Lovely Bastards

"DIE, YOU BASTARD!" She screamed, her voice echoing in the silence. The knife in her hand plunged into his stomach, once, twice, thrice. Each stab was a release, a catharsis of the pent-up rage and despair within her.

But then, she froze, the reality of what she had done sinking in. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. But her expression was emotionless, her eyes wide open as they took in the bloody scene in front of her.

The man she had stabbed lay motionless, his lifeblood seeping out onto the floor. The sight was horrifying, a stark reminder of the violence she had just committed. But there was no turning back now. She had made her choice and had to live with the consequences. The world around her seemed to fade into the background as she stood there, the knife still in her hand, her mind reeling from the shock of her actions. 

A wide smile spread across my face, my head tilting slightly to the side. I could feel the tension in my fingers easing as I unclenched them. A chuckle bubbled up from my throat, escaping my lips as a soft "Haha". My hand instinctively moved to cover my face, partially hiding my amusement.

"What now, huh?" I questioned, my voice echoing in the silence of the room. My expression shifted back to its usual seriousness, the smile fading as quickly as it had appeared. My gaze moved upwards, locking onto the camera in the corner of the room.

"What do you mean, 'what now'?" she retorted, her voice echoing in the silence. She quickly discarded the knife, the metallic clang resonating in the room as it hit the floor. Scrambling to her feet, she turned to face me, her eyes meeting mine. There was a stressed smile on my face, a stark contrast to the seriousness of the situation.

As she followed my gaze to the camera, her expression changed. She twisted her head slightly, her eyes narrowing as she gave the camera a deadly stare. Then, very slowly, she turned back to me, an obnoxious smile playing on her lips. "Hey, why didn't you tell me there was a camera?" she asked, her voice filled with faux innocence.

"Tell me," she demanded, her tone shifting from playful to serious. She paused for a moment, her gaze never leaving mine. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, she dashed towards me, her hand reaching out to grab my collar. "I ASKED WHY! HEY, SAY SOMETHING!" she yelled, Her grip on my collar tightened, her eyes burning with a mix of anger and confusion.

A smile spread across my face as I leaned back, my head hitting the wall behind me. "Oh no, I thought you were smart," I teased her, the smile never leaving my face. Her grip on my collar loosened, and she stepped back, her eyes wide with surprise.

I looked at her, my expression one of disgust. I let my gaze travel up and down her figure, my disdain evident. The smile on my face had faded, replaced by a look of contempt. 

"That camera there," I pointed out, my finger aimed at the ominous device in the corner of the room. "It's live broadcasting everything happening right now."

"Haha, don't make me laugh," she retorted, a serious expression etched on her face. But as she caught sight of my equally serious expression, doubt began to creep into her mind. "Actually?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling down her rosy cheeks. The reality of the situation was beginning to sink in, and it was a harsh truth to swallow.

"You're just a test subject anyway it won't matter if you go to jail" I mocked pushing her back. 

In a swift motion, she scrambled to her feet, her hand reaching out to grab the knife that lay nearby. But as she launched herself at me, the door suddenly flung open, causing her to halt in her tracks.