Spectral Authority

"...My face hurts..." Sibley said as she satup to see if the two Harbringers were still there, and there they were, "How long was I out?" She asked seeing the still shocked expressions of the two.

No one got to answer as Akemi counted two on her fingers and shove it in Sibley's face, "Hours." The spirit said to specify.

Moving her hand to her neck, Sibley said "New shortest record..." before giving her neck a crack, "...What's with those looks?" She asked the two Fatui members who didn't look like they could speak right now.

"Sibley... It seems you were promoted to Spectral Authoritarian." Akemi informed her simply.

Still trying to crack her neck, Sibley gave Akemi a look, "Shiva Samba said something about that, what does it have to do with anything?" She questioned before noticing that her Freedom Matrix was gone.

Taking a moment to figure out how to say it, Akemi began to explain "Spectral Authoritarians don't have Freedom Matrixes, they have a Soul Visor." She said poking Sibley's face where said visor is.

"What...?" The Ex-SpiritCatcher asked in counfusion touching her own face, accidentally pressing something on the visor and making it zoom to 10000%, "WHAT THE FUCK!??!" She yelled causing her throat to tighten and a coughing fit to begin.

Trying to help out a little, Arlecchino gave small taps to her back, relieving the coughing fit, "Are you okay?" She asked seeng that Sibley was coughing less.

Turning to look at Arlecchino, Sibley's eyes widened, "Jesus, I can see your red blood cells flowing through your veins..." She said freaked out at the sight.

Akemi put her hand over Sibley's eyes, "Zoom out." She told her, "You can see a counter right? Make it lower." She instructed.

Collecting hersef a moment, Sibley noticed the HUD that surrounded her vision, and spotted the zoom function, "Okay I see it..." She said as she tried willing it lower.

Slowly, but certainly the counter lowered until it reached back to 100%, "Oh this is so much better...!!! I can see so clear now!!" Sibley exclaimed, noticing that everything looked much better.

"I think it's that thing on your face..." Scaramouche suggested pointing to Sibley's face, prompting her to check again, but this time more carefully.

Feeling around the Visor, Sibley noticed how it was shaped like a Japanese Fox mask, "This is weird..." She thought, wanting to take it off for a moment, causing the visor to disappear.

Touching her face frantically, Sibley realized she did that, "Okay! I have to earn everything all over again!!" She sarcastically cheered.

Feeling slightly sympathetic, Scaramouche put a hand on her shoulder, "I know the feeling..." He told her, making Sibley turn her head towards him.

Willing her Visor back on, Sibley noticed something, "You look... Different..." She said confused, seeing that Scaramouche's body changed when she put the visor on.

"I do?" Scaramouche questioned, looking himself over, but not seeing anything different, "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked her thinking Sibley might be hallucinating or something.

Looking around, Sibley realized everything looked different, "I think this Visor is making me see things another way or something..." She hypothesised.

"I should probably explain, the Soul Visor let's you see the truth of everything." Akemi explained, "I'm not sure what else it does, I was made into a Freedom Matrix first thing." She excused herself.

Sibley thought about how to work withthis, but then she remembered something, "Shouldn't you two be somewhere else?" She asked Arlecchino and Scaramouche who made faces that said it all.

Without a second thought, Scaramouche bolted to the ships anchored at the harbor exclaiming "God damnit! Shit!"

The three that remained there just looked at him get out of sight, "...I should probably be on my way too." Arlecchino told Sibley and Akemi.

"On your way to get a Gnosis I guess? Barbatos more or less explained it to me." Sibley brought up still wondering why they don't just ask.

The Knave frowned at that, "You're not planning to interfere are you?" She asked, looking at Sibley dubiously.

Akemi and Sibley gave each other a slight side eye, thinking the exact same thing, "There's one thing you must remember." Akemi started, "If you end up doing anything that could put the God you're taking it from in danger, there might be dire consequenses, for you and everyone involved with you." She finished her explanation.

To make the point stick harder, Sibley got so close to Arlecchino's face that her eyes were basically visible through the visor, "What she's trying to say is don't fuck up, or else we'll have to fuck you and everyone you care about up." The Authoritarian simplified.

This made Arlecchino shiver a little, "I'll keep that in mind..." She reassured, "There are a lot of people I don't want to get hurt." She informed before turning to walk away, "See you in Fontaine." She waved as she started heading out.

Waving back, Akemi and Sibley waited until she was out of the line of sight to slam their heads against the nearest wall, "...I was hoping I could have used travel mode to get to Inazuma..." Sibley lamented realizing how much tougher this would be without it.

"...Wasn't Scaramouche taking a boat?" Akemi asked, thinking they could take whatever vessel he was, but deflated when he saw a ship with a Fatui symbol sailing away.

Sibley gave her scalp a slight scratch thinking what to do, "If only I could just say 'bring us to Inazuma' it would so much-" She was saying before being interrupted, "Teleporting to Inazuma." The visor said, confusing the two before making the them disappear.

Right at that moment, Aether and Paimon got back, just soon enough to see Sibley and Akemi disappear, "...Oh my God..." Aether stated feeling incredibly worried.