Happy shit birthday

"Uhh, happy birthday!" The room echoed with the awkward chorus as everyone took in Hyun's irritated expression.

"You seem to be in a sour mood," Hoshi mumbled, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Of course, I am," Hyun retorted, his gaze fixed on Hoshi. "You, come with me," he demanded, pointing a stern finger at Hoshi.

"But you need to come back," Ariya protested, her voice rising above the chatter as she cut the cake. But her words fell on deaf ears as Hyun turned his back and ascended the stairs.

"Not without a slice of cake," Hoshi said, swiftly picking up a slice and stuffing it into his mouth. He swallowed quickly, then turned and dashed after Hyun, the other two fell to a silence.

Ariya and Ryung exchanged a glance, their eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, if they're not going to have the cake, we will!" they declared in unison, their voices echoing in the now quiet room. Without wasting another moment, they both reached for the cake, their laughter filling the room as they began to dig in. But soon turned quiet and awkward.

Ryung and Ariya could only speculate about the sudden turn of events as they continued to enjoy the cake. Their curiosity piqued, but they knew better than to interfere in Hyun's business.

Meanwhile, in a more secluded part of the house, Hoshi had made himself comfortable in a chair, his eyes on Hyun. "So, why did you call me here?" he asked, his tone casual despite the serious atmosphere.

Hyun leaned against the wall, his expression serious. "I was called into the office today," he began, his voice steady. "The boss has given me a mission. I'm to go to Russia." He paused for a moment before adding, "The rest of the details are on these pages." With that, he tossed a stack of papers toward Hoshi, who caught them mid-air. The room fell silent as Hoshi began to read.

Hoshi's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait…wait…wait, you're going alone?" he asked, the shock evident in his voice.

Hyun simply nodded. "Yeah, seems like it," he replied nonchalantly.

"But you have a team. I guess it makes sense if all you're doing is gathering information, but it seems dangerous. What if you get caught? You can't even speak Russian," Hoshi pointed out, his concern for his friend clear.

Hyun shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "I can speak a bit of Russian. I think I'll be able to blend in really well. No wonder I'm the only one chosen for this mission," he replied confidently. 

"Anyway, I need to start packing," Hyun said, his gaze shifting towards the window. "The boss mentioned that I can leave on my own without Ryung knowing anything. He assured me that he would cover for me if anything goes wrong." He paused, a thoughtful expression on his face. "But I don't fully trust him. So, I need you to come up with an excuse, just in case." He finished

"Wait but what excuse am I meant to make" Hoshi questioned looking up.

"We'll see, I suppose," Hyun responded, his tone nonchalant as he swung open the wardrobe and pulled out a suitcase. He began to gather his weapons, his movements methodical and precise. "I need you to flip those papers over and read the instructions out loud for me," he instructed, not taking his eyes off his task.

"Flip?" Hoshi echoed, his brow furrowing in confusion. He did as he was told, flipping the pages over and gazing down at the instructions written on the other side.

"So, your assigned team consists of Viktoriya Agapov, Yelizaveta Ilyin, and Elmira Ilyin," Hoshi began, his eyes scanning the pages in front of him. "You'll be landing in Moscow, but the exact location isn't specified. I'm assuming the team already has a hideout set up. Interestingly, you won't be under any disguise, which means you can move around freely."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Your main target is Mikhail Yozkova, also known as 'The Devil's Right Eye'. He's the mastermind behind the missile project, codenamed B-826-p or 'Phenomenon'." He looked up from the pages, his gaze meeting Hyun's. "That seems to be all the information we have for now," he concluded.

"Wait, why am I teamed up with girls?" Hyun grumbled, zipping up his suitcase and setting it on the ground. He couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about the mission. "It doesn't seem too dangerous, but 'The Devil's Right Eye' sounds quite menacing. I wonder if he's sane. I feel like I've heard of him somewhere before," he mused, his mind lost in thought as he tried to recall where he might have heard the name.

"That's all for now," Hyun instructed, dismissing Hoshi. He then jumped into bed, a sudden realization hitting him. "Oh wait, the holidays are in two days," he exclaimed, momentarily sitting up before laying back down. He stared up at the ceiling, his mind a whirl of thoughts about the mission and the upcoming holidays.

"Ha anyways bye" Hoshi jumped out the chair and out the door slamming it behind him.

"Bye" Hyun replied drifting into sleep.

(meanwhile the rest of the team, I can't be asked to type up their names so Came up with nicknames Viktoriya=May, Yelizaveta=Rae, Elmira= Mira)

"Wow, he's handsome," Rae mumbled, her eyes fixed on Hyun's name and photo. "But Korean names are so hard to pronounce," she added.

"Let us see too," Mira and May both chimed in, snatching the phone to inspect the picture. "Wow, he's just our type," they said in unison, scrolling down. "Wait, Ji-sung Hyun… doesn't that last name sound familiar?" May questioned, deep in thought.

"Isn't that the name of one of the famous Korean agents? Maybe he's his son. But then again, many Koreans have the same last names," Mira pondered.

"Let's place a bet," Mira suggested suddenly.

"A bet about what?" the other two asked in unison.

"Just for fun, let's see who can seduce him first, starting at the airport. So, deal?" Mira proposed.

"No, not happening," May interrupted immediately.

"Well, I'm in!" Rae shouted excitedly.