Chapter 9: The Battle of the Extraordinary Beasts

"Are there monsters fighting each other nearby?" The Charles pondered silently.

After some hesitation, he decided to go and take a look.

He groped his way in the direction of the sound.

Before long, he arrived at his destination.

When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, Charles's face showed astonishment.

As he had expected, there were indeed two beasts engaged in a fierce battle.

One was a blood-red lion with fiery eyes.

The other was a muscular white tiger.

What surprised him was that the white tiger's eyes were surprisingly clear, indicating that it had not been contaminated and still possessed its sanity.

"Upon encountering intelligent creatures for the first time, activate the voice function. Players can engage in direct conversation with intelligent creatures in the game."

A prompt appeared on the screen at this moment.

Charles glanced at it briefly but paid no further attention, instead focusing on the battle between the two beasts.


Accompanied by a roar, the white tiger opened its massive jaws, releasing a chilling aura that instantly froze the huge blood lion in front of it into an ice sculpture.

"Indeed, it is an extraordinary beast," Charles murmured, his expression becoming more alert.

Fortunately, he didn't recklessly expose himself. Generally, extraordinary beasts were quite powerful, and if he were discovered, he wouldn't necessarily be a match for them.

At this moment, cracks appeared on the ice sculpture, and a cracking sound could be heard.

With a loud bang, the icy sculpture exuding a cold aura shattered, and the blood lion roared, breaking free from its confinement. It pounced fiercely on the white tiger, swiping its sharp claws and sending the white tiger flying.

In the next moment, the blood lion also opened its massive jaws, gathering a red light and spewing out blazing flames.

Once again, Charles was astonished to see that the blood lion also possessed extraordinary powers.

However, excitement soon replaced his astonishment.

After all, when two extraordinary beasts were locked in a battle, he could benefit from the situation.

Not to mention, if he managed to gather extraordinary materials from these beasts, he would undoubtedly be able to create two powerful pieces of equipment with his talent.

"However, if even the mountains are home to extraordinary beasts, and I've encountered two so easily, I'll have to be more cautious in my future explorations."

He didn't want to face extraordinary beasts, as the risk would be too great given his current strength.

The Charles muttered to himself and continued to watch.

The blazing flames surged like a tidal wave.

Perhaps sensing the threat of death, the white tiger quickly climbed to its feet, spewing out a cold aura to confront the flames.

Compared to the white tiger, the blood lion appeared weaker.

The power of the flames weakened continuously under the cold aura until it was completely suppressed, enveloping the blood lion once again and freezing it into an ice sculpture.

The white tiger's gaze turned icy and resolute. Without hesitation, it charged toward the ice sculpture, swiping its claws, and with a cracking sound, the ice sculpture shattered into countless pieces, revealing the fragmented blood lion inside.

After dealing with the blood lion, the white tiger did not rest or leave. Instead, it suddenly turned its head in the direction of the Charles and let out a roar.

"Oh, am I being noticed?" Charles's expression froze, feeling surprised.

But just as the white tiger was about to exhale a burst of cold air, Charles hesitated for a moment, then chose to step forward proactively.

"Um, Mr. Tiger, how about closing your mouth for now? I mean no harm."

The Charles awkwardly spoke up.

He knew that as long as they hadn't been contaminated, extraordinary beasts had enough intelligence to communicate with humans.

As expected, upon seeing the Charles, a hint of human-like astonishment flashed in the white tiger's eyes, as if it were surprised to encounter a normal human in such a world.

The Charles truly meant no harm, and the white tiger sensed this. Therefore, the cold aura that had gathered in its mouth dissipated, followed by a thud as it lay down on the ground, panting heavily and emitting a low, pained groan.

Hearing the sound, the Charles furrowed his brow.

Previously unnoticed, he now discovered a torn wound on the abdomen of the white tiger, which was continuously bleeding.

It was most likely the work of the blood lion.

In a normal world, it would be easy for a tiger of its strength to recover by simply finding some herbs to consume.

But in this dark and desolate world, finding herbs was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. Even ordinary wild grass was scarce, and the trees in the mountains were barren, let alone medicinal herbs.

The white tiger licked its wound, attempting to use its saliva to heal, but the bleeding continued.

After pondering for a while, Charles made a decision and walked towards the white tiger.

"Roar!" The white tiger immediately raised its head and let out a warning roar, preventing Charles from approaching.

Charles quickly stopped and explained, "I mean no harm. You are injured, and if left untreated, you will surely die. If you trust me, I can help you. I can heal your wounds."

He wasn't acting out of pure kindness. It was just that finding an uncorrupted and coherent beast in this dark place was rare, especially one with extraordinary powers. It would be a great gain if he could bring it back to the sanctuary.

To ensure that the white tiger believed him, Charles raised his hand and displayed the Divine Flame spell. This time, however, the Divine Flame didn't exhibit scorching heat but emitted a sacred aura.

This was another ability of the Divine Flame spell—healing. The white tiger sensed the uniqueness of the Divine Flame spell and hesitated for a moment. But then, as if it had thought of something, the white tiger nodded and willingly turned its body, exposing its wound to the Charles.

Seeing this, Charles's expression brightened, knowing that the white tiger had chosen to trust him. He approached, reached out his hand, and used the Divine Flame spell on the white tiger's wound, covering it with a visible healing light.

Simultaneously, Charles's face grew visibly pale. After some time, the white tiger's injuries were healed. The Charles quickly dispelled the Divine Flame spell and took a deep breath, his forehead covered in sweat.

"The healing power of the Divine Flame spell consumes more magic power than I thought." In just a short time, all of his magic power had been completely depleted.

The white tiger lowered its head and continued licking the spot where the wound had been. Charles didn't disturb it but instead stood up and walked towards the blood lion's corpse, collecting samples.

[Collection successful. You have obtained a contaminated Fire Lion Beast Skin x1 and a Fire Crystal x1.]

Opening his backpack, Charles glanced at the description. The beast skin was good, providing excellent insulation, and the Fire Crystal was the power core of the fire lion, containing fire elemental energy and serving as a valuable material. Charles already had ideas for synthesis.

At this moment, the white tiger had finished licking its wound and approached Charles, emitting a low growl from behind.

Charles was startled and quickly turned around, looking at the massive white tiger in front of him. He thought the tiger's wild nature had taken over and it was about to attack him.

He hurriedly said, "My lord Tiger, I just saved you. You can't turn on me now."

Hearing this, the white tiger rolled its eyes without hiding its disdain, crouched down, and nodded its head as if signaling something.

Charles was taken aback and scratched his head. "My lord Tiger, are you... asking me to ride on your back?"


"Alright, if that's what you said, just don't bite me later."

Riding a tiger, was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Charles swallowed a mouthful of saliva, excitement flashing in his eyes, and mounted the tiger.

The white tiger growled lowly once again, without hesitation, and sprinted in a direction...