
"What?" Hyun asked, feigning confusion as he tilted his head and blinked innocently. "Am I being too obvious?" he wondered, turning his attention away from Mikhail. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a notebook.

As he flipped it open and began to scan the pages, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. He glanced at Mikhail, whose expression had turned serious. Seeing this, Hyun responded with a wry smile before quickly turning back to his notebook. 

"You interesting huh" Mikhail chimed pulling down the food plate in front of him and leaning on it to face Hyun with a flirty grin. "What are you reading? looks interesting, did you write it? He interrogated while inspecting Hyun's surroundings.

"I guess I can tell him a little" Hyun thought with a little smirk forming on his face "This I wrote it" Huyn started explaining flipping to the first page and holding it up "It's a little novel I'm writing based on How I would brutally murder people" Hyun finished, tilting his head and gazing from behind the book to see Mikahils reaction.

"Interesting," Mikhail murmured, snatching the book from Hyun's hands and began slowly reading it, going back to his original position leaning his head, and hovering the book over his face reading it.

"Uhh I never said you could read it" Hyun began snatching the book bag and stuffing it back into his bag. 

Complete silence

Hyun glanced over at Mikhail, who was now peacefully sleeping against the window, his face turned towards Hyun. "This is going to drive me insane," Hyun thought, the frustration evident in his gaze. The quiet hum of the plane and the soft breathing of the sleeping Mikhail were the only sounds in the otherwise silent cabin. 

"Hmm guess I can think of another plan while then" Hyun rested back curling his lips "From their faces I can -already tell that there is no hideout, Ha so no place to stay great" Hyun gathered the idea making a displeased face.

"What you thinking" Mikhail jumped in making Hyun jump back a bit.

"Nothing, none of your business" Hyun replied shuffling his head a bit to the side.

"What's your job?" Mikhail asked going back to his pose and leaning on the tray table.

"Job what excuse should I make" Hyun questioned to himself. "Why do you want to know mind your own business," Hyun said "Wait but then he will know that I'm trying to hide my identity since I write..."

"I'm a proofreader and editor," Hyun quickly responded, trying to keep his cover intact. "What about you?"

"Me? I'm a police officer," Mikhail replied, sizing Hyun up with a curious gaze. "You seem quite young to be traveling alone. Don't you have anyone with you?"

"No, I'm 22. I know I look younger than my age, but I'm not alone. I'm traveling with my sister," Hyun answered, casting a glance at Mira who was subtly eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Ah, that makes sense. But why Russia?" Mikhail inquired further.

"Well, that's a long story. But to cut it short, we're kind of in a bind right now; we don't have a place to stay," Hyun confessed, hoping to keep the conversation casual.

"I can help if you want?," Mikhail asked casually.

"Ha just what I wanted," Hyun thought "Uhh I will ask first then I will tell you" Hyun replied with a manipulating smile.

"you remind of someone" Hyun started


"ah no one tell you later"

(Time skip, Airport)

"Finally, we're here," May sighed, stretching her arms and shooting a glare at Hyun, who quickly stepped away. "Why did you tell him that? I thought the plan was for us three to work together and you would tail Mikhail alone," she questioned, glancing over her shoulder to ensure no one was eavesdropping.

"Don't worry, the youngest is often the smartest," Hyun winked at her. "Mira, come with me and bring your documents, just in case," he instructed, before darting off towards the right.

"Wait, what about…" Mira began, but Hyun was already out of earshot. She quickly followed him.

"You know what to do, right?" Hyun asked as they moved.

"Yeah, just the usual acting," she replied, shuffling through the papers in her hand. 

Hyun felt a wave of disgust wash over him as he reached out to tap Mikhail's shoulder. Mikhail was nonchalantly sitting on the floor, leaning against a pillar. "Are you waiting?" Hyun asked, casting a glance at Mira who was still brainstorming excuses.

"Damn, mom's going to kill us," Mira muttered under her breath, flipping anxiously through the papers.

"Fuck" He murmured under his breath making a face at Mira, Feeling Mikhail's gaze wash over him.

"Yeah, I'm waiting. So, you found a place to stay?" Mikhail asked, his annoyance barely masked by the smile on his face. "I was informed the new spy would be a rookie. Seems like I was mistaken. Now I'm stuck dealing with this enigma," he mused internally.

Hyun couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. "Looks like my plan is already in motion. I'm smarter than I thought," he silently congratulated himself, observing Mikhail's expressions. "Indeed, we need a place to stay. But for now, it's just me. My sister has other tasks to attend to," he explained.

"Alright then, follow me. But be prepared, we'll have to walk," Mikhail responded, gathering his belongings and standing up, ready to lead the way.

"Alright, shoo! Go do what you need to," Hyun instructed Mira. "Wait, give me your number," he added quickly, turning back to her.

"Hurry up," she whispered back before rushing off to join Rae and May who were waiting.

"So, how long of a walk is it?" Hyun asked, moving a bit closer to Mikhail.

"About 4 hours," Mikhail replied nonchalantly, pulling out his phone as it buzzed.

"Four hours isn't too bad. I wonder how things are back home," Hyun mused aloud, lost in his thoughts.

"My home? Well, my mom doesn't know that we're in Russia. We came here secretly, but then something unexpected happened," Hyun replied, hoping to divert any suspicion. "If I share a bit of personal information, he might be less likely to think I'm a spy," he thought to himself.

"Hmm, interesting," Mikhail remarked, pulling out a gun and firing a shot at Hyun, who swiftly dodged the attack.

"What on earth was that for?" Hyun exclaimed, taking a step back. His surprise quickly turned into confusion as he noticed the bright smile spreading across Mikhail's face.