Chapter One

In the elegant halls of Italy's bustling art gallery, Lucas Albertini, a billionaire with a dark charm, walked the hallway, feeling his hunger for art, his eyes going through every detail, his bodyguards trailing behind him closely.

While he walked the hall,his gaze stops at a particular booth, a piece - a work of art cut his attention. ' This work of art' wasn't on canvas,it wasn't graced with paint and oils but colours still thrived all the same.This work of art happened to be a woman and not the piece she was gazing at.

She wore a leather skirt with a plain cotton top,her eyes were ,her gaze piercing for a lady.

'She has to be the one' he thought, glaring really hard at her.

"Fuego!" Lucas called out to a bald dark hefty man.

" Yes boss" Fuego respondsled

" I need information on that lady,her family,where she lives ,I need everything you can get on her"

" I'll do that boss" Fuego said, as he walked away ,he approached another guy named spider. " Good fella,I need you to find everything about this lady"Fuego says.

Spider stared at the picture in unbelief.

"Why?" He says " I mean,is she a threat to the boss or something?" He corrects himself.

"No,the God father is just interested in her,would you start researching about her or you would continue to ask silly questions?" Fuego asked slightly annoyed.

" On it sir" Spider replied as he operates his computer.

As he approached the booth, he was struck by a specific work of art. The lady watched Lucas carefully examine her work. She watched him very closely,the way his fingers skimmed on her artwork, His black hair perfectly matched his black tuxedo,she admired his broad arms and masculine jawline. He looked so dark yet innocent and so unreal, at the same time there was something mysterious about him.

Lucas slowly reached into his wallet and took his bank card and placed it on the table in front of her. She looked at him, her turquoise - blue eyes wide with surprise. He just smiled and said, "I want this art work"

" I'm not sure if I want to sell it or even how much I want to sell it for,I love the artwork so much"

Lucas smiled charmingly " I'm not talking about the artwork,I'm talking about you"

" Well,I suppose that was joke" she said while laughing but then she looked up and discovered his gaze was upon her,it was at this point she knew he was serious.

He really has balls to think she could be bought, what an Audacity!! ' she thought.

" I find that very rude sir," She said slightly smiling trying to hide the anger that was building up in her.

Lucas smiled at her intensely trying to make her shy all of a sudden" What do you find rude, ma'am?"

She looks down" You saying you want to buy me. It comes off as weird if you ask me"

" Well,I think deep down you want me to buy you,what is your name ma'am?" He asks gently observing her petite stature.

"Isabella,Isabella Ricc,and I'm worth more than fine silver or diamond, so I'm sorry to disappoint you " she responded as

Lucas nods then he points at the artwork in front of her.

"This would look so good in my study room,I want this also"

" It's called 'The Lalita' and I'm still not sure if I want to sell it just yet" she said, looking away trying to avert his gaze.

" What if I pay double of the amount? Would you still not sell it to me?"

"Well,if that's the case then I have no choice but to sell it to you,here is the account to pay it to" she says handing him a card,he passes it to his personal body guard Fuego

"Run some transactions for me to this account" Lucas says.

" On it boss" Fuego responds.

Some other of his men troops in to take the artwork to the car.

"If you don't mind I also have an offer for you and I think you might be interested in this offer"

" And what offer is that? "

" Why don't we discuss it over lunch Bells?"

" Are you indirectly asking me out?"

"If that's what you call it ma'am,so is that a yes?"

" I do not know you sir, and I'm not interested in whatever you have to say"

"Well i think,you would be very interested in this discussion"

"Whatever you want to say better be worth my time,you know time is money" Isabella said as she walks with him

As they walked down the cobbled streets towards the limouzine, the warm glow of the street lamps lighting their way, Isabella began to wonder where she had come.

'Who was this man and what does he have to offer me?,was it a house? Or a car? or a new job? ' Isabella thought about this as she walked with him.

He was unbelievably quiet throughout the walk; could he be a kidnapper in disguise? Or a hit man?

Lucas seemed to sense her hesitation and fear he stopped walking and turned to face her,she looked so clueless her blonde hair shimmering in the lights of the illuminating from the billboards

"Look,I know you are unsure about this, and I understand your doubts. But I promise you, I have only the best of intentions. I want to help you make your dreams come true and I know I can.

Isabella looked Lucas in the eyes, searching for signs of mischiefs and lies but all she saw was sincerity. "You say you want to help me, but what's in it for you? What do you get out of this deal?" he asked. Lucas smiled, his deep, rich laugh filling the night air. "You underestimate yourself my dear. Your art is far more valuable than any monetary gain I could ever hope for"

Isabella was surprised by his answer. He was not only interested in her art for its monetary value. He saw something in her work that she never knew existed. She felt a wave of emotion wash over her, and before he could stop himself, he blurted out, "Why me? There are so many other artists who are more talented than me."

Lucas placed a hand on her cheek, his touch gentle but firm. "Your art speaks to me in a way that no other art does"

Lucas smiled at me heartily. " Let's wait till we get to the guest house and talk about this better Miss Isabella'' He smiled as they both hopped at the back of the limouzine.



The streetlamps flickered as they pulled up to the small, modest guesthouse. The neon sign above the office announced that they had arrived at their destination. Lucas turned to Isabella, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "We're here."

Isabella nodded, her gaze fixed on the dimly lit office. "It's not much, but it's quiet. No one will bother us here."

They got out of the car and made their way to the guest house.

Isabella reached for the door knob, but Lucas was faster, opening the door for her with a small bow. "After you, mademoiselle."

Isabella couldn't help but laugh. "You're quite the gentleman, aren't you?"

Lucas smiled and winked. "Just doing what I'm meant to do, ma'am."

They made their way to the front desk, where a bored-looking clerk sat behind the counter. He looked up as they approached, his eyes falling on Isabella. His gaze lingered a moment too long, and she shifted uncomfortably.

Lucas cleared his throat. "Excuse me," Lucas said, his tone polite but firm. "We'd like a room, please."

The clerk's eyes flicked to Lucas, and he seemed to realize his mistake. "Oh, yes, of course. I'm sorry." He rang up the transaction, then handed them a key. "You're in Room 10. It's all the way down the hall on the right."

"Thank you," Isabella said, relieved that the clerk's attention had been averted. She turned to Lucas.

" Can we just get going?"

" Of course sure!"

They both arrived at the room ,it was wide enough as they sat down on the sofa,a guard poured them a glass of wine.

" So,for how long have you known about my art?" Isabella asked after sipping her wine.

" Well,I saw it sometime last month and I was intrigued,I am a lover of beautiful art work but I have never seen something like this before,it's raw,it's real,it's full of passion" Lucas says while staring right into her eye,Isabella is so lost in his stares as she struggles to keep her composure.

" Thank you for that Mr…."

" Just call me Lucas "

" Um…no I want to keep this highly professional,so thank you Mr Lucas,I have seen your payment for the artwork,I really appreciate"

" You are welcome Bell"

" So what is it you want to say?"

" I am a very wealthy business man,and I want you to be part of my wealth. I want you to marry me Isabella?" Lucas said before going on his knees,Isabella eyes widened as she stared at the diamond ring shining right before her.