first mission

"So, what's next?" Hyun asked, his gaze fixed on Hoshi.

"Haha, what's next… Well, I'm just going to watch the video," Hoshi replied.

" Instead of that you start recording?" Hyun commanded looking up at the broken camera with a smile, glancing at Hoshi before quickly following the nurse.

Hyun trailed closely behind the nurse, his gaze sweeping over her from head to toe. He rolled his eyes, a hint of impatience in his expression, before tapping her on the shoulder. The nurse turned around quickly, her face displaying a somewhat startled expression.

"Oh…hi," she said, turning to face Hyun. She pulled the wheelchair behind her, a look of surprise still etched on her face. It was clear that she hadn't expected Hyun to approach her, but she quickly regained her composure, ready to assist him.

Hyun's gaze was sharp, his eyes narrowing as he pointed towards the wheelchair. "Where are you taking her?" he questioned, his voice echoing in the silent corridor.

"Just to the toilet," the nurse replied hastily, her hands gripping the handles of the wheelchair tightly. She quickly turned around, pulled the wheelchair back in front, and began to walk away.

"But the toilet is that way," Hyun retorted, a small smile playing on his lips. He glanced at Hoshi, who was recording the entire scene.

Caught off guard, the nurse came to a halt, her face turning a shade paler. "Oh…thanks," she stammered, swiftly changing her direction.

Hyun's smile faded, replaced by a look of annoyance. He leaned (he sneakily reached into the open pocket taking her phone out) in closer to the nurse, his voice barely above a whisper. "Stop pretending, would you? I know the girl is dead. There's no point in going this far to throw the corpse into the garbage," he said, his words cutting through the silence like a knife. 

The nurse's horrified expression quickly morphed into a smirk. "Tell me how much you know," she challenged, turning around to face him.

"I know a lot, way more than you think. And you're unlucky that there's no one around," Hyun replied, his voice steady and confident.

The nurse's smirk faded, replaced by a stern expression. "Stop playing games and answer my questions," she demanded, her tone leaving no room for argument. Hyun could only sigh, knowing that this confrontation was far from over.

Hyun's patience was wearing thin. He pulled out his phone, quickly pulling up a video, and shoved the screen into the nurse's face. "And I even know you hired a spy to watch over me. There's no point in doing that," he said, his voice laced with frustration.

The nurse recoiled, her eyes wide with shock. "W…when… It's only been 2 days," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hyun pulled his phone back, his expression hardening. "I hate people like you. You do something wrong, then pretend to be naive," he said, his words echoing in the silent corridor. His gaze was fixed on the nurse, waiting for her response.

Caught off guard, the nurse grabbed the wheelchair and attempted to make a quick escape down the hallway. However, her path was blocked by a doctor who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The doctor looked down, creating an awkward silence that filled the hallway.

Meanwhile, Hyun, seemingly unfazed by the unfolding drama, turned to Hoshi and whistled casually, as if he was a mere spectator to the situation rather than a participant. His nonchalant demeanor stood in stark contrast to the tense atmosphere.

"Uh…h," "where the fuck did he go," the nurse thought to her self looking around the nurse stuttered, her eyes darting nervously between the doctor and the girl in the wheelchair.

"What's this?" the doctor questioned, his gaze fixed on the lifeless girl sitting in the wheelchair. The nurse struggled to find the words to explain the situation.

Meanwhile, Hoshi turned to Hyun, confusion written all over his face. "Why did you tell me to record? What's the point anyways?" he asked.

Hyun chuckled, a teasing smile on his face. "The camera is broken, you should at least be able to spot that, 'Blind'," he retorted.

Ignoring Hoshi's puzzled expression, Hyun continued, "Keep recording. It will be good evidence. I might even get into the agency." His words hung in the air.

The doctor glanced at Hyun, a smirk playing on his lips, before turning his attention back to the visibly shaken nurse.

Without missing a beat, Hyun pulled out his phone, dialed 112, and called the police. His actions were swift and decisive, a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around him.

Hoshi, who had been watching the scene unfold, noticed the doctor's gaze on Hyun. "Wait, you smart ass, when did you…?" he mumbled, his voice trailing off in surprise and shock.

Hyun simply smiled, a look of satisfaction on his face. "Told you I'm smart," he replied, his voice filled with confidence. The situation was far from resolved, but Hyun seemed to be one step ahead.

"The doctor is merely a diversion until the police arrive," Hyun explained, his gaze steady. "Once they're here, we'll present them with the video evidence and resolve this situation."

He turned to Hoshi, his tone assertive. "The police station is conveniently located just three streets away. They should be here shortly," he assured.

"What is this where are you taking the corpse" The doc questioned.

As the nurse made a dash for it, disappearing down the stairs, Hyun, Hoshi, and the doctor simply stood there, making no move to chase her. They knew they had the evidence they needed and that the police were on their way. There was no need for a chase.