Robin ignores Jude the rest of the week. It is extremely difficult, but he has a message he wants to get across. He needs Jude to know he's serious. Robin doesn't even go to school on Friday, instead staying home and wondering if he's overreacting about this.

He decides that he may be. However, he also comes to the conclusion that he doesn't care enough to stop. He's upset, and he doesn't feel trusted, and he hates it when he and Jude get distant like this. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, everything feels wrong.

Jude does try to contact him sometimes, but Robin doesn't answer. He's able to stick it out pretty well, but he also knows that his resolve could break any minute. He doesn't do well without his best friend, and with each passing minute it's catching up with him. He's almost happy that Jude isn't really fighting him on this, because if he did, Robin would break so fast. He would give in, there's no doubt about it.