Peace Treaty

The Emperor keep ticking over his throne with a bored expression, the head resting over one free hand as he listens to the high ranked men of his Court...

-... So we're afraid it might become rough in the winter, having been able to store 20% less of rice than usual. In the past 20 years it has been worse and worse but since the war started, the situation keeps degenerating-

-Is this all?- finally asks the boy, yawning -But Your Majesty...!- -If you're with your report then shut up- the old man bows his head, while hiding a clenched fist in his sleeve -Yes, Your Majesty- -What's next for today?- straighten ups the monarch.

-Your Majesty, the latest war reports have arrived yesterday... The Armies in the Hei Kun Region are still advancing forward and gained more ground, succeeding in pushing back the enemy's troupes of over 500 Li compared to last year. The Armies in the Fu Long and Guang He regions are holding their ground. Those in the Ming, Mo Ran and Lan regions are falling behind, the Armada of General Heng had almost completely been wiped out so the King of Mo Ran asks permission to send them back here to rest and recruit more men- the man talks with his hands over the face, trembling for the news as everyone begins to murmur in fear.

-Can't the King of Mo Ran recruit more men from his own kingdom instead of bothering us?- the man shares a few concerned stares with the other official's beside him before speaking again -Your Majesty... I'm afraid every single man in the Mo Ran region has already been sent to war, even the ill and injured ones...- -It's not like we have more men either!- yells the Emperor.

-Sir actually... There are still a few Young Noblemen left at the Capital- speaks one more man -And many more, less young, Nobles are still out there... We could even send out all the Refugees and ill men- -That's outrageous! How are we supposed to rebuild the country if every single man dies?!- asks a old Minister from the other side of the hall -That's right, if all the healthy and trained ones die, then it's our duty to conceive more children once the war is finished- agrees a man while hitting the back of one hand over his other palm.

-We could then train some healthy women and send them out. Miss Ying ChangLai has proven to us all that even women can fight- the Emperor grips tight on his throne at those words, starting to feel anger -She proved what? Just because some demon possessed her and gave her weird poweres- and feeling their pride hurt, they all start screaming at eachother.

-Exactly, she shall not be trusted. Remember what happened last year with General Li Yao- -Li Yao was at fault and got punished as he deserved!- -I don't trust that woman. First the Crown then General Li, she's trying to climb the ladder. Think about it... Both were outstanding men. Why would a nobody, and a woman at that, be the one to find out their wrong doings when so many cleaver man like us never found fault in them?- -Maybe because we spend too much time here talking?! That woman have been risking her life for us to be able to waste time here- -Don't slander Miss Ying's name! She has only done good deeds-

-SHUT UP!- the Emperor hits both fists on the throne and silences the hall while standing up -From now on, it is forbidden to talk about that woman in my presence!- he looks at the higher ranked men in the eyes, warning them with his infuriated stare before seating back down -Go on with whatever topic we need to talk about today- he says massaging his temples, Ying SheGu comes beside him and hands over a wet cloth for him to calm down his boiling blood.

The old men in the hall all stare at eachother before dropping completely the discussion, some men from the Department of Public Safety come forward -Sir, we have a proposal...- bows down the man in charge before going ahead having received a nod from The Emperor -It's time to end this war already, the country is suffering too much from it and using military hasn't proved to be useful so... We suggest to ask for a peace talk with the invading party, Your Majesty- says the man completely kneeling down -Please, Your Majesty!- ask all the men behind, leaving everyone in shock.

-Abso... Uh?- Ying SheGu coughs sofly to stop The Emperor from making a rushed decision -It is better to hear what everyone has to say first, Your Majesty- -Fine! Each department shall express their opinion-.

The First man comes forward -We think it should be approved, Your Majesty. There aren't enough men working on the fields and the food is less and less... The commoners are in danger as riots are happening all over the Empire and no one is there to protect them, we risk an extinction-

-And what assures you they will accept?- asks a man from the Military Department

-We might make a compromise for both parties to benefit from it... We can lend them a region of ours and allow them to enter our Empire with one role at the Court, while still asking for a yearly tribute from their peoples- -What would you lend them land for? It's not like they lack anything! They're full of resources and simply wants to conquer our land, they're not invading us for food or land- -It's a blood bath what they want!- screams another

-Your Majesty- comes forward a man around 40-50 years, one old General who retired due to a sever injury on the leg -With all respect, do not listen to a worse of these pacifists! Although they have a good will guiding them, such as the survival of our people... They are not thinking about the bigger picture-

He turns around to face the men in the hall -My Lords, It's clear that the Enemy wants to exterminate us and establish a new Empire. They would never settle down for anything less than that, no matter how many ranks and rewards you offer them... So we must not let them have it their way, we must push them back and let them understand that nobody can joke with us! Signing a Treaty of Peace is like accepting death, allowing them to invade us even more and conquer everything that belongs to us. We cannot back down from this offense they threw are us, we must not bow down in front of an enemy no matter how scary that is!-

-He's right, even if they were to accept who can guarantee they won't rebel or plan a coup d'etat?!- -Let's not forget what the one leading them did to the previous Emperor, he sent that war declaration just to mock him and spit on his face!-

The Emperor stands up, silencing everyone -Good good, I see we came to an agreement then... We won't back down then, war will go on! Also, I refuse the King of Mo Ran request. The Empire won't lend any more men to the Kings and General under them, should have planned their action betters- he scoffs and leaves the hall with Ying SheGu behind him.

Some of the men in the hall stare at eachother, afraid for what is to come, while others feast over their small victory... Thinking that this decision will allow them to keep on plotting and scheming without the fear of being discovered.