History of the Seven Families

From the last family to the first families ruled the country 6,000 thousands years ago when technology was new to the world of Jupiter planet was just a mere once of a rock compared too Jupiterians.

The seven kingdoms all had special qualities and powers beyond what we know today,

The first kingdom of the seven Families that riles the Jupiter lands powers came from the three sun's and the core of the planet.








The Empress and Emperor of the first kingdom treasured life and history, they looking into the history of their forefathers and foremothers for the planet was not the descendants from the planet far from their homeland.

Pen works created to travel through time and dimensional worlds and space.

When the pen works was created it was stick or rock but then the was created,soon they discovered the magic within the pen with fountain pen with a special ingredient included to make the pen travel through other new sphere to discover life-forces unknown to their species.

For creatures,humans,daemons and angels lived together harmonious on Jupiter there was one out the group who hated the seven Families.


Pen work abilities and spoken word or written creates and brings to words to life the world now.


Pen work able to draw a building and forth to the forth to the real world including metal plates and bolts and lumber pieces making structure.


Pen work powers has too do with the air and wind that breathes fire within us and on the elements of wood,hair,and fur to make coats and for food.The elements of fire is more powerful when of control but in control fire can be calming to body and your soul.


Pen works is paper that we write on paper that shows colors when a picture is taken,the paper in books that tell us to read more the paper that comes from wood,cotton, rice,wheat,straw.


Pen work powers has to do with the animals of the sky and land including wolves ,crows,ravens,cats and dogs.They are keeper's of their soul's.


Pen works powers can give you dream walkers the powers to walk in your dreams or create nightmares,also can go through you're daydreamers,skin walkers are vampires, werewolves,shape walkers,shadow walkers they walk in the shadow or the light they can influence your mind and decisions in everyday life.


Pen works powers and abilities have to do with auras and realms of each dimensional worlds, outer intergalactic. The colors of the worlďs,blue in the skies,changing colors of leaves,the color of your eyes and skin.

The pen works in the kingdom are known as Healers,Prophets,Writer's, Artists,builders they hold the keys to the future rulers in each of the seven kingdoms they have all hidden memories of Elders past down generations to each new Jupiterians.

Their original planet was destroyed by a tyrant who murdered for the fun to conquer the world's that tyrants spirit has been recreated in a new soul by spirit enchantment.

Seven families lives have been destroyed by someone outside their laws he had visited the kingdom he was repulsed by the Monarch of the new rulers and his jealous and envy of what the seven Families had provided he spoke as his family would be better rulers.

He had a plan and created a web of deceit and lies through the kingdom by stealing the secrets of Jupiterians technology making use of his concussion of his evil magic to undo the seven Families.

There was announcement in town hall of a celebration of the two families having their first daughters everyone was invited at the celebration a mysterious man was announced and introduced to the King Wuhan who had held the celebration for his friends later that night.

The mysterious man asked to speak with King Wuhan they walked into the garden we're several men ambushed King Wuhan and killed thinking he'd conquered over the lands of colors the kingdom had suddenly disappeared before his vary eyes.

He didn't understand the power of the technology that he tried to steal so effortless.

Though the land seven families ruled this man destroyed with a touch of his pen ended the kingdoms,the first and second families fled for safety.

The first family Empress Devendrea Eldon escaped with the help of the commoners with her brother and his two daughters Sophie and Yennifer,old maid and her daughter who was a maid in waiting for the unborn child to be she took them through a passage of light.

Through the ravine and down a muddy path to a cave where they waited for the horses to pass it started raining and as they made their way next move into the cave .

The younger maid said theirs a story to this cave a Princess who was tricked in this very cave they were entering.

Empress Devendrea said tell me more for I do not know of this legend so the young maid proceeded to say the Princess was tricked by a Sorcerer who had promised her a way out of her arranged marriage,he had fallen in love with her beauty and her.

He had married her she had two children but there was a downfall to his powers he would lose them to one of his own children would gain his power.

So one day he dressed up like the Princess and taken the children to a known pond and drowned them leaving some towns people saw her when she had returned from the market getting food the town people came bringing the knight's to arrest the wicked Princess.

Looking for him into he crowd of people her husband had stepped back of her eye sight as they burn her body she screamed she got a eye of him and yelled I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO!

Years had gone by a some felt sorry for him now that he gone mad in head and heart wondering the streets the once Sorcerer who had Powers was now a common bum.

The older maid said Please quite down in the caves voices echo and we don't want to get caught trying too escape.

They started to walk when the lantern fell,the young maid went to pick it up and saw bones she went to scream but the young Prince Myles held her mouth as he picked up the lantern and handed it her.

They got the cave and threw the rainstorm they headed to a small cabin where the old maid had setup some old clothes and a fire to keep them warm.

On the other side of the Kingdom the other Queen Hannon Gargoyle was also escaping with her child in her arms,three maids following behind her and a knight in front.

They were ambushed by his knight's one the knight's shot Queen Hannon with a poisonous arrow which opened a time warp and took her daughter, her essence and DNA with her leaving the Queen's body in front of the enemy knight's the dimensional time warp closed taking the child to unknown world in space.