
"Hey, open the door! I need some clothes, please!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the empty hallway. But he wouldn't listen. "Hey, Won!" I tried again, a note of desperation creeping into my voice. This time, the door flung open with a suddenness that took me aback. A mountain of clothes stood in front of me, a chaotic pile of colours and fabrics, with a head peeking out from the side. "Finally," I mumbled under my breath, relief washing over me.

"I'll be nice today. Come in, choose some clothes," Won said, his voice filled with unusual warmth. He finished his sentence and quickly scampered back to his computer, his fingers dancing over the keys with a familiar rhythm. The room was filled with the soft clicking of keys, comforting background noise as I sifted through the pile of clothes.

"Are you going somewhere?" Won asked, swivelling away from his computer. He held a mug of hot chocolate, the steam wafting up in gentle swirls, and he took a casual sip.

"To die," I replied, the words slipping out before I could stop them. I quickly changed my mind, "I don't know... Dad told me to change... so..."

"Oh, then pack a suitcase," he answered nonchalantly, setting down his mug. He sprang up from his chair and dashed towards the closet, leaving me standing in the middle of the room. " You can speak Korean right?" He shouted his voice muffled in the closet as he stepped back outside.

"Yeah" I replied confused itching my head a bit before realising "ohh shit... shit Korea why now" I mumbled as a eerie sound entered my ears :

"Hush now, quiet, the day is done,..

In the still, all has become one.

Life's fleeting whisper in the night,..

Gone in an instant, out of sight.Beneath the moon's cold, pallid gleam,

Rest now in the eternal dream...

Though death may seem the final sleep,

In its silence, secrets it does keep.So hush now, quiet, embrace the end,

For in the dark, new paths may wend."

"Who's singing?" Won asked, sinking back into his chair.

"It sounds like Ihwa... but where did she learn that song? Could you ask her to stop?" I responded, cupping my hand over my ear.

"You're being harsh. Ihwa, sing louder!" Won retorted.

"I wasn't singing!" Ihwa retorted, her voice echoing in the room. With a huff, she stomped towards the room, her footsteps resonating against the floor. The door slammed shut behind her, the sound reverberating through the silence that followed.

"Then who was that?" Won and I questioned simultaneously, our voices merging into a single echo of confusion. We turned to face each other, our expressions mirroring the bewilderment that filled the room. The eerie silence that followed was broken only by the distant hum of the city outside.

My eyes darted around the room, finally resting on the balcony. A sudden realisation washed over me, and a soft "Oh..." escaped my lips. I rose from my position, my movements slow and deliberate. The room seemed to hold its breath as I walked towards the balcony door. The curtains, once a barrier, were pushed aside, revealing the glass doors that led to the outside world.

With a swift motion, I slid the glass doors open. The cool night air rushed in, carrying with it the faint sounds of the city below. I stepped onto the balcony, the cold tiles sending a shiver up my spine. I leaned against the railing, my eyes scanning the darkness.

Hey Ariya," I called out into the night, my voice barely above a whisper, "Was that you singing?" The question hung in the air, waiting for an answer that seemed to be swallowed by the darkness. "Is that even your name" I questioned blinking fast at the floor.

"No, it wasn't me," Ariya replied, her voice barely audible as she rushed past me,

"Am I going crazy then?" I muttered to myself, my hand lingering on the cold glass of the balcony door. With a sigh, I closed the doors, the sound echoing in the silence of the room.

"You're not crazy, I didn't hear a thing," Won retorted, his hands swiftly pulling the curtains closed. He turned to face me, a strange smile playing on his lips. I returned the smile, a sense of unease settling in my stomach. "Hurry up, pack your things and get out. I'll stop being nice," he added, his voice laced with a hint of warning as he sauntered back to his chair.

With a nod, I turned towards my suitcase, my hands moving quickly as I stuffed my clothes into it. The room seemed to close in on me, the walls echoing the haunting melody of the lullaby. With one last glance at Won, I grabbed my suitcase and walked out, the door banging shut behind me.

I rushed downstairs lifting up the suitcase high so it wouldn't make contact with the stairs.

"Took long enough" dad retorted making his way outside to the waiting car "BE QUICK...now " He shouted opening up the trunk.