Jude appears confused, raising his hand up to block the sun from getting in his eyes, presumably to be able to see Robin better. The look on his face is wary, and Robin has a feeling he probably wasn't supposed to hear half of that conversation.

Robin is unsure what to do. He blinks. "Hello."

"What are you doing down there?" Jude asks, and he starts walking towards him. He leans forward and holds his hand out. Robin grabs hold of it, and Jude pulls him up like it's nothing.

"I was um. I was..." Robin tries to come up with a reason for sitting in the middle of a parking lot, but nothing comes to mind. He scratches his neck, frowning as he brainstorms. Honestly, fuck their whole no secrets honesty agreement, if Jude won't honor it Robin won't either. "I was walking and I fell down."

Jude raises an eyebrow, obviously not believing Robin because that was a horrible lie. "Okay. How long have you been there?"

"Like two seconds."