Shit start

 "You guys take care of everything" Hyun instructor Hosh. Hyun, feeling the weight of the day, stretched his arms wide, letting out a low groan. He navigated his way down the staircase, his hand instinctively reaching into his pocket to retrieve his phone. The device was alive with a flurry of notifications, each ping demanding his attention.

With a sigh of resignation, he muttered, "What now?" His fingers danced across the screen, selecting the most recent notification. His eyes scanned the title of the new report that had just come in. "This is about the nurse," he mused aloud, his interest piqued.

The report was brief, almost disappointingly so:

Subject: Yelena Swrazkova

Occupation: Agent, GRU (Military Intelligence Service)

Personal Details: Mother of two children

Hyun's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "That's all?" he grumbled, shoving the phone back into his pocket. Just as Hyun was about to pocket his phone, it vibrated again with another notification. "Oh my God, I just want to go home," he grumbled, his annoyance palpable. He pulled out his phone once more, and just as he did, an incoming call lit up the screen.

"Boss at this time?" Hyun muttered, rolling his eyes as he accepted the call. "Hello," he greeted, his voice laced with a hint of exasperation.

The voice on the other end was brisk and to the point. "Hey, get to the office quickly. The HQ is too far, but you have your first mission assigned. Be quick if you don't want your ass kicked. Bye," the boss commanded, ending the call as abruptly as it had begun. Hyun was left staring at his phone, the dial tone echoing in his ears.

Hyun was taken aback by the sudden assignment. "A mission already? I haven't even finished my training," he thought, his face contorting into a look of disbelief. He shrugged, "Well, the spy, the nurse, would've probably run off by now." With a nonchalant air, he strolled towards the office, hands clasped behind his head, eyes gazing at the sky above. The urgency of the situation seemed to have little effect on him. He was taking his time, seemingly unfazed by the abrupt call to action. 

(At the office)

As Hyun pushed open the door, he found his boss reclining in his chair, his gaze fixed on him. The room fell silent as Hyun stepped inside, the door closing with a soft click behind him. The boss's stare was unwavering.

"Well, you certainly took your time," the boss murmured, his attention focused on a stack of papers he was pulling from a drawer. He sorted through them quickly before tossing them onto the desk in front of Hyun.

Hyun picked up the pages, his eyes scanning the contents. "What's this for?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

The boss leaned back in his chair, his gaze steady on Hyun. "You're going to Russia for a mission. Your job is to gather as much information as possible about Hamamoto Kiyosaki and his plan," he explained, his tone matter-of-fact. The mission was clear: gather intelligence. The target: Hamamoto Kiyosaki. The location: Russia. It was a lot to take in.

"To put it succinctly, Kiyosaki's plan is to develop a missile intended for South Korea. However, the operation is being carried out in Russia to keep it under wraps. Fortunately, one of our spies managed to uncover this plot. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to gather all the information you can about this operation. You have one month to complete this task. All the other details you need are in the papers," he elaborated, his tone serious. The stakes were high, and the urgency of the situation was not lost on Hyun. 

"But why me? I'm not even 18 yet. Isn't this too dangerous for me? How am I even allowed to go, and for a month? My sister will definitely find out I'm doing this job," Hyun questioned.

"Don't fret over it, we've got it under control. And in case you've forgotten, it's your birthday today," the boss said, tilting his head slightly. "Moreover, you're the only one left who's qualified. The others are on a different mission I've assigned." He paused for a moment before adding, "So go ahead and start packing. You're leaving tomorrow." With that, he concluded the conversation.

"Wait, how could I forget?" Hyun questioned himself, his mind racing. "None of this makes any sense," he added, his thoughts swirling in confusion. He glanced at the papers on the desk, their contents only adding to his bewilderment. With a shake of his head, he turned around, ready to leave the room and escape the perplexing situation.

But before he could take a step, the boss's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Where do you think you're going? I'm not finished yet," he said, his tone firm and commanding.

Hyun paused, annoyance flickering across his face. He turned back around, his eyes meeting the boss's steady gaze. "What now?" he asked, his voice laced with irritation. Despite his annoyance, he knew better than to dismiss the boss's words.

"Your departure is scheduled for tomorrow," the boss stated, his voice echoing in the quiet room. "Upon your arrival at the airport, the rest of the team assigned to this mission will be there to pick you up. You'll recognize them, but to ensure there's no confusion, I'll send you a photo of them. And for their reference, I'll send them a photo of you as well." He paused, allowing the information to sink in.

With a final nod, he concluded, "You're dismissed now. Prepare yourself and remember, this mission is crucial." His words hung in the air as Hyun left the room, the weight of the upcoming mission settling on his shoulders.

"Shit I was planning on resting but this old fucking man" Hyun murmured walking out and making his way home.


"Quiet, everyone! He's coming," Hyun's sister whispered excitedly, clutching a party popper and positioning herself by the door in anticipation of Hyun's arrival.

"Keep it down," Hoshi hissed, glancing nervously at the door.

Ariya couldn't help but giggle. "He really forgot his own birthday," she said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I said, be quiet!" Hoshi's whisper was more of a shout this time, causing everyone to jump. But it was too late. The door swung open with a bang, causing Hyun's sister to stumble backward, the party popper falling from her grasp and onto the floor. The surprise was ruined, but the look on Hyun's face was priceless.