Let me beat you

"Ha, what the hell, this woman," Hyun thought to himself, "Don't blame me for this." He slowly lifted his hand, landing a punch on May's face that sent her flying back. "Just because you're a woman doesn't mean I'll go easy on you," he stated, opening his eyes but remaining in the same position.

"Ouch! What the heck was that?" May exclaimed, recoiling in surprise.

"He's got some muscle," Rae observed, eyeing Hyun with an amused smirk.

"Seems like you've got some competition," Mira whispered to Rae, her head tilted in curiosity. "You're pulling off the disguise pretty well. Any issues?" She asked, gently removing Rae's arm from her shoulder.

"Why do I have to pretend to be a girl again?" Rae grumbled, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Beats me, just following orders," Mira shrugged, moving towards May.

Hyun slowly rose, pulling out his phone to check the time. "Only 5 minutes left," he thought, "I hope I don't end up sitting next to any of them." With that, he walked off.

"Where's he off to?" Rae wondered aloud, glancing at her watch. "Oh, five minutes. Let's get moving," she announced, trailing behind Hyun.

Hyun was deep in thought, mentally cataloging the information he had gathered. "One's cross-dressing(Is a male pretending), one's a Japanese spy, and one's Russian. Did the agency even think this through?" He mused, watching the trio from a distance.

(Time skip to inside the plane)

Hyun blinked at his ticket, disoriented. "Did I suddenly go blind? Where on earth is seat C2?" He spun around, scanning the aisle behind him. "Ah, there it is," he muttered, making his way over. But to his dismay, someone was already occupying his seat.

"Great, just my luck. I booked a window seat for some peace and quiet, and someone's already claimed it," Hyun grumbled to himself. "Should I ask them to move?" He pondered, weighing his options.

"Better not to stir the pot. Don't want to start a scene or my eyes will go all red," Hyun decided, settling into the seat next to the stranger. "Oh, I need to take off these contacts," he remembered.

"Great, my battery's dead and my laptop's in my suitcase… just perfect," Hyun sighed, leaning back in his seat.

The person next to him turned with a flirtatious grin. "Hey, stop staring, it's annoying," Hyun snapped, his smile strained and his eyes twitching slightly.

"I like your eyes," the stranger complimented, smiling back.

"Thanks, I'm not interested," Hyun retorted, returning the smile before turning away.

"You're quite rude, darling," the stranger remarked, turning back to gaze out the window.

"By the way, you do realize you're in my seat?" Hyun asked, glaring at the stranger.

"Ha, I knew, but you didn't say anything, so…" the stranger shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ugh," Hyun grumbled, leaning back and closing his eyes. "Why does this feel so familiar?" he wondered. "Typical spy stuff, I guess. Flirt with the target, hide your true identity, and gather as much information as possible." He cast a sidelong glance at the stranger, taking in their appearance. "Best to avoid any unnecessary conversation and keep my distance," he decided, rising from his seat and heading towards the restroom. "I'll just hang out in there for a bit, then pretend to sleep for the rest of the flight," he planned, disappearing into the restroom. 

"Ugh, what am I supposed to do now?" Hyun pondered, leaning against the restroom wall.

(5 minutes later)

"I'm surprised no one else needed the restroom," Hyun mumbled, opening the door. But before he could step out, someone pushed him back inside, quickly shutting the door behind them. "What the… who…" Hyun's words trailed off as he found himself face-to-face with Rae.

"Get off me!" Hyun protested, pushing Rae away.

"Oh, sorry. Just to be clear, I'm not gay. But since…" Rae began, only to be cut off by Hyun.

"'Gay'? What are you talking about?" Hyun asked, tilting his head in confusion. "So, he knows I've figured out he's pretending to be a girl. But it'll be more fun if I play dumb. Still, none of this makes sense. Is the boss trying to trick me, or is it these three?" Hyun lost himself in his thoughts.

Rae waved a hand in front of Hyun's face, who was still deep in thought. "Hello? Earth to Hyun?" Rae asked, then started to wonder. "Wait, has he not figured it out yet? He doesn't seem to be pretending." He shrugged. "Guess we'll find out soon enough."

"Before you start bombarding me with questions, let me clarify something. The person you were chatting with earlier is our target, 'Mikail Yozkova'. It's a bit unnerving that he seems to know you're a spy and that we're after him. He might know a lot about us, but we know next to nothing about him or the mission," Rae explained.

"But how can you be so sure he knows I'm a spy? You could be mistaken," Hyun countered. "But don't worry, I'll do my best to find out. If he doesn't know I'm a spy, I'll find ways to stick close to him for information."

"But what if he's pretending too?" Rae questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Then that's even better for me. Either way, don't worry, I'll handle it," Hyun reassured her. "I have a plan."

"What plan?" Rae asked, leaning back.

"We'll work separately. I'll tail and deal with Mikhail while you guys gather information from his accomplices. Any info about the missile, even a blueprint, would be useful. We'll share all the gathered info and report it back to HQ," he explained.

"Hmm, it's not the best plan, but I guess it works. What if you get caught?" Rae added.

"I'll handle it. It's better if only one of us gets in trouble. At least the rest of you will be safe," Hyun replied. "Let's stick to this plan for now. We can always change it later if we need to."

"Knock, knock! Whoever's in there, could you hurry up, please?" A voice echoed from outside the restroom door.

"Oh, shoot!" Rae muttered under her breath, startled by the sudden knock.

"Who asked you to come in here? You could've told me all this later," Hyun grumbled, clearly annoyed. Without wasting another second, he flung the door open and darted out, swift as a shadow, making sure the person outside couldn't see him. Rae followed suit, but at a slower pace, to give the impression that there was only one person in the restroom. 

"Hmm good teamwork" Mikhail smirked gazing at Hyun who quickly settled down in his seat.