry for the disturbance, you are smart you know saying you passed the test" Mikhail started setting the food on the table.

"Smart how I was so confused and fuck tests I almost exploded and nearly had a heart attack" Hyun replied sipping on his tea and blinking intensely.

"Since it's your first mission we had to test you a little that's why we gave you a bit of information" Mikhail mumbled retreating a bit backwards after seeing Hyun's intense blinking.

"Anyways so what's next" Questioned Hyun sipping his tea and at the same time gazing behind Mikhail's shoulder and at a man with blonde hair staring back at him with a smirk. 

Hyun, with a knowing look on his face, mused aloud, "Hmm, we are already being spied on, huh?" He flashed a smile at the person spying on them before turning back to Mikhail, who instantly understood the situation.

"Shit, already?" Mikhail murmured, his eyes darting around the empty cafe. He rose from his seat, hastily finishing the last bit of his cheesecake. "Hey, quickly finish eating if you don't want to get exploded," he whispered urgently.

However, Hyun seemed unfazed. Leaning back in his chair, he complained, "Hmm, no, I want to eat peacefully." He stuffed another spoonful of food into his mouth, pouting slightly at Mikhail's scared expression.

"Please listen," Mikhail pleaded quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.

But Hyun was confident. "I have a plan. Don't worry, I have been in this situation before," he reassured Mikhail, winking at him with a smirk before his face turned to a look of disgust.

Meanwhile, the person spying on them seemed intrigued. "Finally, someone interesting," he mused, his gaze fixed on Hyun.

"Hey, get out fast," Hyun instructed Mikhail, pulling his chair out a bit and reaching into his jacket.

"But-" Mikhail tried to plead, but Hyun cut him off. "Just go," he said with an annoyed face, leaving no room for argument.

Now, only Hyun and the mysterious individual remained in the cafe. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and outside, Mikhail watched anxiously from the window, trying to gauge the situation inside.

"Exploded, huh?" Hyun smirked as he heard a beep sound. The other person rose from his seat, a look of surprise crossing his face.

"I always wanted to know how it would feel like to be exploded," Hyun declared, his voice echoing in the silence of the cafe. The person looked at Hyun, disbelief etched on his face.

"All I can tell you is, you won't survive," the person retorted, rolling his eyes dismissively.

Meanwhile, at the headquarters, chaos ensued.

"Wait, what the fuck is he doing?" Seungwoo shouted, his face contorted in disbelief. "You all have to come to see this," he called out loudly, and instantly, everyone came running.

"This again? I won't be surprised if he dies. Last time it was just luck," Sulgi complained, throwing in her opinion amidst the commotion.

"Die? My bro is a complete psycho," Lucas said, trying to keep his face neutral. "Nothing can harm him, ha," he added, a hint of admiration seeping into his voice. The situation was tense, and everyone was on edge, waiting to see what would happen next.

(back at the cafe)

"3, 2, 1," Hyun counted down slowly, his eyes fixed on the mysterious individual who was now walking out of the cafe. A smile was etched on the person's face, a sign of overconfidence perhaps. "This will be easy," the person mused, seemingly assured of their victory.

However, they halted abruptly, a realization dawning upon him. as he had forgotten something crucial in the cafe. "This brat, he used me as a distraction," the person muttered under their breath, a hint of annoyance creeping into their voice as he turned back.