fucking bullies

(At school)

"I'm curious to see his reaction," everyone mused, a hint of anticipation in their voices.

"Haha, I hope he doesn't burst into tears," they chuckled, the thought amusing them.

The entire class was abuzz with whispers and murmurs. "Haha, what a stalker," they commented, their words filled with a mix of amusement and disbelief.


Rolling my eyes, I muttered, "'What now?' With my hands tucked into my pockets, I strolled into the classroom. As if on cue, everyone shifted to the sides, creating a clear path for me to walk through.

I gazed down at my defaced desk, struggling to suppress a laugh. Pulling a marker from my pocket, I sauntered over to my desk and looked down at the scrawled words. "You stalker, idiot, did your mom not teach you manners?" I read silently to myself.

Popping the lid off my marker, I muttered, "That's not enough insults." My voice echoed in the silent room, drawing the attention of everyone present. "Let's add, 'you're a fucking stalker and a a whore like your mother,'" I suggested, scribbling the new insults onto the desk. I read them aloud, ensuring everyone could hear.

A voice cut through the silence, "Hah, what the hell?" The speaker stepped forward, and I recognized her immediately. It was Irene, the perpetual thorn in my side.

"What do you want, Irene?" I asked, my hands gripping the edges of the desk. My tone was casual, but my grip on the desk betrayed my tension.

"Why were you taking pictures of me, you creep?" she demanded, thrusting a camera in my face. Her voice echoed in the room, and I could see her anger in the way her hand shook slightly.

I glanced at the camera, my mind racing. "Damn, I forgot I left that here," I thought to myself. "Well, looks like I've got a new problem to deal with."

As these thoughts raced through my mind, I noticed Irene's face turning a shade of red that could rival a ripe tomato. It was a sight to behold, and I couldn't help but smirk at the spectacle unfolding before me. 

"Hey, what are you smirking at?" Irene demanded, her gaze piercing into me.

"Nothing," I replied nonchalantly, my smirk never leaving my face.

"What do you mean, 'nothing'?" she retorted, her voice rising in frustration.

Without missing a beat, I swiftly snatched the camera from her hand. "Well, if it's about this," I said, holding up the camera for a brief moment before hurling it out the window. The camera disappeared from sight, swallowed by the world outside. "There goes your evidence," I said, mimicking her earlier tone.

Satisfied, I sank into my chair just as the teacher walked into the room.

"Everyone, sit down now!" The teacher's voice echoed through the room, her tone indicating she was in a bad mood. At her command, everyone scrambled to their seats, the previous chaos quickly replaced by an uneasy silence.

"As you all know, I'll be away for a short while," the teacher began, settling into her seat. "During my absence, I expect everyone to behave. Understood?" Her gaze swept across the room, ensuring her message was clear.

"For now," she continued, "please take out your notebooks and complete the work from last week." With that, she leaned back in her chair, her eyes scanning the room as everyone hurried to comply with her instructions.

 A sense of anticipation filled me. "I didn't expect her to leave this early. Perfect, now I can continue with my plan," I mused to myself, flipping open my notebook. The blank pages seemed to beckon, ready to be filled with the intricate details of my scheme. 

My gaze drifted towards the empty desk in the far corner of the room. It had been Ye-jun's seat. The desk, once bustling with activity, now stood silent and deserted. "I wonder why Ye-jun hasn't been coming to school lately," I pondered, a sense of curiosity creeping into my thoughts. His absence was noticeable, and the classroom felt different without him. His desk seemed to echo the same sentiment, standing as a silent reminder of his absence.

(Time skip home time)

"Have a good time, everyone," the teacher called out, hastily exiting the room.

Not wasting a moment, I too made a quick exit, pulling out my phone to check my messages as I moved.

Irene's laughter echoed behind me. "Where's he running off to? Should I follow?" she mused aloud, her voice filled with amusement.

Ignoring her, I made my way to the school grounds, my eyes scanning the area for the camera I had thrown out the window. "I had no choice but to throw it out," I muttered to myself, feeling a twinge of regret.

After a moment of searching, I spotted the camera nestled among the bushes. "Ah, there it is. I hope it didn't crack," I murmured, bending down to pick it up. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I inspected it. "Thank God," I breathed, tucking the intact camera safely into my bag.

Unlocking my phone, I quickly scanned my messages. One in particular caught my eye: "Come to the back gate. I'll be there." The message was brief, but it was all I needed.

With a sense of urgency, I made my way towards the gate. Hoshi's car was already there, waiting. Without wasting a moment, I sprinted towards it, yanked open the door, and hopped in.

"So, where to?" I asked, settling into the car seat.

"The hospital. Remember what happened yesterday?" Hoshi replied, his eyes focused on the road ahead.

"Oh, right. So, did you guys do anything about it?" I inquired, recalling the events of the previous day.

"Not yet. But you did a great job yesterday. I had another important task, which is why I was in a hurry," Hoshi explained, his tone appreciative of my efforts. 

"You seem a bit worried. Is there something on your mind?" I asked, noticing the concern etched on Hoshi's face.

"Yeah, there is something. But let's save that discussion for later," Hoshi responded, his gaze still fixed on the road.

(We skip some time.)

Arriving at the hospital, I was taken aback by the crowd. "Why are there so many people?" I mumbled to myself, my gaze drifting towards the room where Hani was. Then it hit me, and I remembered why we were here.

My eyes landed on the familiar figure of the nurse from before. A small smile tugged at my lips as I watched her gently guide a little girl's body out of the room. Catching my eye, the nurse shot me a knowing smirk. In response, I returned her smile, a silent acknowledgment passing between us.