ch 38 My 11th Birthday

April 4, 1991 Thursday, Witcherly residence 6:02 am

"Ahhh!..F*ck! .. Again.. jeez?!!" I woke up from a nightmare. It's the same nightmare I had ever since I came to this world. And always on the day of my birthday.

"Haa..haa. wooo.. Damn it! Happy Birthday to me I guess!" I got up and check my body. I'm covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

I meditate for a bit to calm my nerve and forget my recollection of the nightmare. I thought, 'What a way to start a day! '. Good thing that there's no class today b'cuz it's the Easter Holidays.

I went straight to the bathroom to freshen up a bit. After a change of clothes I went through the door and into the kitchen. I found Nana preparing breakfast.

She turns to me and greeted, "Happy Birthday Marshall dear! Ready for a busy day?"

She said the last part because my birthday became a three part event. It starts with breakfast with Nana and my beast pets. Lunch is spent with my muggle friends and their families and some classmates from school. Dinner is spent with the Flemings, Weasleys and Lovegoods.

Smoke suddenly appeared around me and my beast pets appeared. Grace had a few baskets made of light around her. In them, there were fish, vegetables, fruits and an assortment of clams, shimps, lobsters and crabs.

Grace left the basket in the kitchen counter top and proceed to greet me with the others.

"Neigh!" "Baa!" "Uak!" "Gruuu!" "Hoo!" "CrroAk!" 🔔"Ting!"🔔. They greeted me and the morning became lively.

Naji is perched on my right shoulder while Bunta is hugging the left side of my head. Tania always sit on my head.

Nana had fun dressing Tania up. My fairy still look like a ten year old kid and often dress like M3GAN. I also suggested some outfits for my toad. Bunta grew as big as my head and is always wearing a black happi vest like the original Gamabunta.

Grace, Reza and Gavel didn't experienced anymore physical growth. Avatar Long is the only one still growing. The dragon is now 7 ft long and looks like Momonosuke from One Piece but can reduced back to a two feet long MUSHU-like dragon.

Back to my breakfast.

Me and Nana where eating while my beast pets are in the living room watching cartoons on the television. A moment later, an envelope slipped through the door.

"Marshall dear, your letter finally arrived." said Nana. I levitated the letter to the table and quickly finished my meal. Nana offered to clean up the table.

I brought the letter and sat on the couch in the living room. I saw the iconic Hogwarts coat of arm, a big "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake. I gently peeled off the wax seal opening the envelope.

The letter read:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Witcherly,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Honestly, I'm not surprised by the content. I'm more surprised that it was not delivered by a teacher. However, thinking of my frequent visits to the Weasley's and Lovegood's, I really don't lack any introduction to magic and someone to accompany me on getting my supplies.

I'll ask them later when will they go for Ron's school supplies. I can't deny that I gotten close to Ron, Ginny and Luna. Can't help it really, when I don't have anything plan with my muggle friends, I can just teleport near the Burrow.

I even convince Ron to catch me some Chizpurfles, Flobberworms and Horklumps. It's a simple plan I came up so the guy can have a bit of savings. It may not be much to cover all his supplies, but it could atleast help the guy secure a new wand. I needed those ingredients anyway when I practice making potions with the Flemings.

Going back to the letter, I looked over the list of school supplies:

First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

•The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)by Miranda Goshawk

•A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

•Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

•A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

•One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

•Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

•Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

•The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


-1 wand

-cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)



-brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



I sigh when I read it. I'm not really looking forward on learning history from Professor Binns and DADA from the annoying stuttering Quirrell. I though, "Should I help Binns pass through to the afterlife?"

While I'm thinking of exorcizing one of my teachers, Nana came to me and took the acceptance letter. She asked, "So Dear, when do you plan to buy your supplies?"

I answered, "I'll see if the Weasleys will invite me to go when they buy Ron's later. If not, I can actually do it myself. Do you want to go, Nana?"

She ruffles my hair and said, "Oh, I would love to but it would create so much noise. If you find dealing with the goblins troublesome, just you wait when you see how those hags reacts when they find out I'm near by."

