A Secret Contract Marriage (2)

Victoria initially assumed Sebastian's talk of a secret marriage contract was a joke, but it turned out he was serious.

The next morning, Victoria wore her favorite pink sneakers, a white shirt, and skinny jeans as she headed to see Myra.

In the hallway, she ran into Sebastian, who was dressed in a stunning green Armani suit that complemented his emerald eyes. Curiously, she asked, "Where are you headed?"

But his response was unexpectedly condescending. "Where are you going, dressed like that?" he sneered.

"Did he just dismiss my appearance?" thought Victoria, feeling outraged. "How dare he!" She felt like her confidence was deflating, like a balloon that had been popped.

She knew that her looks were not everything, but it was still hurtful to be judged so harshly, especially by someone she… urgh.

Victoria composed herself, determined not to let his words get to her. She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin.