[Scene 1]
Takahashi: Oh yeah um..... Hi. As you all know, my name is Akimitsu Takahashi. I am the representative of class 1-D in this sector. Nice to meet you all. Now the thing I want to do first is that I want to ask the witness some questions. So may I, Mr. Prefect?
Hiroshi: Of course.
Takahashi: Thank you. *stands up from his seat and walks to Riku* So... Mr. Ahane, was it?
Riku: Yes. That would be me.
Takahashi: Okay so I wanted to clarify some of the things you said. You said that you left your tablet at your brother's dorm by mistake. Can you please tell us why you were carrying it in the first place?
Riku: I always carry a tablet whenever I go to Kenji's house.
Takahashi: You always carry?
Riku: Yeah.
Takahashi: Why?
Riku: Um.... because we play in our tablets?
Takahashi: You play in your tablet?
Riku: Yeah.
Takahashi: Both of you?
Riku: Yeah.
Takahashi: What kinda game do you play?
Shirazaki: Objection, Mr. Prefect. That question is irrelevant to the topic.
Hiroshi: ....Overruled. Please keep going, Mr Takahashi.
Takahashi: So as I was saying what kinda game do you guys play?
Riku: ....It's a dating sim.
Takahashi: Oh... No wonder you guys use a tablet. Anyways what's the name of the dating sim again?
Shirazaki: Objection Mr. Prefect. These questions doesn't make any sense. *says with a laugh*
Hiroshi: Overruled. Please, Mr Takahashi.
Takahashi: Thank you, Mr. Prefect. So what's the name of the game?
Riku: I... I kinda forgot.
Takahashi: Forgot? That's strange. How long were you playing this?
Riku: Um... Well it's a new game that I installed a few days ago.
Takahashi: New game? I thought you said you guys always play with your tablets whenever you go to your brother's dorm.
Riku: W-we do. We do. But we play other games too.
Takahashi: Oh. And may I ask about what those other games were about?
Shirazaki: Objection Mr. Prefect. No one cares about what those games were about.
Hiroshi: Hm..... Nah I want to see where this is going. Overruled.
Takahashi: Thanks again. So tell us. What were those games about?
Mitsuhiro: *whispers* Whoaa... Takahashi's smarter than I expected.
Suzune: Me too. But of course he had some help too. *says while pointing at herself with her thumb*
Takahashi: So you are saying that you guys used to play these dating sims and some action games and stuff, right?
Riku: Y-yeah.
Takahashi: Okay.... Okay... How many were there?
Riku: S-sorry?
Takahashi: I mean how many games did you guys play?
Riku: Oh I don't know. Like..... like- five or six.
Takahashi: six?
Riku: Yeah like-..... like f-five or six. I guess five would be more probable.
Takahashi: Oh Nice!.... Nice!... *says while nodding*
Riku: Y-yeah. *starts nodding himself*
Takahashi: *keeps nodding* ...What were their names?
Riku: ....*dumbfounded*
*Deep silence in the room for a moment*
Mitsuhiro: Damn.....
Riku: S-s-sorry? *says with a nervous grin*
Takahashi: What were their names?
Riku: Well..... um... well
Takahashi: What? You forgot?
Riku: N-no! Um.... uh
Takahashi: What? Just name one. Come on. You can't do that, right? See what I am trying to prove is simple. These guys didn't come here to return nothing. They just made it an excuse to come to sector 9 to assault on Mrs Onitsuka-
Shirazaki: That's not true.
Takahashi: Then what is true?
Shirazaki: If you really wanna know then let me explain.
Takahashi: ...By all means. *Walks to his seat and takes it*
Shirazaki: As much as it sounds convincing, at the end of the day these are all just a bunch of baloney. The reason behind him not answering the question isn't because he can't. Rather it's because he doesn't want to. Because you know, maybe the game has some explicit contents in it. Contents he doesn't want to share. Or maybe it's a children's game and that's why he might be a little bit embarrassed to name it. Isn't that correct, Mr. Ahane?
Riku: Y-yes!
Shirazaki: Anyways I didn't expect you would be willing to defend her this good, considering that they are the ones who are innocent. So let me share a little bit more details with you by asking Onitsuka-san some questions. May I, Mr. Prefect?
Hiroshi: Of course.
Shirazaki: So Mr. Onitsuka, can you please tell me what were you doing in that hall on tuesday 27th of june?
Suzune: I was coming from our locker room after placing some books in there.
Shirazaki: And why is that? I mean, school ended in 3-
Suzune: Because we had a study session that lasted till 6pm. But I left it at 4:30pm mainly because I was tired.
Shirazaki: Right. So upon walking across your hallway you saw these two men coming to attack you?
Suzune: Yes.
Shirazaki: Were they following you?
Suzune: No. They were coming from the opposite direction.
Shirazaki: Right. Now Riku-kun, where were you in that school?
Riku: I was in the empty club room across the washroom.
Shirazaki: Now Onitsuka-san, tell me. Weren't they going to the direction where the empty club room was situated?
Suzune: ...Yes
Shirazaki: Thank you. Now, Kenji-kun, weren't you going to the club room to return the tablet?
Kenji: Yes.
Shirazaki: Then obviously you had a bag with you to put the tablet in, right?
Kenji: Yes, sir. I did.
Shirazaki: And Onitsuka-san, did you see him carry any bag of some sort?
Suzune: ....*hesitates*....Yes
Shirazaki: Thank you! See, Mr. Prefect? This shows that these two men were just going to return Riku-kun's tablet to him. Nothing else. Because if it was, how come it has so many clear signs like this? I thank you for letting me speak.
Hiroshi: Okay. Mr. Shirazaki had some really convincing points. Now Mr. Takahashi? What do you have to say in return?
Takahashi: Okay first of all, that doesn't really prove that they came here just to give the tablet back. Because as I said it earlier, maybe they choreographed it perfectly to make it an excuse if it fails. Or maybe even if they didn't plan on killing her, maybe it can happen that the school was empty and Onitsuka-san was walking alone so I don't know they tried to take advantage? It can happen, right? What you said did prove that they came here to return the stuff. But it doesn't prove that they came here only to return the stuff. Secondly, I want to ask Kenji-kun. You said that Kenji-kun had a bag with him. So kenji-kun, I am assuming it was a school bag, right?
Kenji: Yeah.
Takahashi: Then I must ask you. What the hell were you doing with a school bag in another sector? It's a school bag. You could have just used a shopping bag or something.
Kenji: Um...-
Shirazaki: It was probably an honest mistake, right? Kenji-kun?
Kenji: Y-yeah. My bad *nervously grins*
Takahashi: Oh okay. Then I must ask you this too..... What the hell was Riku-kun doing in the empty club room across the hallway?
*Deep silence*.....
Shirazaki: *gets a little nervous*
Mitsuhiro: *whispers* Whoaaa. Takahashi's on fire today.
Takahashi: What was he doing in there?
Shirazaki: I-It was probably a meet up spot I guess
Takahashi: Why? I mean they can just go to his dorm, right? Why were they in the school hallway? And it doesn't make sense Riku-kun's not even in any club aside from sports. Why was he there?
Shirazaki: Okay look I think this..*looks at Kenji and Keita*...was a mistake too, right?
Kenji: Y-yeah probably.
Keita: Yes! We were just dumb enough not to plan on going to the dorm. But it doesn't mean she didn't attack us.
Shirazaki: Exactly, Mr. Eijiri. At the end of the day, you can't really prove that they are the ones who attacked miss Onitsuka.
Takahashi: Who says I can't?
Shirazaki: *blinks* Huh?
Takahashi: Can we please bring in Suzuki-san in here?
Suzuki: *enters the room* U-um..... hello.
Takahashi: Hey Suzuki-san. How are you doing?
Suzuki: I-I am doing fine.
Takahashi: Good to hear that. Anyways um.... I think you already know why you are here, right?
Suzuki: Yes.
Takahashi: So tell me, Suzuki-san. Were you there in the hallway across class 1-D on tuesday 27th of june?
Suzuki: Yes.
Takahashi: Did you see the fight?
Suzuki: Yes.
Takahashi: Did you get to see who started it?
Suzuki: Yes.
Takahashi: Can you please tell us who it was?
Suzuki: Um.... *points at Keita and Kenji* it was them.
Shirazaki: Ohkay wait. What class is she in again?
Takahashi: Um.... she's in class 1-D.
Shirazaki: So.... how do you expect us to believe that she isn't pre-planned?
Takahashi: Well that's because you didn't see the security footage clearly. The footage showed that there was a girl or to be specific, there was a person wearing a skirt with some beginnings of pink hair, that was coming out of class 1-D. Well pink hair, skirt.
Shirazaki: But how do we know that that's her?
Takahashi: Because she came out of class 1-D.
Shirazaki: That doesn't prove that she IS from class 1-D. That doesn't prove that it's not pre-planned.
Takahashi: *gets a little annoyed* What are you saying? That the poor girl's lying?
Shirazaki: Maybe she isn't lying on her own accord. Maybe.... you are making her lie?
Takahashi: What the hell? Why would I make her lie?
Shirazaki: To save Onitsuka-san, I suppose. To save.... your class. I mean look at her. She's so nervous. What do you think she is nervous for?..... Because she's being forced to lie.
Takahashi: That's absurd!
Suzuki: *shaded eyes*....
Shirazaki: See now you are getting angry. Which just proves that I am right.
Takahashi: N-no!
Suzuki: Wait!
Everyone: *looks at her*
Suzuki: I-I am not saying this because they are forcing me to. I am saying this out of my own will.
Shirazaki: Suzuki-san. You don't need to cover up for the-
Suzuki: I have proof.
Shirazaki: *becomes a little nervous*
Suzuki: I can prove it to you with evidence that I am not lying.
Hiroshi: ...Then by all means, go on