(Bonus) Sol and Luna on Remnant

"Where is this Assaulter specifically?" Sol asked his sister, "On Remnant. It's. On Remnant." Lunma replied firmly, "That's seriously all we know? Really?" Sol questioned surprised, "Sol, it's already a lot that we get Spirit warnings from this place." Luna pointed out, "Right, Iforgot how much Shiva Samba hates this place." Sol remembered, "Where are we anyways?" Luna asked prompting Sol to look at his Matrix's map, "...Beacon Academy." He read, "I see. Now a better question: why are people shooting each other?" Luna asked looking through the door way of a classroom where two students are fighting with actual weapons.

After a bit of watching the two fight one got hit too hard and couldn't continue fighting, "I don't think it's our problem." Sol pointed out, "Yeajh, that's fair... Where do we go?" Luna asked as she projected her map, "...A news outlet? Certainly they'd have information about a spirit attacking people." Sol suggested as he started walking away from the class with his sister, "It's worth a shot, maybe we should call a SpectralAuthoritarian for persuasion." Luna considered not noticing someone approaching them, "Wow! This academy really hit the bottom of the barrel if they're accepting midgets!" The guy mocked.

(Bonus) Profile 1

Name: Cardin Winchester.

Age: 17.

Occupation: Student.

Weapon: Mace.

Hearing this made Luna and Sol groan in annoyance, "Ahh... People here are just assholes..." Sol lamented, "I'll take care of this." Luna reassured while turning to Cardin, "Shut it carrot head." She told him before turning to Sol again, "So where do we find a news outlet?" She asked him, "Wha- Who do you think you're talking to!?" Cardin exclaimed, making Luna turn to him again, "I said shut it." She repeated, "I think the best option would be Atlas, it seems that it's full of politicians there." Sol brought up, "Sounds viable." Luna considered, "Alright! That's it! I'll teach you brats to disrespect me!" Cardin exclaied as he swung his mace at Luna.

Right before the strike could connect, Sol formed a wall blocking it, "For God's sake dude, cut it out." Sol requested, being absolutely done with this, "Where did this-" Cardin was saying before someone else interrupted, "Seriously Cardin, why are you like this?" A girl with red hair asked as she approached.

(Bonus) Profile 2

Name: Pyrrha Nikos.

Age: 17.

Occupation: Student/Cereal Mascot...?

Weapon: Mechashift Sword and Shield/Rifle.

"Stay out of this Nikos!" Cardin warned the Pyrrha who just stood there looking at him disappointed, "Always a muscle head..." She smuttered with a facepalm, "Why you-" Cardin was saying angrily before being interrupted by a loud noise, "Boy." Sol exclaimed making both Cardin and Pyrrha turn to look at him, and the giant blaster turret he formed beside him, "I'm talking with my sister about work, if you want to speak with us you will have towait, but until then." He said before snapping his fingers, triggering the turret and making it shoot at Cardin, covering him in burns and knocking him out.

Now that there weren't anymore interruptions, Sol and Luna went back to see their maps and found every news outlet in Atlas and put pins on them, "That should be all of them." Luna said checking Sol's map too, "Yeah, there doesn't seem to be any more." Sol agreed before turning to the passed out Cardin, "Okay kid, now we have time to talk!" He exclaimed waiting for Cardin to ask his question, "Uhh... You just knocked him out." Pyrrha reminded, "What? No, that wasn't even that strong of a blaster." Sol pointed out, "*Sighs* Sol, you know humans are fragile, come on." Luna reprimended.

Sol made a 'shit, you're right' face while nodding, but he remembered something, "Wait, there isn't just humans here, right?" He asked Pyrrha who shook her head, "Right, there's those animal people." Luna remembered before lifting her Freedom Matrix to her face, "What were they called?" She asked it, "Faunus." It responded, "Right, Faunus." Luna repeated, "...Say, how old are you two?" Pyrrha asked them, "Around a hundred years old." Sol replied, "I forgot a human's average lifespan is eighty." Luna added.

Hearing that number surprised Pyrrha, "A hundred!?" She exclaimed in shock, "Pyrrha? What's wrong? Why are you yelling?" Someone asked as they approached, "Who are these two?" She asked regarding Sol and Luna, "Oh sorry Weiss, I don't know who they are, but I yelled cause they said they're a hundred years old." Pyrrha explained calmly.

(Bonus) Profile 3

Name: Weiss Schnee.

Age: 17.

Occupation: Student/Heiress.

Weapon: Dust Powered Rapier.

