
I crept into the back seat of the car, trying not to make any noise. I had so many questions burning in my mind, but I knew better than to ask them now. I shut the door gently and settled into the leather seat. "Hmm, when did my legs grow so long? I wish I could look more like my age," I mused to myself, as I watched my dad talking on the phone. He seemed tense and distracted, and I wondered what was going on.

 I averted my gaze as our eyes locked, feeling a surge of fear and confusion. He hung up the phone and strode towards the car, his face grim. He got in and started the engine, not wasting any time. "Listen up, this is important," he said in a stern voice. "I'm sending you to military training, but not in a camp. You'll get to go home after each session, and your grandma will take care of you. I won't be there, understand?" He clamped his mouth shut, as if he had said too much. I opened my mouth to ask him why, but he silenced me with a glare.

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to deserve this? How old do you think I am?" I bombarded him with questions, but he remained silent. I turned my head towards the window, feeling a surge of anger and frustration. I slammed my head against the glass, hoping to numb the pain. As I gazed at the dark sky, dotted with stars, a faint smile crept on my face.

"What's so funny?" Dad demanded, glancing at me from the rear view mirror.

"You're planning to end your life, aren't you?" I blurted out, my smile turning into a scowl. I sneaked a peek at Dad's stunned face.

As soon as I asked him, dad sensed that something was terribly wrong. He tried to keep his voice calm, but his anger was evident. "What did you do?" he demanded, his face turning crimson as he saw my wicked grin. "TELL ME WHAT YOU DID! DON'T PLAY INNOCENT WITH ME!" He yelled, losing his patience. I remained silent, enjoying his frustration. I knew very well that I had slipped a lethal dose of poison into mom's drink, and that any moment now, she would start choking on her own blood. "I didn't do anything," I lied, smirking at his helpless expression. I narrowed my eyes at a flickering shadow in the far corner of the car. "Wha-" I started to say, but a deafening bang on the window cut me off. A woman had hurled herself onto the glass, her long, stringy hair obscuring her face. She clawed at the window, screaming incoherently. I felt a surge of panic and looked at dad, but he didn't seem to notice.

I blinked rapidly and the woman vanished from the window. I recoiled in shock, still blinking furiously. "Huff, not this again," I muttered under my breath, trying to calm myself down. I adjusted my seat belt and resumed my position in the back seat.

(2 days later)

As I aimed the , I wondered if mom was already dead. I closed one eye and prepared to pull the trigger. Suddenly, Ye-Jun slapped my back and shouted, "Hey, how's my fuck buddy?" I flinched and dropped the gun. "I'm not your fuck buddy," I muttered, rubbing my back and picking up the gun. "Well, you're about to be someone's…" He trailed off as he tilted his head. I followed his gaze and saw the sergeant staring at us.

I grabbed the gun again, swiftly aiming it at the target, but the whistle blew before I could pull the trigger. "Ugh, fucker… they don't make us do anything serious here. It's more like a club. Do whatever you want, as long as you practice." I muttered under my breath, feeling frustrated. I wanted to learn how to shoot properly, not just waste time and bullets I have someone to get rid of anyway.

"How old are you, by the way?" Ye-Jun asked, peeking at me. He laughed nervously when he saw my serious face. "You look pretty young, but tall," he added. He continued talking as I remained silent. "You know, the director's son has his eyes on you… and he's quite gay, so you better watch out, okay?"

"I don't give a damn what happens to me, so stop reminding me," I snapped, rolling my eyes. In a flash, the long lady was following me again. I always hyperventilated, thinking others could see what I saw, but that was never the case. It was always me who was crazy. "Huff, I don't remember my age. Amnesia, you know," I said casually.

"Hmm, you don't care what happens to you? We'll see about that," Ye-jun thought to himself, intrigued by Hyun's attitude. He leaned his head closer to Hyun, who looked a bit sweaty and pale. Ye-jun squinted his eyes and asked in a friendly tone, "Are you going home now?"

"Uhh, yeah, where else would I go?" I replied, trying to act casual. I felt a cold shiver down my spine as I saw the ghost lady looming over my shoulder. She was a terrifying vision that tormented me ever since I lost my memory in a car accident. I always panicked, thinking others could see her too, but I was the only one who was cursed. I made a quick disgusted face, wishing she would go away.

"Anyways bye see ya" I said running out the gate and onto the road "Home huh?...like I have anywhere to stay" I mumbled. "Tsk and I have that job at the factory in an hour... I have clothes and some money so I don't starve but would that be enough" I questioned myself scratching my head. "Fuck grandma I should probably learn how to use a gun quick so I can shoot her to death"

(2 days before)


Open the door already my legs are about to fall of" I calmly said continuously knocking on the door while gazing back at dad who was on a call.

Dads pov)

"Got it don't let him come inside even if you feel bad."

"But he didn't do anything wrong"

"Just do as I say its for his own benefit ok then bye open the door before he breaks it open"


(back to perspective)

The door remained locked for what seemed like an eternity, as I waited in dread for the inevitable encounter. When it finally creaked open, I was greeted by a sight that chilled me to the bone: a wicked grin that mirrored the one that haunted my nightmares, a twisted visage that bore the scars of evil deeds, a face that belonged to the monster who ruined my life. A surge of memories flooded my mind, paralyzing me with fear and pain. I snapped out of my trance just in time to slam the door shut, blocking out the voice of the woman who called herself my grandmother.