Aurora Grimm Secret

Aurora has been collecting sightings of anything that has to do with her daughter and her abilities for 23 years now.

When she revisited the place where she found her daughter she found relics of many colors and different shapes and same with the gems they glowed around Winter but would be dull around a human like herself.

Five babies found around the world in same predicaments when they would touch or pick up the babies they would put the people in a statue state which worried some of the humans on Earth each baby picked their adopted parent around the world.

No gems or relics found with them or after the fact their abilities were similar to Winter's abilities they just didn't bring alive written words or shapes or numbers.

On a website several parents would contact each other speaking in code afraid that they're children would be taken from them most of the parents were single not all Mother's some,Father's as well they had written to Aurora about meeting up and discussing their findings in their children.

The last baby to come was blind her eyes were described as yellow and constantly glowing to sounds around her.

It's like the governing armies were frightened by the fact that babies could put you a vegetarian state the bodies never aged through time has gone.

No Government Intel only bodies left still not in a coma but still standing not able to move them they left where they stood like statues.

At twenty three years Aurora was introduced to Winter's girlfriend Martine she was 5'2 long brown hair,ponytail with dyed half of hair green,swirly bell bottoms and tye dyed t-shirt that had a hidden message I like Pussy!

Was hidden no cat after the word her mom thought and soon discovered the joke behind it she laughed too herself causasian complexion and brown eyes.

Aurora felt she wasn't really Winter's type of girl for her daughter's dark complexion and green eyes needed someone more to compliment her looks but she was not shocked by her Winter's sexual preferences.

At 12 years old Winter told her mom that she was just like Archie and Zimmi when she explained to her mom that she just the female version of them she laughed but understood,Winter didn't like the labels of lesbian or bi just love each other is her saying.

Aurora excited to meet her but felt something off about her body language she never mention anything to Winter.

Aurora caught Martine in her daughter's room searching frantically whispering she is the one I saw it in here the blanket of Gargoyle Royals I must find it.

Aurora opened up the door wider and put down relics of green when Martine saw her she leaped towards Aurora but the relics kept her in place Let go of me! I must succeed in my mission she must not restore she stop struggling and Aurora said I will not Let anyone human or non human hurt my child you'll be restrained like the others.

Aurora pulled a phone out and called Trogdo I have another one I will make the trip out send someone to put her in a container before Winter returns the person on the other side we are already here.

The door downstairs open as they walked in with a box upstairs they came four people holding the four green relics placed Martine in the box and left.

Another phone call was made to get you're best Genealogy on this case also I need to get some tickets to British Columbia not for myself for my daughter and her friends I don't want any distractions Let me know when it's all ready I will need a passport for myself different name thanks.

Cryptid message came in on Aurora computer she heard the ding and went to open the message,she answered questions and then saw what was sent she said out aloud I have two weeks that should be enough time Winter's holidays are coming up I will meet her in British Columbia with more information to help my daughter.

The the computer voice said Thank you for response we will get on that as soon as possible good by Doctor Grimm.

The Categories of Relics


relics withhold non humans,


relics depending on the shape can give immense effects of blood lust


relics restore energy or destroy


relics destroy and cause blackouts in energy sources


relics pushes love thoughts and lust, desires


relics have not done anything for the humans but for the non human beings it brings frightening thoughts and despair


relics increase water pressure or decrease


relics teleports you short distance as a human

The Gemstone


are hot to touch oven mitts don't help burn right through non human can touch either it leaves a mark or symbol on they're bodies.


are cold to touch can freeze a human and non human in seconds


steam forms around the black gem it vibrates and moves on its own


clouds appear and disappear the cloud it self absorbs any content in its way


when touched opens a door or window you can hear your thoughts or feelings in the department all day

ORANGE picks up all gemstones and moves them away from hands it's hides itself

WHITE can take a non human life or bring back as a baby when a human touches it you see how life would be if you weren't born.

Brown takes back to you parents first meeting a glimpse into the past for humans for non humans it shows how they define love.

Aurora had put herself through medical school but specialized in Dimensonal Genetics research and discovery of new life she had been lying to her daughter who thought she worked for pharmaceutical company managed by her Aunt Ruth.

Ruth didn't know what her sister was up too in secret she had worked at the pharmaceutical company for 8years and then moved up gradually her work was noticed by different people who had invested in her ideas.

Aurora had a plan she called in a favor she got Zimmi his dream job working for Fortess of Genealogy in British Columbia a few months ago and he would be moving there for a year away from Archie his boyfriend and Winter his bestfriend.

Aurora had found out that his Aunt Lael works at Fortress as well she has been keeping taps on the Orbitz and Archelon Family for twenty odd years since they had become friends with Winter she trusted the boys but not their families for Archie family worked with Government collecting specific species.

They owned many companies and had military experience and background so her curiosity kept her on her toes wondering if they knew about her precious daughter Winter.

Her plan as be set in motion and waited patiently for the month to end so summer would be the biggest test Aurora Grimm will have to face alone.