New World For A Princess

The pen work was broken and the key of history and the colors stems have disappeared the remaining Kings and Queens killed their children have been locked away until the true Rulers returned.

With the color stems broken it has also removed the colors of the Realms and Auras the lands of kingdom's,the creatures, daemons,and humans alike.

Pen work has kept the colors bright for over 6000 thousand years the colors have been reduced down to Gray,Black,White.

Color of auras and realms are determined by the soul's who had lived or never been born into intergalactic the Princess had taken all the abilities with her when she crossed over the dimensional space.

Into the new world she would have to learn to adapt to Earth atmosphere,outside in the winter, November the year 1973 a baby girl was found by a woman.

In her thirties who was walking to work she noticed glowing eyes and thought it was animal but it was a baby wrapped up in gold,silver,and dark pink she picked up the baby was not making a fuss until the snow from the woman's hat touched her skin,then the baby girl started crying.

The woman said Dear..Dear I'm Aurora Grimm who will you be um Let's see I will call Winter since I found you in the dead of the winter storm she opened her big handbag rested the baby inside and said its warm in there my dear child I have to go to work tonight we must be going.

Aurora arrived at her work place it was an old orphanage where she had sold her mother milk to the less unfortunate babies.

One of her of her co workers called her name Aurora! She turned her head and standing by the door way was Tanya the Head Nun she said to Aurora in a bizarre way did you bring your baby doll in again and Aurora answered Yes I couldn't find a sitter this night sorry she will be quite and we won't stay long.

The head nun looked in the bag and was surprised to see a actual baby the blanket looked familiar to her but she couldn't recall (normally there's a porcelain doll in Aurora big handbag) As she had feed the other babies she as feed Winter her milk combination of her human DNA and their bond was complete.

At Aurora home she had a crib already but in boxes she had always wanted to raise her own child she had been surrogate for her sister's but never had one of her own now her chance she thought of what names really suit Winter she decided.

Winter Sydney Israel Grimm nicknames came after raising her as a baby Winter's imagination brought to life she was seven months.

Aurora took her to the zoo and then zoo was in her home monkeys,giraffes showed up while Winter was sleeping when she was 2years Winter was walking on the ceiling and floating around her room Aurora never gave up she kept loving her at 4 years.

Winter started school and her drawings and numbers would appear and disappear at 13years old Winter went through 1270 thousands pencils and pencil crayons she wrote 400,000 books of a world not like ours but with our rare living.

Her mom Aurora kept secrets from the outside world for Fragments of her past life would come to life right before your very own eyes.

Aurora learned keywords and had current relics in the home to calm her daughter abilities she had Winter write out three words everyday and spell them so her abilities wouldn't be shown when she left the home.

After a well Winter had use a tape recorder with headphones to distract her mind long while as continued to write and draw.

The words wouldn't light up and disappear her drawings would not stay on the paper so she started to use rice the light would shine so bright when she used rice for writing or drawing upon.

At the age sixteen years of age she was bullied for mind and some would say that she naive to the school yard rules of teens life.

Winter attended a Prestige school but it has a lot bullying,crime. Archelon S Rabat and Zimmerman D Orbitz (Archie, Zimmerman were walking by and notice the commotion going on stop the bullying.

Zimmi took the names down and later he reported to the Headmaster the students were punished for the bullying Zimmi says that's how they're duo became a trio know as the three musketeers for many years.

By eighteen years old she had published 503,497 books for young adults and adults she won a Noble Prize by age of twenty years of age for her imagination and stories won the prize money.

She had a surprise for her Mom she brought her the dream garden and a house by the ocean the house use to belong to her grandmother built by Alma Grimm the joy on her mother face felt in that moment change them forever.

Aurora went into the old apartment and got a box out and unlocked and these words to Winter You're words will create many things in this world you are not from here your soul belongs to another galaxy with words spoken she unlocked Winter's true abilities.

Her mother said I must tell you something important nothing will change You're my child but not by blood I love as mine and nothing will destroy that feeling.

It's time for you're life too truly begin I found you on a snowy night after I had gave birth to my sister child you have special abilities Winter that I binded for your safety I have just unlocked your true self and abilities I understand if you're upset or angry at me for keeping this secret from you I'm still your mother and you're biggest fan.

Winter sighed and said that she did understand she wasn't upset you kept me safe and loved me and that's all that really matters.

Mom never apologized for protecting me never say Sorry for raising me Winter kissed her Mom and said even in a stormy night you're my Hero.

The door bell rang and Aurora went too answer the door but she saw no one so she went to close the door and Archie and Zimmi jumped out and scared her screamed and Winter came running Mom! What's wrong?

Aurora caught her breath and the boys scared me she hit them and told them that one day they would pay dearly they laughed and she hugged them both.One of the boys yelled BBQ Aurora said it will be our last one here so Let's cherish all the memories we made her a tear fell from Winter's eyes which lite up the apartment.