Calm down with the smirks

"Oi, look at this. Hyun's at it again," one of them said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I'm surprised he already caught the killer. It's only been a week, don't you think so, Hoshi?" the other chimed in, his eyes glued to the phone screen.

"Sometimes it's better to have a psycho in hand," Hoshi replied to Ariya nonchalantly, handing over the phone. The screen displayed a live feed of Hyun and the lady, their confrontation interrupted by the sudden arrival of the police. The room fell silent as they watched the scene unfold, their attention riveted on the unfolding drama.

"Well anyway you go pick him up I'm not taking responsibility this time for some reason I feel like throwing up when I see his face" Ariya said.

"OK but only this one" Hoshi replied snatching the phone from Her hand and rushing out.

(Back at the crime scene)

"Hand her over to your custody," Hyun calmly instructed the officers, his voice barely above a whisper. He then turned on his heel and began to make his way towards the exit. Just as he was about to disappear from their sight, he paused and spun around. A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he called out, "Oh, by the way, I was only jesting earlier. The camera wasn't transmitting any footage at all" His words echoed through the silent room, leaving the women in stunned disbelief.


Exhaling a sigh of relief, I muttered to myself, "Finally, that's over." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a phone - not mine, but one I had swiped from the murderer while she was busy grabbing onto my collar. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth as I mused aloud, "Why waste money?" My words hung in the air, a testament to my resourcefulness.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, "You smart-ass for a brother!" I turned to see Asashi striding towards me.

I rolled my eyes and retorted, "Shut up, I'm not your brother."

Unfazed, he continued, "Well, anyways, that's it for this month. No more missions, so you can go back home."

With a simple nod, I responded, "OK." Glancing down at the phone in my hand, I found it unlocked without a password. A quick look through revealed no useful information - it seemed to have been reset. "Well, that was a waste," I mumbled, tossing the phone into a nearby trash can.

As I continued down the corridor and descended the stairs, I noticed Asashi trailing behind me. "Don't you have anything else to do?" I asked, not breaking my stride.

"No, I have plans," he replied, his attention seemingly absorbed by his phone as he continued to follow me.

"What are you engrossed in?" I asked, my curiosity piqued as I slowed my pace slightly.

"Just an article," he responded, finally looking up from his phone. "Why the sudden interest? You're not planning to off me, are you?" His voice echoed through the empty corridor, a hint of jest in his tone as he deliberately slowed down, increasing the distance between us.

"Ha, of course not. I'm underage," I retorted, a hint of amusement in my voice. With that, I quickened my pace, descending the stairs and stepping out into the open air

"I need to pay a visit to Hani at the hospital. I hope she's dead already on," I muttered to myself, sliding into the sleek black car parked outside. 

"You seem to be quicker than usual," Hoshi observed, his gaze resting on Hyun who appeared to be already lost in his thoughts.

"Perhaps it's because I have school tomorrow. Now, let's get a move on," I retorted, my gaze drifting towards the children playing in the playground. A scowl formed on my face as I watched them.

Asashi let out a laugh, "Ha, I forgot about that." He quickly started the engine, a sense of urgency in his actions. "Let's make this quick and get out of here," he thought to himself, his focus now entirely on the road ahead.

Now and then, Asashi would steal glances at me, his eyes lingering on my hands that I was blankly staring at. "I know I'm quite the sight for sore eyes, but staring won't do you any good," I quipped, a chilling smile playing on my lips.

Asashi let out a nervous chuckle in response, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "Just how much further is this guy's house? And is it just me, or does he seem even more intimidating than usual?" he wondered to himself, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, could you drop me off at the hospital?" I casually mentioned, leaning my head back against the seat.

"OK," came his simple reply.

I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander. "What's even the point of letting this fool live? He can't even articulate properly," I mused, stealing a glance at him. A smirk formed on my lips as I noticed his discomfort. "Aw, he's sweating," I thought, a sense of satisfaction washing over me.


After what felt like an eternity, we… no, I finally reached my destination. Without wasting a moment, I hopped out of the car and slammed the door shut. I swiftly made my way inside the building, ascending the stairs until I reached the room. There, in the corner, was my destination.

"Seems like she's asleep," I observed, looking down at the small figure on the bed. Her innocent face was marred with scars, a cruel reminder of her past. A laugh escaped my lips, its sound echoing in the silent room. I took a seat on the stool next to the bed, my smile fading as quickly as it had appeared.

"Her mother murdered her father and threw her own daughter off a three-story building. And now, I'm stuck with the responsibility of looking after this shit," I grumbled, rolling my eyes as I glanced up at the clock. "Why am I even here?" I questioned the words hanging heavy in the air.

"I can still recall her face vividly. Those wide, innocent eyes stared down at me, filled with a mixture of fear and curiosity. And then, that smile… it was a smile that could crack up even the darkest corners of the world," I reminisced, the memory of her etched deep within my mind.

"Should I disturb her peaceful slumber or let her rest?" I pondered, my gaze fixed on her serene face. A smile was playing on her lips, an undeniably endearing sight. "How adorable, she's smiling in her dreams. I wish I could find such joy in my dreams," I thought to myself.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a mini recording camera. With a quick glance around to ensure no one was watching, I carefully hid it behind a stack of books on the bookshelf. The camera was now perfectly positioned to capture everything in the room, its presence completely undetectable.

My eyes scanned the room, searching for the nurse. "I'm sure the nurse will take good care of her. Perhaps it's best if I take my leave," I decided, rising from my seat. As I approached the door, it swung open, revealing the nurse on the other side.

The nurse seemed to barely acknowledge my presence as she brushed past me. "Why does everyone seem so intimidated by me?" I wondered, a hint of frustration creeping into my thoughts. With a final glance at the room, I slipped out the door, retracing my steps down the stairs and out of the building, the same way I had come in.

"Why does he have to be so fucking attractive?" the nurse mumbled under her breath, her gaze lingering on the door through which he had just exited. She continued with her tasks, with a sense of determination in her movements. "I guess that won't last long," she murmured to herself, pulling out a pair of scissors and cutting the main wire with a swift, decisive motion.