Chapter Two

Isabella laughed nervously , her mind travelling places.

'This is bull shit' she thought.

'How could this stranger just walk up to her and ask for her hand in marriage,this only like happens in movies or unrealistic romance novels'

She burst into an uncontrollable laughter " Mr Lucas,I must admit that you are indeed a very funny man,like are you a comedian or something?" she asked , her voice shaking with anger and disbelief. "Is this the offer you were talking about? Like is this some sort of joke or a prank?."

"This is not a prank Bells," Lucas said, his voice calm and even. "But I know that you are a wise woman and you would accept this proposal."

" What does this even mean? You don't know even know me from anywhere,I have never seen you before neither have you seen me,what are talking about?"

Lucas came closer "Your father is at the nursing home and I hear that he needs a transplant worth 1. 5 million dollars for his surgery and I know your networth is barely 6000 thousand dollars which is all thanks to me for buying the Lalita artwork. Tell me how you will be able to afford that kind of money"

Lucas leaned back" I know you are a wise woman and you would accept this offer"

Lucas stepped closer, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Think about your father," he said, his voice low and persuasive. "Think about what you could do for him if you said yes. Don't you want to save his life?"

Isabella closed her eyes, fighting back the tears. Her father had always been there for her, and she would do anything to help him right now. But was this the right decision? "I can't," she whispered. "I just can't."

Lucas sighed, dropping his hand from her shoulder. "I understand," he said, his voice resigned.

" Many ladies would jump on this offer,seems like you don't care about family,I must take my leave now and go find someone that's wise enough to accept my offer" he says playing with the his fingers, they were so neat and attractive.

" You are rich and powerful,you can have any woman that you want,but why do you choose me? And why don't you even get married the normal way,Find someone you like ,date them,get to know about them,then get married to em"

" Well,I like you"

" You don't know me Mr Lucas so you cannot have feelings for me, this is unrealistic "

" Are you sure ? Isabella Royal Ricci"

Isabella was stunned. " How do you know all of my names?"

Lucas held her hand tight,And kissed it slowly. " I know it because I know you,I have watched you for over a month and you are the woman I need."

Isabella slowly removed her hand from his grip"Well,this is really weird to me,cause I do not like you at alI"

" Well, you don't have to worry about that,you would fall in love with me sooner or later" he says confidently

" You are a sick man"

"A rich, sick man my dear"

" Well,I would only agree to your proposal,on one condition"

" What is that?" Lucas asked

" If I don't like how the marriage is looking in the next 6 months,I am free to file for a divorce"

" Of course"

" And also you would take care of my father"

"I would Isabella as soon as we get married your father would have undergone his surgery,I do not want my father in law dead or looking unhealthy"

" I still need to think about this Lucas"

" There is nothing to think about,this is the right decision"

"Can I ask you a question?"

" Yes,go on?"

"What do you even do for a living,what business or job are you into? How am I sure you are not some drug dealer or a ritual killer"

" I'm an entrepreneur Isabella,I own shares in big reknowned companies "

" Oh! I see,well I need to go home to sleep on this,it's getting late and I would really need some rest"Isabella says standing to leave.

" Of course…my driver would drop you at your address"

" No. You don't need to"

" Are you scared that i would know where you are live? well if that's the case then you are very very naive cause I knew a month ago,I do my assignment before approaching people, darling"

"You have to stay out of my business Mr man"

"I would,just please let my driver drop you off,I wouldn't let anything bad happen to my future wife"

" Suit yourself"

Isabella smiles angrily as she nods in approval,they headed back to the limousine after a few turning they were in front of her apartment. She stepped out of the limouzine without turning back to say good night to Lucas.

" Do you think she would be coming back?" The body guard asked

" She would,she has no choice,no one says no to me and besides the streets are cold and dangerous" Lucas smiles mischievously.




Isabella steps into her warm apartment the smell of vinegar and lemon welcomed her as she took of her red heels and removed her brown leather jacket,she walked over the wet bar and poured some wine into a glass,she sank on the sofa thinking on what Lucas had said.

" What a crazy man!" She said as she sips her wine.

He was indeed crazy but she couldn't deny the fact that he was crazily hot and sophisticating,with his brunette hair and broad chest,she couldn't imagine her average self waking up to someone like that everyday.

It all felt too good to be true,the money,the looks, everything. Something was Wrong somewhere. Just immediately her phone rang. It was an unknown number calling.

" Hi…. " She said

" Hi Isabella" A strange man with deep baritone voice spoke back to her.

"Yes, Who am I on to?"

" That's not important"

" What?"

" You are going to die if you keep threading on this part "

" Don't ever call this number again you this jobless mother fucker"

" If you dare hang up,your father would be gone before you even know it,I know where he is at"

" I know it's you Lucas,and I want you to stop playing this silly game with me,I already agreed to your proposal what else do you want from me?"

"This is not Lucas!! This is the last voice you will ever hear"