To The Jade Chamber

"What's that thing up there?" Sibley asked looking up at a floating structure, "Uhh... Oh right! That's the Jade Chamber!" Paimon remembered, "Sounds pretentious! Explain!" Sibley requested, "It's basically a place where everything in Liyue gets monitored." Paimon explained, "So some kind of... Security?" Aether easked, "I'm not that sure what they do with the information actually..." Paimon admitted, "I see... I wanna go up there." Sibley stated as she started going underneath the chamber.

Aether thought he heard Sibley wrong, but quickly realized he didn't when he saw her heading there, "Wait, wait, you're going up there!?" He questioned, "How are you even going to get that high!" He asked further before noticing her smug smile, "I don't like that expression, I don't like it at all." Aether commented as Paimon got a bit farther away, "Let's see..." Sibley said as she formed the grapple gun she used to seek her coworkers and tested it, seeing that the further the rope went, the more the energy bar depleted, "Alright! Got it!" She exclaimed as she began forming something.

After a minute, Sibley finished forming some kind of rocket with many layers, "Aether! Anemo-mize me!" Sibley requested while forming an energy intake vacuum, "You want me to what you?" He asked surprised, "Do that wind thingy on here." Sibley siplified pointing to the vacuum, prompting Aether to use Anemo energy on it, making it absorb said energy into Sibley's storage, "Perfect! And now for the fireworks!" She exclaimed activating the rocket.

When the rocket got activated, it started jet propelling itself with the Anemo Energy higher and higher until it stabbed itself into the Jade Chamber, "It worked!!" Sibley cheered as she made the segments drop one by one, each connected by an individual rope, until they reached the ground, "Just as I thought! Like the cart from before, the turrets I formed on it didn't share it's duration, meaning that if two different devices aren't connected by formation, they have their own limits!" Sibley said to give some exposition to Aether and Paimon as she nailed down the last segment that reached the ground.

Hearing this explanation made Aether and Paimon look at Sibley in stupor, "Paimon's surprised you're this understanding of the mechanics!" She said in a chipper tone, "It's called running tests, I had no occasion to verify wether the cart thing was a one time thing or if it was a constant, this is probably the only time I could have done this test." Sibley explained, "Wow... I... Guess we should be heading up then." Aether said as he approached the rope, but Sibley stopped him by putting a hand in front of his face.

"Sibley, wha-" Aether was about to complain, but he looked as her eyes and saw they are colored cyan, "This is official SpiritCatcher business, we can't have a third party interfering." Sibley said in a voice that is much higher pitched than her normal one, then she formed some kind of pulley in her hand, placed it on the rope and it pulled her up quickly, "...Did you hear that?" Aether asked his companion, "Paimon would be deaf if she didn't." She confirmed looking up at the ascending Sibley.

With Sibley.

When the pulley ran out, Sibley grabbed the rope to get a moment, she couldn't help, but realize what came out of her mouth back down, "Why did I say that? I didn't mean to say anything at all." She wondered outloud, "Sorry Sibley, but if you're planning to inform only the Qixing of what's going to happen during the Rite of Descension, we can't have anyone else knowing." The Freedom Matrix said with an uncharacteristically personal tone.

To have a easier time checking what is going on, she created a platform attached to the rope so she could check the Matrix, "Am I hearing things? ...Or did you just speak?" Sibey asked the Matrix, wondering if she was hallucinating, "No, no, it's not the Matrix that's talking, it's me." A voice said from behind Sibley, causing her to turn around in surprised and seeing a girl resting her head on her shoulder, "What." She let out before looking below the platform for some kind of ladder, but saw nothing.

Since there was physically no way she could have made her way up there, Sibley simply looked surprised, "Who are you?" Sibley asked not being able to come up with an explanation, the girl simply giggled and floated off of Sibley's shoulder and in front of her, letting her have a clear view of the girl, completely colored cyan, hair and eyes included, small, about Hu Tao's build as far Sibley could tell, fox ears and tail, and if Sibley couldn't hav anymore questions, she's completely naked.

Profile 22

Name: Akemi.

Age: Not Important.

Occupation: Freedom Matrix.

"I am Akemi, the spirit that was used to give form to your Freedom Matrix." She introduced herself while motioning to said Matrix, "Used to give form?" Sibley repeated confused, "Yes, spirits of magical creatures, like yours truly, are used to give SpiritCatchers their Matrixes." Akemi elaborated further, "So, wait, that means you, are a part of me now?" Sibley asked, "Technically yes, spirits are assigned depending on synergy." Akemi explained, "So you were turned into my Freedom Matrix cause we have similar personalities, that nice honestly." Sibley commented.

Hearing what Sibley said, Akemi turned a bit and looked to the side before coughing in her fist, "Sure thing partner..." She said in a slightly perturbed tone, "...Why did you say it like that?" Sibley asked having noticed the uncertainty. Akemi did everything to try and not see Sibley's questioning look, but relented, "Okay look." She started, "A Magical Spirit can only be born if the magical creature... Indulged in it's desires." She finished with an embarassed look, her face even becoming a darker shade of blue, "Desires?" Sibley asked for some elaboration, "Like eating all they want, killing, lazing around all day, other stuff, in my case I..." Akemi trailed off, not really wanting to say it outloud.

