ch 39 Preparations and surprises

July 31 1991, Wednesday, Leaky Cauldron 7:30 am

"Hi Tom! Can you assist me on getting to the alley?" I just arrived in Leaky Cauldron. I had Reza teleported me near by and just walked in the pub.

Tom look at me as if trying to remember my name, "Marshall, right? Why are you here alone, kid. Where's the Weasleys?"

"I came alone. I've been to the alley several times and I know where I can't go." I avoided his question. The more I say, the more it will not look good for me or the Weasleys.

Tom just nodded and accompanied me to the back. When I pass through the moving bricks, I saw that the flow of people are just starting to pick up.

I made my way to my first stop, Ollivander's. Why? Because I need a wand later in Gringotts.

When I was near Ollivander's, I just saw that a family with a girl around my age went in. I just waited by the door and gave them her moment.

As I waited, I looked up to see the shops sign: "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.". I thought, 'Maybe Nana new the first owner?'

Ten minutes later, they came out with the girl fiddling with her wand with a giggle.

I then enter the shop and went directly to the counter to ring the bell. 🔔TING!🔔 "Hello!" When no one answered, I turn around to see a old man moving slowly towards me. I though 'Yup, the guy has a habit of looking mysterious.'

*cough*"Young man, can't you let me have my fun." Garrick Ollivander straightened his posture and approached me.

I just shrugged my shoulder and said, "Sorry, can't help it. My instinct kicked in and told me to watch my back. I'm Marshall Witcherly by the way." I extended my hands to the old man.

When he heard my name, his eyes widens and quickly grabbed my hands for a handshake. He brought out his wand and waved at the door and I hear the knob click.

'He locked it?' I thought.

Mr. Ollivander said, "Good morning, Mr. Witcherly. I've been expecting you. Your grandmother sent me the wand materials for your custom wand via owl a week ago."

I'm shocked. I asked, "Nana ordered a customized wand for me?"

"Yes, kindly give me a moment." He then made his way at the back of the counter and went in a room that was hidden by the shelves of wands. A minute later he came back with a thin black box and opened it in front of me.

I look at the wand and instantly felt a connection with it. It flew towards me and I reflexively caught it with my right hand. I instantly wave it and the tip produced a bright warm glow illuminating my surrounding.

When the light dimmed down. I finally had time to inspect it. It is a sleek black wand. The only other color is the gold ring separating the handle and the shaft. The pummel is also gold. The simplicity of the design matches my taste.

" Fascinating! An instant connection. 12 inches, ash wood... a very very old ash wood but from what I could tell the tree should still be alive... and the core.... The core is a blood vein of an unknown creature... Mr. Witcherly do you have any idea what the creature is?" Mr. Ollivander described the wand and questioned me about the core. I silently asked Siri..

Me: What can you tell me about the origin of the wand's wood and core?

Siri: The wood is from the inner branch of Yggdrasil and the core was a blood vein from the Elder, Zephaniah...

When I read that the core came from Nana, I almost cried on the spot. Nana really doted on me.

I just replied to the wandmaker with a simple, "No." When I calmed down. I said, "How much?"

"It's already been paid for including the holster and the maintenance kit." He immediately presented me with the holter and kit.

I placed the kit in the enchanted bag(courtesy of Long) I have. I then secure the holster on my waist with my belt.

Seeing that I'm about to leave, Mr. Ollivander said, "Do visit my shop in the future again, Mr Witcherly. I would like to see the changes in your wand as you accomplish great things with it."

I just smile and nodded at the old man. I exited the shop and went straight to the bank.

In the bank, I approched the head goblin manning the station at the end of the hall. I said in Gobbledegook, {"I have here a letter addressed to Gringott.... "THE GRINGOTT"}

Immediately all the goblins in the hall stop working and looked at me. If it was someone else, they would be kneeling down with the pressured exerted by all the goblins.

I just release my own pressure and let the hall quake a little. Seeing that I'm not joking, the head goblin called out to another goblin who run to the back office.

A few minutes later, a very old goblin appeared from the back door. He has a big bump on his wrinkly forehead and parts of his ears were missing.

The old goblin stood in front of me and said, {"Where's the letter, young wizard?"}

I handed him the letter from Nana and he sniff it first. His eyes widen and quickly opened the letter. As he read it, I see his hands started to shake and his knees buckling.

