Just a stupid mission

Pulling out my phone, I watched the live feed from the hidden camera in the hospital room. A smirk played on my lips as I watched the nurse cut the wire. "Nice try, but I'm smarter," I mused aloud, a sense of satisfaction washing over me. Little did she know, her every move was being monitored.

"Let's forward this footage to the department and then head home," I suggested, swiftly completing the task at hand. With a satisfied nod, I tucked my phone back into my pocket, ready to call it a day.

(Time skip to home)

"Ah, finally home," I sighed in relief, pushing open the door and stepping inside, only to be greeted by the devil… herself.

"This isn't home, it's Hell," she retorted, hurling a book in my direction. "Now get on with your homework," she demanded, her smile not quite reaching her squinted eyes.

"But it's not due until next Monday," I protested, desperation creeping into my voice. "I'M GOING TO SLEEP!" I declared, making a beeline for the stairs before she could object.

"Well, at least take this with you, " she hollered, scooping up the book from the floor and launching it in my direction just as I was about to reach the top of the stairs.

I rolled my eyes, effortlessly catching the book mid-air. I turned back to face her, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. "Pass it then " I shot back, before darting into the sanctuary of my room and slamming the door.

"Uhh, what are you doing here?" I questioned, taken aback by the sight of Ariya sitting quietly on my bed.

"What's this?" She asked, rising to her feet and thrusting her phone in my face. The screen displayed the recording of the nurse I had sent.

A smirk spread across my face. "Don't worry, she was already dead. Cutting the wire wouldn't have made a difference," I replied nonchalantly.

"WHAT…she was already dead?" Ariya exclaimed, her eyes wide with confusion.

"Well, yes. The little girl was already dead way before I arrived. All I had to do was tamper with the heart monitor to make it seem like it was functioning again. So, in reality, there was no need to stop the nurse. I just wanted to catch her in the act," I explained, shrugging off my jacket.

"You could've told us rather than going through all that," Ariya retorted, her tone laced with frustration.

I tilted my head, a challenging glint in my eyes. "But would you have believed me if I had?" I countered.

"Tck well who would believe you anyway... well that was it" she retorted making her way out with an eye roll "Ugh why is he so intelligent" She questioned out loud.

"Ha! If wits were measured in light, you'd be in the dark ages" I retorted, . "But don't worry you'll be dead before that," I added, going back to my psycho faze.

"You fucking creep" I mumbled closing the door.

"Now, for the one who's been spying on me," I mused, a sinister grin spreading across my face. My gaze pierced through the window, locking onto the figure perched on the neighbor's roof. The icy chill of my stare was palpable, slicing through the air like a blade. The observer stiffened, a shiver of dread coursing through them as they realized they'd been discovered. Their breath hitched in their throat, the chilling realization of their predicament sinking in they quickly ran out of view.

"Ugh, if you're going to play this game of cat and mouse, at least do it properly," I grumbled under my breath.