Chapter Three

It was a cold morning for Lucas. it had rained the previous night which made him have a more peaceful sleep. Now the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a soft sunny glow on the off-white curtains that hung in his bedroom. He yawned loudly, stretching his arms overhead, enjoying the luxurious comfort of his king-sized bed, his silk sheets melted against his skin. As he opened his eyes, he noticed a naked woman sleeping beside him, her dark hair tousled and her chest rising and falling with slow, even breaths. He allowed himself a moment to appreciate the sight, but he knew his morning was about to get busy,he had a date with Isabella Ricci.

Just then, someone knocked the door.

" Who is it?" He called out.

"Boss,we have a problem"Fuego responds almost immediately" There's been an intruder" Fuego said, his expression grim. "He's down in the basement."

Lucas swung his legs over the side of the bed, reaching for his robe. "I'll take care of it," he said, his voice firm. "Make sure the house is secure."

He walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth,after a few minutes he headed to the basement, Luca's mind raced. Who could have been stupid enough to break into his house? He reached the door to the basement, his heart pounding in his chest.

Slowly, Lucas turned the knob and pushed the door open. He entered the room, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. There, in the center of the room, he saw a man tied to a chair, his hands and feet bound with rope. The man's eyes were wide with fear, and his mouth was gagged. Fuego stood by his side along with Spider,they all bowed their heads at the arrival of Lucas.

Lucas approached the man, a cold anger building in his chest. "Now tell me,Who are you? loser " he demanded, his voice low and dangerous. The man tried to speak, but the gag muffled his words.

Lucas yanked the gag from the man's mouth.

"Please," the man begged, his voice trembling. "I didn't mean to break in. I was just looking for food."

Lucas narrowed his eyes. " Food? In a Mafia Lord's house,do you think I am stupid? now I'll ask you for the very last time,Who sent you?" he asked, his voice a whisper.

"I-I can't tell you that," the man stammered. "I'll be killed if I tell you."

Lucas stepped closer, towering over the man. "You think I care?" he said, his voice hard as steel. "Tell me, or you'll wish you had."

The man's eyes were filled with terror.

"Please don't hurt me boss…. Please I beg of you" the man begged crying like a helpless chicken.

"Fuego, finish this idiot,he isn't useful to me,I have much more work to do"

"Boss, I can beat out the information from him"Fuego protested.

" Don't waste your energy on this mother fucker,kill him and send his head to the Black hand,I believe he was sent by them" Lucas says , as he holds the man wrist pulls up his sleeve and sees a scorpion tattoo.

" I was right,he is from them,and send his head in a platter of gold palette,this would serve as a warning to them that they shouldn't ever think of fucking with the Barzini crime family. Finish him off Fuego,I have a day to plan" Lucas says. "And see to it that that B*tch in my room goes home immediately"

"Right away,god father" Fuego responded, walking away towards the master bedroom.

Lucas sends a text to Isabella reminding her of their meet up today,he smiles as he walks to his study room.




Isabella stared into the air as if she was looking at something in particular siting on the hospital bed,the phone call she had received last night made her worried.

It looked like a prank call,she thought it was from Lucas but then he sounded very different from him,Lucas had a deep yet sexy tone of voice,this one just sounded very husky,the sound of notification from her phone jolted her out of the reverie she was in,Immediately a text popped on her phone.

She hissed angrily. "He wants to take me shopping? He must be stinkingly rich" she said reading the text.

"Who is stinkingly rich Bella?"her father said his eyes slightly open.

" Geez,Dad did I wake you up?,as for that it's no one important than you Dad,I'm glad you are looking better Dad, Hope they are feeding you well in here?"Isabella asked in curiosity holding on to her father's old hand.

"I am fine Bella,how's the art market treating you too my daughter?"

"It's been good Daddy"

"So when I'm a going to see him?"

"See who father?"

"C'mon,don't tell me you are still single"

"Not again Dad,don't start this,infact ,I have to get going,I have to return to the gallery to do something,I would come check on you later"

"You can run, but you cannot hide my dear"

"I'm not running Dad,please do remember I do love you,please stay strong for me,I'm working on gathering the money for the surgery and in no time you would be feeling like the old you,strong and agile."

"Someone already paid for the surgery"

"Who?"Isabella asked in curiosity.

"The doctors says the person choose to remain anonymous"

Isabella rolled her eyes she knew who it was.

"You do not look surprised"

"I am surprised Dad"

"If you say so"

"I'll speak to the Doctor when I get back,in the main time please take care of yourself Daddy,please be careful,if you need anything. Don't hesitate to call. Me.

She said kissing his father on the forehead,she then smiled and left the hospital.

A black shiny limousine was already waiting for her arrival,she adjusted the dress she wore as she Stepped into the vehicle,Lucas was already seated at the end of the seat,the dark shades he wore made him even more mysterious,he wore a grey tuxedo this time.

What was with him and tuxedos?

Well he is a business man, Entrepreneur according to him so he has to look coperate I guess. His cologne filled her nostruls,they were masculine ,sensual and so smelled expensive.

Lucas tried not to stare at her during the journey,yet he spared some glances through the side of his eyes observing her red dress that fit perfectly on her petite body. She was just his kind of woman. He observed her thigh,they were so fresh and creamy.

There was an awkward silence between the both of them during the journey.

"Thank you for paying for my Dad's surgery" Isabella said, breaking the silence.

"Anything for you Bells"Lucas respond charmingly.

Within 15 minutes the vehicle stopped in front of a store,'ZARA FASHION HOME' was boldly written at the top of the entrance of the building,it was obviously an expensive and luxurious store.

"What are we doing here exactly Lucas"Isabella asked overwhelmed by the expensive looking shoes and bags displayed on the show glass.

"The least accessory here costs 500,000 Dollars,I want you to take as much accessories as you want"

Her eyes widened with surprise,what was he up to?

" What do you want?just say it and you will get it" his eyes filled with hope it made her feel financially secure all of a sudden.



Corleone Sat at the midst of two naked and pale looking ladies in the jacuzzi, as they both caressed his chest sensually,they were allover him touching him in every inch of his body , Corleone was high on the tobacco he was smoking as his thick big fingers were wrapped around it,just then the door burst open,it was his men Carrying the head of his son Rocky" on a golden Tray.

"Boss,Lucas got Rocky"

He stood up shocked to the bone,he roared in anger." I told Rocky he was not ready for this assignment but he took his stubborn ass to Lucas house without even telling me" Corleone yelled "That son of a bitch will pay for it with dearly,I'll make sure of that,I'll make sure he is dead like his father"

The girls ran away from the jacuzzi sensing his anger,he stepped out of the pool wearing his robe.

"Lucas will pay dearly for this,I promise I am not a god father for nothing"

He threatened,loading his gun with bullets.