Gringott compose himself and gave me a courtesy bow and said, {"Gringotts welcome the grandson of the WITCH OF ENDOR. Allow me to escort you into a private room."} He then called out, "Bogrod come with us as well."

Gringott and Bogrod led me to a private room at the back. I sat down on the leather couch and the two sat opposite me. Gringott is whispering things in Bogrod's ear. The latter realizing the situation nodded and straightened his back.

Gringott started to speak, "As instructed by your grandmother, a Junior Wizard Savings Accounts will open under your name. How much would you be initial deposit, young master?"

I took out a check and handed it to the two. When Bogrod read the amount, "£8,000,000 !!, Young master, are you sure you don't want to open it under your grandmother's name?"

I plainly replied, "No, that's my money I earned myself. Just give me a level three vault for now. Also, I would like for someone to manage it as I plan to make investments to these companies..." I handed them a list of companies.

The list are basically the tech giants that I remember from my past life. I asked Nana, to 'see' if they will be big in the future. One company that stands out in the list is Francis's "Blaze Record" which I'm partly a key composer.

What follows are standard procedures for opening an account. I gave them a drop of my blood and let them take note of my wand. They gave me an enchanted pouch that has a direct link to my vault.

Gringott ring a bell and a young goblin entered the room. The old goblin instructed, "Send elf no.M7113 here with his life contract." The young goblin nodded.

Ten minutes later, the younger goblin return back with a very emaciated house elf in rags. If I base his appearance with human standards, I'd say he's a little over 1 yrs of age. But I knew better, so I asked Siri...

Me: What's the age and gender of this house elf?

Siri: Male. By human standard, 28 yrs of age.

I nodded. Nana told me the origin of the current house elves. They are originally invaders from a different dimension but the world's will rejected them so they can't exert thier full power.

The invaders tried to experiment with breeding with the natives here that resulted on the house elf of today. The world accepted them but they can only survive being bound to wizards.

Gringott said, "Jolly you will now ser----"

"Wait!" I immediately stopped the old goblin. "Before we finalized the contract have him change into these clothes first.." i handed an enchanted pouch that has clothes for all sizes.

The elf was dumbfounded and look at Gringott for an explanation. I was the one that aswered, "The rule state that if the master gave an elf clothes he/she will be set free. But I'm giving you this pouch full of work clothes before our contract is finalized when I'm not your master yet. Think of it as my requirement for your employment. You need to be presentable in my eyes." I look at Gringott if my request aligned the rules.

Gringott gave a approving nod and had the elf change clothes somewhere else. The elf return wearing a white button up shirt and a khaki short with suspender. He has leather shoes and white high socks. To finish the look, he has a bow tie and a wool cap.

He reminds me of Alfalfa, the character in 'Little Rascals'.

I nodded to Gringott to finalize his contract with me. Nana said she'll 'reinforce' this guy's bond with me later. I didn't think of a new name for him. Jolly kinda fits what I wish what this guy will experience working for me.

I got up and the the goblins did as well. They're probably relieved that my visit ended without a hitch.

Before we left the room, I reminded Gringott, "Gringott, I belive I don't have to give a reminder to ensure my personal information don't get out and that my blood sample should not be mishandled, right?"

The old goblin nodded, "Rest assured young master Witcherly, I'll personally see to it that your informations and blood sample be kept safe."

I nodded, "Very well. Jolly, lets go. I still have some shopping to do."

"Yes, young master. Jolly will do good... do good Jolly will do!" Said the enthusiastic elf.

We made our way to the marble hall and Gringott and Bogrod bid me farewell.

As I and Jolly made our way to the exit, the silver door opened and an odd pair came in. One is a very tall man with wild – long tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most of his face, he has hands the size of dustbin lids and his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins.

Walking along the tall man is a small thin boy with untidy black hair and green eyes. As I look at the kid, one word comes to mind 'neglect'.

It was Rubeus Hagrid with the young, Harry Potter. Hagrid eyed Jolly who is fully clothed while me and Harry made eye contact. I even got a glimpse of his iconic scar.

I gave them a courtesy nod and they nod back.

When me and Jolly exited the bank. I stop, took a deep breath and calm my nerve. I silently exclaimed, 'That's not an MC! That's just a neglected kid!'

~end chapter ~