3 Dangers and One Hurricane

Hyun's early morning departure was a scene of quiet determination. With his ID, passes, and certificate securely packed, he gave his luggage one final check before zipping it up. The early hour, 3:50 AM to be precise, did nothing to dampen his resolve. With everything in order, he opened the door, cautiously looking left and right before tiptoeing down the stairs. Once outside, he quickened his pace.

"Of all the people, I didn't expect Seungwoo to be waiting for me," Hyun mused to himself, making his way over to the red car. He quickly stuffed his luggage in the back and slid into the front seat.

Seung sat motionless, his gaze lost in the fog ahead, his head tilted towards the window. Hyun waved his hand in front of Seung's face, but there was no response. "What in the world…" Hyun muttered aloud, a look of confusion crossing his face.

He then snapped his fingers in front of Seung's face, "Hey, Sleeping Beauty! Wake up!" But Seung remained as still as a statue. Hyun couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, this is one way to start a mission," he chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "With a partner who's more interested in counting sheep than being a spy".

"No more than a second later, Seung's eyes were closed. "I still have an hour, let me sleep," he murmured, zipping up his jacket and stretching out his legs into a comfortable position. Hyun stared at Seung, disbelief written all over his face. "Dude, wake up! I didn't wake up this early for nothing and…" Hyun's words trailed off as he realized that Seung was already fast asleep. 

 "You fucking Song" With a resigned sigh, Hyun got out of the car and opened the driver's door. He gently lifted Seung, who was still in a deep sleep and moved him to the passenger side. "Deep sleeper, huh?" Hyun muttered, a hint of annoyance in his voice. But then, a mischievous grin spread across his face. "Well, looks like I'm driving now," he declared, sliding into the driver's seat. With one last glance at the peacefully sleeping Seung. 

"Alright, let's hit the road," Hyun declared, starting the car. They were off in no time, and after a few minutes, Hyun rolled down the window on Seung's side. The cool breeze rushed in, causing Seung's eyelids to flutter open. "Look who's finally awake," Hyun chimed, a smirk playing on his lips.

Seung looked around, disoriented. "Wait, what the…" He trailed off as he noticed they were almost at the airport. He pulled out his phone, his brows furrowing in confusion. "Just how long has it been?" he asked, glancing at Hyun.

"About an hour and a half," Hyun replied nonchalantly, his focus unwavering from the road.

"Stop! Stop the car! Do you even know how to drive?" Seung exclaimed, his breaths coming in short, rapid bursts.

"Shut up, Song," Hyun retorted dismissively. "What does it look like?" He asked.

"Well, uh…" Seung's voice trailed off as a sudden thought interrupted him. "Oh, I almost forgot to give you this," he said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a passport and some other documents, handing them to Hyun.

"There you go. You'll need these at the airport." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Wait, aren't you coming with me?" Hyun questioned a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Nope, I was only here to drop you off. But I have another mission after this," Seung replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Ah, look, we're already here," he said, gazing at the airport. "Your team will be waiting."

"What do you mean they're in Korea?" Hyun asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"Umm, yeah, you'll get an explanation later. Now go," Seung directed, opening the door and making his way to the back to retrieve Hyun's luggage.

"Thanks," Hyun said, before quickly grabbing his belongings and rushing off.


"The boss did say I'd be able to recognize them as soon as I walk in," Hyun mused, pulling out his phone to check the time. "5:00. Still half an hour left." Deciding to make use of the wait, he added, "Let's just rest for a while then." With that, Hyun put his phone away and walked over to a nearby bench, settling down comfortably to wait.



"Ugh, hurry up! We're going to be late. I bet Hyun is already here waiting," May complained, tossing her bag out the window before opening the door and picking it up.

"Tsk, this woman," Rae muttered under her breath, grabbing her things from the back.

"Hey, wait for me, May!" Mira shouted, running after her.

"Sorry about that. How much was it?" Rae asked the driver calmly.

"That'll be 20 thousand won."

"Here you go. Thanks for the ride," Rae said, giving a quick bow before running after the others. "Ugh, these twins," she grumbled under her breath. "I SAID WAIT"

"I don't see him anywhere…" May's voice trailed off as she spotted Hyun, his head tilted back in rest.

"Hey, you lot," Rae called out, finally catching up.

"Oh, look, he's there. Cute, huh? Remember yesterday's agreement?" Mira asked, a cheeky smile playing on her lips.

"Yeah," May replied, her eyes fixed on Hyun.

"Don't tell me…" Rae interrupted, positioning herself between the two and resting her elbows on their shoulders.

"Yes, and I'm going first," May declared, quickly darting towards the resting Hyun and hovering over his face.

"Ha, what the hell, this woman," Hyun thought to himself, "Don't blame me for this." He slowly lifted his hand, landing a punch on May's face that sent her flying back. "Just because you're a woman doesn't mean I'll go easy on you," he stated, opening his eyes but remaining in the same position.