There was a bit of silence after that, and Sibley still didn't get it, "For fuck sake, you know, just like you I..." Akemi made a very partricular hand gesture before finishing, "A lot..." Sheexplained as well as she could, getting a massive blush on Sibley's face, "No, wait, no, I don't-" She tried to deny, but Akemi stopped her saying "I can read you mind since we're part of eachother you know? I know that you don't stop even when people start begging-" She was saying, but Sibley jumped up to her feet, "DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE!!" She yelled, her face all red, and then started coughing due to said yell.

Akemi floated beside Sibley and patted her back, "Don't worry about it! I was just like you!" She reassured still blushing, "...You also almost killed people by-" Sibley was asking, but Akemi interrupted again, "Did kill. I did kill people by doing that." Akemi corrected, "Heh! Well then! I guess we'll get along just fine!" Sibley exclaimed now wanting to move on from the subject, "I hope that to be the case partner!" Akemi exclaimed, wanting to move on an equal amount.

Now that introductions were finished, Sibley was abode to dematerialize the platform, but Akemi stopped her, "I turned on Travel Mode, just add that pulley to to this platform and we'll get to the Chamber in top comfort!" Akemi instructed, prompting Sibley to do just that, and when she activated the pulley, the platform started going up very quickly, "Now that that's dealt with, I want to ask something." Sibley told Akemi, "Ask away." She conceded, "Why did you only show up now?" Sibley asked, "Oh... Well you see... At first I wasn't sure I really liked you... But when you stood up to even your friends for what's right? I was convinced right there and then!" Akemi exclaimed remembering how sibley told Aether and Paimon off.

At The Jade Chamber.

The platform finally stopped when it reached the bottom of the Jade Chamber, "Oh we're here!" Sibley noted, "It looks smooth, I would suggest plungers." Akemi suggested, "Good idea." Sibley replied, forming plungers on her hands, and using them to climb up the Chamber, when she managed to reach the edge, all that was left was to pull herself up, and there she is, standing on the floor of the Jade Chamber, "Looks majestic." Sibley commented, "I know right? Now to talk with the Qixing." Akemi reminded as Sibley started going around to find whoever the Qixing is.

After what felt like half an hour, Sibley found someone who stood out among the rest, a woman with long white hair wearing a regal looking dress, "Miss! I'm here to speak to the Qixing! I assume you are said person?" Sibley asked the woman who looked at her confused.

Profile 23

Name: Ningguang.

Age: 23.

Occupation: The Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing.

Element: Geo.

"I am a member of the Qixing, yes, but if you want to talk about business you will have to wait for when my coworkers are present too." Ningguang excused herself, "Sorry, but this cannot wait." Sibley stated firmly before showing her Freedom Matrix, "As a Novice SpiritCatcher I at the very least have the duty to make sure my seniors can do their jobs without interruption." She explained.

The sight of the Freedom Matrix, made Ningguang understand this was serious business, "I see, give me the necessary instructions, and I shall inform the other members to make preparations on their sides too." She requested, "Okay, to make it short: Tomorrow during the Rite of Descension, something is going to happen that requires attention by two of my seniors." Sibley explained before using her Matrix to project holograms of said seniors, "These are Luna and Sol, don't let their appearence decieve you, theyve been active for around a hundred years." Sibley explained further.

Ningguang lifted a finger to ask for a second before going to her office and bringing out a camera of some kind, and used it to take a picture of Luna's and Sol's holograms, "I'll have this picture copied and sent to the others, anything else I should know?" She asked, "The last thing you should know is that there's no need to intervene, if you could tell the security to let them do their job, it would be of great help." Sibley explained, "Okay, just one more thing, what exactly are they going to investigate?" Ningguang asked, "...If this Rite does wat I heard, you'll figure it out." Sibley responded with a bothered expression.

"So it'll be clear, got it. Unrelated question, who is she?" Ningguang asked looking at Akemi, "...You can see her?" Sibley asked, "People other than you can see me." Akemi explained, "...I guess I should have told you earlier..." She realized a moment after, "Yeah! It would have been nice! So I would have time to think on how to tell those two below!" Sibley scolded in annoyance before turning to Ningguang, "She's my partner basically, now excuse me, I gotta go back to my travel companions right now." Sibley told her before going to the edge of the Chamber and jumping off.

On The Ground.

Aether and Paimon looked upwards waiting for Sibley to come back down, "What's taking her so long?" Paimon lamented feeling impatient, "She siad it's official SpiritCatcher business, makes sense it's taking so long." Aether rationalized before seeing something fall down, "Do you see that too?" Aether asked, hearing something aswell, "I'm pretty sure I hear it." Paimon replied, and a moment later, they noticed it was Sibley who came splatting down on the ground in a red pulp.

Soon after Akemi arrived and her eyes widened at seeiong Sibley splatted on the ground, she then turned to Aether and Paimon who were equally shocked, "She told you to catch her! Were you playing with flies or something!?" She scolded, "We didn't- Who are you!?" Aether exclaimed in shock, "Later! Sibley is gonna tell you when she regenerates!" Akemi facepalmed as she sat by and waited.