a young 16 year old boy with a dark past enrolls into a rather eccentric boarding school where his only goal was to have an ordinary life. However everything goes to hell after he saves a girl in his class from sexual assault.
Hello, I appreciate the potential in the novel; it has a broad scope of ideas. I would be delighted if the author executes the story flawlessly.I prefer harem free novels , but still its a good read , i dunno this will be a good read Additionally, the novel's writing style resembles a manga, and the character designs are commendable. However, there seems to be an issue with the updating stability. Despite that, the fast and engaging plot makes it an overall enjoyable read.
a year ago
The premise is good. Reminds me of some of those high school anime I've watched. The homeroom teacher reminds me of Chabashira Sae from COTE based on the illustrations. Suzune's illustration looks more like Kiriyun from COTE. Adding it to my library.
Hello, I appreciate the potential in the novel; it has a broad scope of ideas. I would be delighted if the author executes the story flawlessly.I prefer harem free novels , but still its a good read , i dunno this will be a good read Additionally, the novel's writing style resembles a manga, and the character designs are commendable. However, there seems to be an issue with the updating stability. Despite that, the fast and engaging plot makes it an overall enjoyable read.
The premise is good. Reminds me of some of those high school anime I've watched. The homeroom teacher reminds me of Chabashira Sae from COTE based on the illustrations. Suzune's illustration looks more like Kiriyun from COTE. Adding it to my library.