"A hundred? I find that hard to believe..." Weiss commented, looking at the two small SpiritCatchers skeptically, "Hold on... Weiss? Heir to the SDC or whatever it was?" Sol asked with a raised eyebrow, "Huh... Didn't think my title would be known by someone so young..." Weiss said surprised, "Yeah our boss asked us that if we ever came to Remnant, we had to deliver your father a message." Sol said, "It's 'you're the worst creature I have ever seen in all of my eternity', yeah that's it." Luna elaborated shocking Weiss and Pyrrha, "Wait, boss?" Pyrrha asked, having noticed that specific word, "We could have been in Atlas five minutes ago..." Sol pointed out to Luna, "Yeah and instead we're doing this." She realized.

Weiss and Pyrrha looked at eachother in confusion the two talk, "Now that I think about it, this world doesn't have passports right?" Luna asked, "Fuck that! I hate dealing with security!" Sol exclaimed in horror, "Okay! Stop a moment! What are you two talking about!?" Weiss demanded in frustration, causing Sol to facepalm, "We're part of the M.L.E, Multiversal Law Enforcement, Elite SpiritCatchers Luna and Sol, we're here to capture an Assaulter, a dangerous type of spirit that may cause tons of death if not dealt with immeadiatly." Luna gave an introduction, hoping they would shut up.

All this information made Weiss blank out trying to process all of it, "...So you're really a hundred years old..." Pyrrha realized, "Don't let that hold you back sweetie~" Sol said with a blush, prompting Luna to hit him on the head, "Not the time, nor place!" She scolded before pulling him by the arm so they could get on their way, "This is weird..." Weiss said having now snapped out of her daze, "Very weird... We should talkto the rest of our teams to tell them about this." Pyrrha suggested, "Good idea, better to be safe." Weiss nodded in agreement.

Outside of Beacon.

"Let's turn on Fastest Route to Atlas, we can go from there." Luna instructed, "On it." Sol replied as he set everything up and formed a flying machine fournished with stuff to keep them entertained during the trip, "How long will it take?" Luna asked, "Travel mode is on meaning this won't run out of energy... I'd say going full throttle we should be there in maybe in five hours." Sol calculated, "Better get going then." Luna said as she got on the machine along with Sol.

When they took off, it didn't go unnotice, not that it mattered that much, their job isn't a secret, the problem is that someone inside the Academy noticed, "That most definetly shouldn't be there..." He thought looking at the machine flying in the direction of Atlas, "Better to warn Ironwood." He thought as he dialed on his scroll.

(Bonus) Profile 4

Name: Ozpin/Ozma.

Age: ???

Occupation: Beacon Academy's Headmaster.

After he called he waited a moment for Ironwood to pick up on the other side until he did, "James." Ozpin greeted, "Ozpin, what do I owe this call for?" Ironwood asked.

(Bonus) Profile 5

Name: James Ironwood.

Age: ???

Occupation: General/Atlas Academy's Headmaster.

Weapon: Mechashift Revolvers/Cannon.

"I just wanted to warn you that something just took off from Beacon's courtyard and is heading in the direction of Atlas." Ozpin explained calmly, "What? Is it armed?" Ironwood asked, "Not as far as I could tell, but I did notice it was carrying two children." Ozpin recalled, "Children? I'll see what I can do about this, but are you sure they were children?" Ironwood asked for confirmation, "There is a fifty percent chance they were short, but I have no way of confirming it here and now." Ozpin told him.

Five Hours Later, Atlas.

Luna and Sol were bored out of their minds now, "Are we there yet?" Luna asked now completely done with it, "We just have to land." Sol reassured before their Matrixes started beeping, "Imminent Danger! Imminent Danger!" They repeated before arrow holograms got projected and got pointed in the direction of two Atlesians Ariships, "I absolutely despise Remnant." Luna commented as one airship kept it's guns aimed at them, while the other got close enough for who was inside to pull Luna and Sol inside, Sol dematerialized their ride when that happened.

Now sitting in the airship, the one who got them in activated his ear piece, "General. We've isolated the suspects." He said and paused listening to the response, "Their vehicle disappeared the moment we apprehended them." He spoke again to whatever question he got, "I see, we'll bring them to you as quickly as possible, over." he said before turning to the pilot, "Specialist Schnee is waiting with reinforcements at the main base." He told him, making him make a route change, meanwhile, Sol and Luna were talkig to eachother.

"We're still in time to snap our necks, the regeneration process should take long enough for them to drop us somewhere." Sol suggested quietly, "No, that's not a good idea, they would freak out and d owho knows what." Luna whispered back, "So what? We just let ourselves get captured?" Sol asked, "They said we're meeting with a 'specialist' whatever that is, maybe we can get some information." Luna explained the plan, not expecting to then be hit in the head by a rifle, "You're currently under arrest, it would be in your best interest to be-" the soldier was warning, but Luna turned to him angrily, "Do that again and I swear to all that is Holy that I'll jump off this thing and take you with me!" She warned him back making him shut up in shock, "So much for not killing ourselves..." Sol muttered with a blank expression.

  1. Bonus chapters will have the bonus profile to avoid confusion with Teyvat's profiles.