Jupiterians plants and atmosphere it's Jovian in the gas and liquid but the gas and liquid aren't poisonous to the Jupiterians but to the Eartherian very poisonous.

The lands have become a unruly to live now the waters have dried up the plants and trees have died out million of years ago.

The planet dimensional atmosphere has changed parts of the planet has adapted too Eartherian atmosphere a planet on top of a planet you could say overlapping the parts of the Eartherian landscape.

Winter got a call in the morning saying that I had a job writing for the local newspaper in Kazone Ontario in the town she just moved to the about month ago.

She was surprised of the call cause she didn't apply there but was very happy for the task at hand the woman on the phone said tomorrow at 10:00am wait for Perry to pick you up but the phone line died half way thru the phone call Winter didn't hear the rest she just hung up.

Unpacking boxes she had found album's of her and her mom and some of pictures of Archie and Zimmi and of her ex girlfriend who had just been painful relationship.

She threw the pictures of her ex away with the rest garbage bagsand anything given to her by the evil relationship.

She found her drawings when she was younger her books she had written she smiled to herself.

She had felt her stomach make noise so Winter got up and walked towards the door well I guess it's feeding time as she walked out onto the road.

Her body pulled her in the direction of the waterfront as she reached the harbor she just looked across the water and saw the skyline of lightening taking down the sunset ting for the night.

Winter had woken was late she rushed get dressed she had put out dress shirt and tie with dress pants with her adidas black and white sneakers and headed out the door trying to fix her hair.

She bumped into a old man who smelt like beer and rum cigars she excused herself and said sorry he said Hello are you Miss Grimm?

She responded Yes I am and you are I'm Perry Monroei I was on my way to fetch you and take out for breakfast and show you around I own most of the buildings in Kazone Ontario.

Also the local newspaper were you will be working and we will be heading to after we eat breakfast.

Perry explained that his friend own the diner called You Pick It We Flick It, Perry said that he would be paying for breakfast lunch and dinner he suggested the apple waffles and tea with cinnamon spiral designed.

As they walked into the diner her stomach started to make noises she looked down and spoke it her stomach like a person we will be eating today no stale crackers and giggled but Perry heard her and acted like he didn't hear nor see what was said he showed Winter to her seat.

As he went to to talk to one of the customers the man stared at Winter like he knew her Perry said Astor stop staring she's the new tenant in our building and will be are star writer in the Newspaper so gave her time to settled.

Before rushing her with questions the man nodded his head and started drinking his coffee dipping his toast in and out Perry walked back to the booth were Winter was looking at the menu he said sorry for that but Astor is harmless.

A woman walked up and Well Good Morning handsome he blushed she looked on the other side of booth and said and who may you be Winter looked up.

I'm Winter Grimm that's who I be the woman spoke and said its always nice to see a new familiar face I'm Dorothy but I prefer Doris she said nice to meet you well. What will I be getting you Miss Grimm?

She said pumpkin spice tea with whipped cream and regular waffles, she looked at Perry and said the usual for handsome man he blushed and said Yes Doris the usual.

Dorothy heavy set woman who had alot of makeup on her,hair dark brown with grey through it she looked young but still old enough to kick some heads in if needed.

Her uniform was 50s style of dressing not waitress Perry said thats my friend she owns the place it seemed like he could read Winter's thoughts.

Perry paid for the meals and winked at Doris he said Miss Grimm will be picking up lunch she said I will be seeing you at lunch Winter she smirked at her Winter shook her head as if she didn't see the creepy smirk that Doris had made.

In the diner Astor said she's Queen Gargoyle not a Grimm we must inform the rest of Monarch that she has arrived Doris said we must leave her alone for now,she has no memories of her past.

For she was raised in the Eartherian atmosphere we must see if she can set the Jupiterians free we must let this follow through.

Walking with Perry he had mentioned that town had color and was vibrant with colors bright yellows and greens and emerald white and laughter when he was growing up.

He had traveled and even went to war he had never married but felt that he would in his later years, Winter listen as he spoke for he was a interesting old man.

He spoke of music in the streets, the sunshine of pretty oranges with red, colors of dresses on young women his eyes lite up and he's smiled showed there was a deep secret hidden behind it.

Perry said the town use to have garden parades and dancing with lights he spun a wonderful story for Winter mind she had pictured everything he had said but never realized she herself was changing the town as he spoke her imagination of what she could see in her mind had come to life in the town Kazone Ontario.

He said here is Falling Star Newspaper from the outside the building was falling apart itself but when she walked in the building it was exquisite inside the cracks outside didn't affect the core of the building.