"My only concern is that I need to hide Tania and Bunta in my mindscape." I mention my concern, the Menagerie twins likes to be around me. On Hogwarts, Naji will be my official companion.

She smile and said, "Don't worry Dear. Nick and Penny already made a deal with that Headmaster to get you permission for those two to move freely in the school."

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, what deal?"

"That Headmaster asked to borrow the Philosopher's stone from Nick for a while. Of course, Nick only gave a fake stone and accompanied him in entering Gringotts to give an illusion that the Flamels surrendered the stone to that Headmaster." She explained.

I straightened my sitting position and thought about the plot in the first book, 'Oh yeah, the whole quest for Harry is securing the Philosopher's stone!'

I gave a sigh of relief now that I can have my "golden trio" out in the open.


At noon.

I spent my lunch as plan with Jeanne's group, their families and a few close friends from school, football team and Taekwondo class. Mei even brought the now healthy looking Turtle.

Everyone already know that I'll be going to a boarding school in Scotland next school year. They made me promise to be back for the Christmas break which I easily agreed to.


In the evening at the Flemings residence.

I met with Penny and Nick, the Weasley couple with Ron and Ginny, and the Lovegoods.

Molly congratulates me, "Congratulations Dear with receiving your Hogwarts letter." I'm waiting for her to invite me to buy school supplies with Ron but it didn't came up.

I just thought, 'Might as well. At least, I can do all my must dos in Diagon Alley without eyes on me.'

After we had dinner the Weasleys and Lovegoods left. It was only me, Nana, Nick and Penny.

Penny told me, "Marshall we were able to get Albus' permission regarding Tania and Bunta. Just make sure they behave around other kids."

I nodded, "Thanks aunt Penny. I'll keep an eye on those two."

"Where's my thanks, kid? I was the one who need to show my face around Diagon Alley." complained Nick.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Thanks uncle Nick. Anything I need to keep in mind? Did the Headmaster asked what's your relationship with me?"

Nick chuckle, "Hah! Of course he did. I just said that you're the son of one of our friends. But keep your guards up around him. If you think I'm paranoid, you'll find Albus more invasive. Though I think your occlumency can keep him out."

I laugh at his comment, "Oh please, If it wasn't for Nana and aunt Penny holding you back, you'll probably be worst than him."

Nana and Penny laugh at our exchange. Penny asked, "Marshall, will you be alright going alone in Diagon Alley for your school supplies. Molly avoided the topic b'cuz she's afraid that you'll feel bad about Ron and ending up spending money on your friend. They're already aware you're been buying potion ingredients from him in slightly above market price."

'Oh, so I'm guessing they already had plans to spend more on Percy to make up to him using second hands since the guy's first year.' I replied, "I'm alright. I need to open a student savings account in Gringotts anyway."

I look at Nana, "Nana, what do you think of me having a house elf?" The Flamels look at me weirdly.

Nana just replied, "I don't mind. You're thinking of buying one of those magic suitcase, aren't you. No need Dear, I already brought you one from Otto Eduard Lederwaren in Germany. Did you think I didn't get you a present?"

Nick reacted, "Like the one Newt had? Kid, you're thinking on adding more magical creatures?"

*cough* I evade thier eyes and said, "No, I'm going to bring my magic treadmill, bike and my cooking equipments. I'll also add a section and put lots of rice, meats, seasonings, condoments and junkfoods and drinks."


Nick rub his eyes and felt a headache thinking what I'm planning to bring to Hogwarts. Penny and Nana just giggle on the side.

Nana brought the conversation back to the house elf, "With regards to the elf, make sure to get the youngest one they have that is fully trained. The older ones have already developed resentment in thier subconscious regarding thier circumstances. I'll add it in the letter to the goblins."

Nick didn't forget to make a jab, "Don't forget to buy yourself an enchanted quill. Your penmanship might get you poor marks in your homeworks."

I glare at him. I don't have a rebuttal because it's true that my quill penmanship still needs work.

That night I made plans and list down additional items I will be bringing, when an idea came to mind.. 'Oh yeah, might as well go to Diagon Alley on that date.... July 31st.'

~end chapter ~