Chapter 10: Tiger mother, the successful persuasion

"White Tiger, where are you taking me?"

Curiously, Charles asked while lying on the back of the white tiger.

The White Tiger didn't respond but instead accelerated its speed.

They swiftly traversed through the mountains, going deeper and deeper.

It was evident that the White Tiger had lived in these mountains for a long time, as it navigated with ease, encountering no other creatures along the way.

After a while, they arrived at the entrance of a cave.

"So, you're taking me home," the Charles realized.

The inside of the cave was dimly lit.


Once they entered the cave, the White Tiger let out a roar, signaling for Charles to dismount.

The Charles quickly flipped off the tiger's back and followed it into the cave. There, he saw a tiger cub bounding towards them, pouncing on the White Tiger.

Seeing this, Charles was momentarily taken aback. He then rubbed his nose and awkwardly said, "Ah, so it's not Tiger Lord, it's Tiger Mama."

Upon hearing this, the White Tiger rolled its eyes in a somewhat human-like manner. It then bit the cub's neck and carried it into the den, tending to its fur.

The cub let out a soft whimper, its large eyes curiously gazing at Charles, observing this unfamiliar visitor.

Due to the presence of its mother, the cub showed no fear and even attempted to approach Charles. However, the mother promptly restrained it.

Unfortunately, they were confined to the screen of a mobile phone. If they were in person, the Charles would surely give the cub a couple of rubs.

Nevertheless, he didn't just stand idly.

"This must be the den of extraordinary beasts. There should be a treasure chest here, right?"

He thought to himself as he explored the cave.

Sure enough, not long after, Charles spotted a glossy black iron treasure chest next to Tiger Mama, displaying an excited smile.

"Hahaha, there is a treasure chest."

Charles joyfully walked over to the chest and asked Tiger Mama, "Tiger Mama, do you need this treasure chest? If not, can I open it?"


Tiger Mama lifted her head, glanced at the chest, and shook her head.

The chest had appeared in her den out of thin air, and although she was initially curious and tried biting it, she found that she couldn't open or damage it. Since it posed no threat to her, she paid no further attention.

If the human in front of her wanted it, she would gladly give it away.

Seeing this, Charles rubbed his hands together and immediately opened the chest.

"You have opened the Black Iron Treasure Chest and obtained 100 units of iron, and Shelter Item: Synthesis Box."

"Synthesis Box?" Charles's expression changed as he seemed to realize something, quickly examining the item.

"Shelter Item: Synthesis Box. Description: A special item that takes effect when placed within a shelter, allowing the consumption of materials to synthesize various basic structures."

Upon reading the description, Charles's face immediately lit up with a happy smile.

"So, it is the Synthesis Box I had in mind."

This was a valuable item.

It was an exclusive item for shelters and could be used to create various things.

For example, walls, rooms, beds, tables, chairs, and other furniture.

Although they may seem insignificant, they greatly facilitated players in planning their shelters.

Not to mention, Charles had upgraded his shelter before, resulting in twice the amount of space. If he wanted to build a room, he couldn't possibly lay bricks and apply cement himself, right?

That would be such a waste of time.

But with this thing, as long as he had the materials, it could be done in an instant.

Charles had always wanted to get his hands on this item because, without it, his shelter would be a mess.

He didn't expect to obtain it so quickly this time around.

There were also 100 units of iron.

Although it wasn't an item that enhanced his combat abilities, the loot from the treasure chest still left Charles satisfied.

Afterward, Charles continued exploring the cave but found that there was only one treasure chest.

Disappointed, Charles looked towards the tiger mother who was nursing her cub but quickly regained his composure.

Compared to the black iron treasure chest, the tiger mother was the real treasure.

"Tiger Mama, I'm ready to leave," Charles said to the tiger mother.

In response, the tiger mother raised her head, showing a puzzled expression, and let out a roar.

It seemed like she was asking why he would leave when it was dangerous outside.

Understanding her, Charles smiled and said, "Yes, it's dangerous, but there are also many opportunities for me out there. Besides, I can't stay here forever, can I? I have my own home too."

"By the way, Tiger Mama, why don't you come with me?"


The tiger mother roared and decisively shook her head, refusing.

She still had her cub, how could she leave?

Charles wasn't in a hurry and explained, "Tiger Mama, what I mean is, you can bring your cub with you to my place. It's safer there than here."


The tiger mother still refused.

The Charles calmly continued, "But Tiger Mama, if you stay here, what if you get injured again? If you're injured, what will happen to your cub?"

"If something happens to you, it will be difficult for it to survive."

The tiger mother was not unintelligent.

She understood the meaning behind Charles's words and knew it was true. A hint of hesitation appeared in her eyes.

Smiling, Charles continued, "And Tiger Mama, you should know that it's difficult to find food in the world now, right?"


The tiger mother nodded.

It used to be better.

Since the world turned dark, she found that it was increasingly difficult to find food.

Now there were monsters everywhere, and many of the food sources from before were contaminated and inedible.

Today, she was hungry, which is why she went out to search for food. Unexpectedly, she encountered the blood lion and fought with it. Although she won, it was a close call.

If she hadn't come across the human in front of her, she might have lost her life.

Seeing the tiger mother's acknowledgment, Charles smiled, revealing his true intentions. "So, Tiger Mama, why don't you leave with me and come to my place?"

"My place is safe, and it can ensure that your cub grows up safely."

"Most importantly, there's food there that will satisfy your appetite."

"Roar (Really?)"

The tiger mother suddenly looked up and was attracted by Charles's words.

Charles patted his chest and assured her, "Of course, I won't lie to you. As long as you follow me, you'll have meat to eat every day."

Upon hearing this, the tiger mother finally wavered.

After considering it for a moment, she nodded and agreed.

Safety wasn't the most important thing; having meat to eat was the key.

"Roar (You better not be lying)."

"Hehe, don't worry, I definitely won't lie to you."

Charles grinned, showing a happy smile.

He had successfully convinced the tiger mother.

And there was also a tiger cub.

Since it was the cub of an extraordinary beast, it might even possess extraordinary powers. This could be a great opportunity for him.

As for the meat?

Charles wasn't concerned at all.

Although there was no food in his shelter, he could bring things from the game into reality.

Whether it was inanimate objects or living creatures, it was possible.

That was why Charles confidently made the promise to the tiger mother.