The Abyssal Princess' Plan and a Dawn Breaker's Birth (18+ for Torture)

Somewhere in Inazuma.

"...Where are we?" Akemi asked, looking around the dark, yet stunning building they're currently in.

Taking a moment to check, Sibley was a little unnerved, "It says we're in the Abyss under Inazuma..." She said with a slight tremble in her voice.

That information made Akemi get a little anxious, "You need to teleport us out right now." She told Sibley, "With the vocal controls you need to be specific, teleport us back to Liyue for now." she instructed, keeping an eye out.

It didn't need to be said a second time as Sibley began telling the visor, "Teleportus to-" but she couldn't finish as she got something metallic shoved in her mouth, "Hmph!??" She let out in surprise, looking down to see that she had a sword inches from the back of her throat.

Looking at who was holding it, her eyes widened at seeing a girl that looked extremely similar to Aether, "I have to admit, the plan changed when I saw you traveling with my brother." She commented, keeping the sword in place.

Profile 26.

Name: Lumine.

Age: ??? 

Occupation: Princess of the Abyss.

Element: ???

"Okay! You let her go right no-" Akemi was ordering angrily, but got swatted away somehow despite being an incorporeal spirit.

The sight of the spirit just being swatted away, made Sibley panic a bit, "Lheeh he ho!! (Let me go!!)" She muffled out, looking at Lumine.

Lumine looked at Sibley with an emotionless expression, "You certainly aren't in a position to give orders you know?" She told her, twisting her blade, cusing the sharp edge to cut into Sibley's tongue, splitting it in half.

The sudden pain made Sibley scream and fall to her back, "Now you shouldn't be able to use that teleporter." Lumine said with the same unemotional face.

"Now here's how it'll go." Lumine started, placing a hand on Sibley's throat to shut her up, "I am going to kill you for one specific reason." She said while cutting off the Spectral Authoritarian's limbs, "So you can bring me to that useless God you work for, and I can make her deal with Celestia." She finished.

The only thing Sibley could do now, was hyperventilate since now she didn't even have the energy to scream, and she only watched, as Lumine began stomping on her abdomen, only adding to the pain she was feeling, the shoes certainly didn't help.

With each stomp it felt as if her intestines were being made holes into, "Hgrr!!" Sibley let out as she stopped the puke from coming out of her mouth, but with another stomp it came out, red.

It literally felt as if her organs were being turned to paste, and if that wasn't enough, Lumine then proceeded to put Sibley on a wall, stabbing the back of her neck into a hook to keep her up, and after, just as if she was a butcher, cut a hole on her abdomen, causing al the pulpified organs to pour out of her torso,

"This should do..." Lumine commented before placing her hand over the hole she made on Sibley and began filling up the now hollow cavity of her body with a black substance that corroded anything that might have been left.

Sibley was now sobbing slightly, "Y-You'he haahi!! (You're crazy!!)" She barely managed to say before seeing Lumine's sword getting stabbed right between her eyes, killing her.

Seeing as Sibley was now dead, Lumine decided to try out part two of this plan, focusing hard she tried to connect to Sibley in the plane where Shiva Samba lives, but got nothing, "Damnit..." She lamented, "Back to the original plan it is." She concluded, getting ready to depart.

Godly Plane.

One again, Sibley found herself in front of Shiva Samba, but instead of talking, she just huddled up, with her legs to her face, "...This is different." The God commented, looking at the huddled girl, who was now even shivering.

"...Are you okay?" Shiva Samba asked with genuine concern in her voice, "You don't normally act like this, usually you're a lot more chipper." She pointed out.

Looking up slight, it was clear to see that Sibley is crying, "...It was never this dragged out..." She said between sobs, "It hurt so much... I never even broke a bone my old life..." She told the Goddess.

Now that she saw Sibley was crying, Shiva Samba didn't have a clue on what to do, she never dealt with people crying, "Look, I'm... really not good at this..." She informed awkwardly, "If you want anything, right here and now, I'll make it happen." She informed.

Hearing this, made Sibley cry a little less, "R-really?" She asked unsure, to which Shiva Samba nodded, "Then... My request is the same as the last time." She stated.

Shiva Samba looked at Sibley with a smile, 'This persistance... It's exactly what I'm looking for!' She thought before moving away slightly, "Listen, when making you a Spectral Authoritarian, I didn't think that it might have not been for you, new members get their position when they first come here, so this is something completely new." She explained apologetically.

"So you... Accidentally made me completely defenseless?" Sibley summed up in confusion, "Is that what you're trying to tell me?" She asked for confirmation.

This accusation made Shiva Samba look to the side, "Spectral Authoritarians are more on the political side, they send information to those that can deal with the problem." She explained the role of the position, "But don't worry, to apologize for that, I'll do you something better..." She informed lifting her arm upwards.

Seeing her rise her arm confused Sibley slightly, "What are you-" She was asking, but a burst of light came out of Shiva Samba's hand, only to form into a staff with a fox design.

Now that the staff was ready, the God presented it to Sibley, who took it carefully, "Sibley. I hereby declare you... A Dawn Breaker.", the moment she finished giving the title, Sibley disappeared, "You're almost ready Sibley, you're almost ready." Shiva Samba repeated outloud before sitting down.