
"How do we get to Inazuma?" Sibley asked wondering where it even is.

Paimon responded by pointing to the horizon where a few islands are visible, "It's that arcipelago over there, we should be able to get there in no time if we get a ship from here." She informed, looking at the ships and boats parked at the harbors.

Before they could continue talking, someone approached, "Oh you're still here, I was just looking for you." Sibley turned around recognizing Zhongli's voice.

"Who is this?" Aether asked looking Zhongli up and down before realizing, "Is this Morax turned human?" He asked in surprise.

Sibley looked at Aether, "I met him while confronting Childe and Columbina, I'd explain more, but... I'm lazy." She excused herself before Akemi came out of the Matrix and rested her head on Sibley's shoulder.

The spirit gave Zhongli a wink, "Hello hot stuff~" She said, slightly putting the others, but didn't see anything weird with it.

"Anyways, I was hoping you could assist me with something before you left." Zhongli requested, patiently waiting for either yes or no.

This request made Sibley scratch the backof her head, she really didn't want to do this, so instead she got another idea, "I have something better!" She exclaimed before pushing Aether and Paimon in front of her, "These two will definetly help you in whatever matter you possibly need to deal with!" She told the Ex-Archon.

Aether and Paimon were surprised by this sudden develpoment, but couldn't say anything as Zhongli grabbed them and pulled them along, "Thank, I'll give them back when we're finished." He told Sibley and Akemi who waved at him.

After the three were out of the line of sight, Sibley and Akemi burst out laughing, "Did- Did you really!?" The spirit questioned not believing this just happened.

"What can I say?" Sibley said between giggles, "It's nice not having to babysit them all the time!" She explained causing both her and Akemi to burst out laughing again.

While they were laughing, someone called out, "HEY YOU!!" They heard from somewhere, "COME OVER HERE!!" The same voice yelled again, allowing the two to figure out where it was coming from.

Rushing to the area to see what was going on, they saw two people one of which looked familiar, "Do I know you?" She asked the shorter guy that wore a hat.

The short guy made a blank face at that question, "You seriously don't remember me?" He asked confused.

"You did say you two didn't really talk." The other person reminded, she's a tall white haired woman with a few black streaks, black eyes with red x shaped pupils, pitch black hands, wearing a pretty elegant suit that looks pretty corrupted.

Profile 25

Name: Arlecchino/The Knave.

Age: ???

Occupation: Director of the House of Hearts/ The Fourth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers.

Element: Pyro.

Taking a moment, Akemi reminded Sibley of Scaramouche, causing her to blurt out, "You're funny hat guy!" in an understanding voice.

This unexpected exclamation made Arlecchino cover her mouth to stop a laugh while Scaramouche looked offended, "I would like to remind you this 'funny hat' mortally wounded you." He reminded making Sibley frown at him.

"...I did die because of it." She said with a very annoyed expression and then added "You jackass."

Akemi looked surprise at this change in demeanor, "That must have hurt your ego more than I thought..." She commented.

Meanwhile Scaramouche and Arlecchino were more surprised by the fact that Sibley did die, but was somehow still standing in front of them.

The Knave decided to start asking questions, "The fact you claim you died and yet still standing is something..." She pointed out, "You must have some impressive constitution for this to be possible, am I correct?" She asked curiously.

"No, I did die, just took some time to resurrect." Sibley corrected with a casual hand motion, "Died a while earlier as well." She recounted having remembering splatting into a pulp.

Scaramouche facepalmed at this, "So you're a member of M.L.E. aren't you?" He asked, wondering if the Tsaritsa was correct in her assumption.

To save Sibley some talking, Akemi replied "Yeah we both are! Also heard from your colleague that the Tsaritsa need a Dawn Breaker for some reason?" She asked while confirming the suspicions.

Seeing as this question was asked by the interested group, Arlecchino decided to explain "She wants to ask them to destroy Celestia."

This answer didn't realy give any new information to either of the two, "We already learned that, but why?" Akemi specified her interest, "Why does she want to destroy floaty up there?" She jokingly said pointing to Celestia in the sky.

"...You won't let up will you?" Scaramouche questioned getting a head shake as a response, "Fine... Celestia is possibly the worst thing to ever happen to Teyvat, they expect everyone to play by their rules and nothing else." He explained.

Arlecchino put a hand to her face, "Yes, and whoever even dares ignore set rules will face dire consequences, the position of the Hydro Archon was cursed by them cause one who once held said position stepped out of line." She explained further for her coworker, "If you want to know more of this, you should inform yourself on the now gone region of Khaenri'ah." She added to give them some further insight.

Now Sibley got curious so she got the Freedom Matrix near her face, "Tell me the history of Khaenri'ah" She asked, and after a moment the information all rushed into her mind, and now knowing of it, she got filled with rage, "Akemi... Each time I die I get sent to Shiva Samba... Right?" She asked with a shaking fist.

Akemi looked at her partner concernes, "If the damage requires you to be unconscious, yes, why-" She was about toask the reason for the question, but Sibley used the Freedom Matrix to forma knife and used it to cut her head off, shocking everyone around.

The Godly Plane.

Sibley stood there looking at the minute Goddess in front of her, "I didn't expect someone to be this interested in chatting..." She commented having watched the whole thing.

"You need to do something." Sibley requested, "They're clearly stepping out of line in any possible matter!" She pointed out angrily, "Shouldn't stuff like this be under your direct juridistiction!?" She asked in a frantic manner.

Shiva Samba looked at Sibley with a surprised face, "You got guts." She complimented, "And yes, this would be under my juridistiction, but there's something I need to see, an occasion like this might not come again." She expained hoping the SpiritCatcher would understand.

This answer angered Sibley more, "Check What!? ME!?" She demanded an answer, "I know that you're planning something with me! What is it!?" She questioned.

"...It's something I had planned for thousands of years, and your death and the events happening on Teyvat were just too much of a coincidence to not be fated." She explained, "If you want to know more, prove to me you truly are a good person." She requested.

Hearing this, Sibley relaxed a bit, "If I'm the right one..." she started, thinking on how to say it, "...Then do something when you confirm it." She begged at this point.

This reply made Shiva Samba smile, "That answer just got you a point on proving that, before you go, I give you Sibley, the position of Spectral Authoritarian." The Goddess informed right as Sibley woke up on the mortal Realm.

  1. This is under the idea that she was allowed to regroup to figure out what other course of action to take after Furina didn't end up having the Gnosis.