Krea gets Caught

I texted my best friend Krea.









I dialed her number. She immediately picked up.

"So this what happened. He caught me after class. I really tried to avoid him but uh so he took me in his car to a restaurant. He's really cool, plays his music loud, and dresses nice. I guess my hair was super excited cause yea he saw it." My lips pouted. My heart was kind of beating fast after telling her all this.

Krea was like "OMG girl that's... THAT'S SO FREAKING CUTE!"

I busted out laughing. She was giggling too. My room was glowing purple. Today was awesome.

"So.." she said "What are you going to tell him? Did you tell him anything?"

"Yeaaa I um. I ran."

"No way. Zi! Are you serious!"

"He found me again haha. He just um, led me back and took me home." I waved my arm up dramatically.

"He didn't say anything?" Asked Krea.

"No. Just blasted more music."


"Yea. I might tell him though. Show him everything."


"Yea! I'm going to talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay girl! You go!" She laughed.

Our phones beeped off.

I put my purple shades on and walked into the living room. Der wasn't here either. I guess he was training mysticals now...

My parents said they would be here today, I guess that's later.


Krea started lightly dancing. Zi kind of had her hyped up! Wow Zi really got a boy on her tail!

I went outside with my sketchbook. I was going to go to the spot where me and Zi hang out all the time. After learning how to use my new power, I wanted to test it out.

I looked around and saw someone a few blocks down. I just walked for right now. I was so excited. I wanted to take off now!

When I got into the wooded area I floated a bit. I kept my sketchbook in my hand close to my chest. Why didn't I bring a backpack instead!

"What are you doing?" Asked someone.

I froze. I heard a click. What...

"This is going to be top pages!" Exclaimed someone excitedly.

I did not move.

"Hey! Are you Supergirl? Wonder Woman? I can't believe this! Right before my eyes!"

I just flew up and away.

"Wait." I just heard their voice in the distance...

I sat in a tree a few miles away from this person. I knew they took a picture of me and now they are going to show everybody. What did I do!

I didn't have my phone with me. Just my sketchbook and a pencil. I didn't show my face. I should be good.


I looked at the photo I took! Everyone is going to be amazed! I wish they had shown their face... I could have gotten their name and an autograph!

They really were flying! A flying person. Wow. I can't stop thinking about it. Are they the only one with super powers? Are there more like her!

I looked up and around. Aw man! Maybe I'll catch her again!


I couldn't draw right now. Nope. Too risky. I am going straight back home. I got down from the tree after making sure the coast was clear and started walking back. I took a different route. Way away from the girl and where I came from.

I walked down a street and was trying to act normal. As long as I am walking I should be fine. I stopped, took my hair, and put it into a messy bun. Okay. I took a deep breath and continued.

I looked at my arms. Well, I could just tell I was glowing without looking. Uh oh. I tried to control it before someone sees me. It was very faint now...

I almost made it home. Almost.

"Stop! It's you! Hey! Don't leave!"

I almost turned around. I froze. I could see my house from here.

"Are you... GLOWING!!!"

Okay I turned around. I held my sketchbook close to me. This was the same person. They had a camera around their neck and a notepad and pen.

"Hey." I waved nervously.

They balled their fists and stomped their feet in excitement and squealed. I smiled sheepishly.

"Please tell me your name!" They asked.

"Uh, Kre."

"Can you sign this right here!" They said, still giddy, pointing at their notepad.

"Okay!" I just scribbled something cute.

"THANKS!" They started jumping around.

"My name is Reva! I journal for my middle school!"

Oh snap I thought. I waved my hands out no!

"Hey could you not put me up there, please!"

They looked a bit crestfallen. They looked at their phone. I just could not fathom what would happen if I get exploited, popular, or whatever.

"Oh... Can I get your number?" They asked.

"Reva! No!" I said a bit astonished. She wanted everything! "Hey... What about a picture! I draw really awesome stuff!"

Her eyes lit up. "Oh awesome! Thanks!" She wiggled her fingers close to her face in excitement again.

I smiled. I chose a really pretty picture I sketched and colored.

"Here ya go!"

"Okay!" She turned and skipped away.

I waited until I didn't see her, to go home. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it.

"Hi Krea!" Said my mom smiling.

"Hii!" I smiled sheepishly... "You wouldn't believe what happened."

"Hm?" She questioned.

"I was flying and... I was caught by a middle schooler!"

My mom furrowed her brow. "Sweetie. How did that go?"

"I was so nervous! I didn't know what to do so I hid. They found me again," I rolled my eyes, "somehow, and then I mustered up the courage to face them. I gave them a picture I drew, an autograph, and just my nickname...!"

"Oh! Krea..." My mom gave me a warm smile and then hugged me.

"Let's sit down." She said.

Was she going to lecture me?