Kazone Ontario has always been running low when it came too Winter's imagination she had open the doors of the auras to appear.

In one day Winter's imagination and thoughts have lightened up the town's atmosphere but her thoughts are what Perry said about the town it haven't disappeared like when she drew or wrote when she was younger.

Winter hasn't notice as yet but she has changed part of Kazone Ontario in one day,the air seemed sweet to the Jupiterians living on borrowed time.

They walked on long towns line looking out at the stars, they appeared to not actually be stars but auras.

They surrounded the Jupiterians as they we're playing they zoomed colors of Purple,Pink,and Dark Blues and they went all over the new parts of the town one aura looked like it was sitting on a bench.

Aura's being started to form a humans with new auras in them those who hadn't formed had return back to the sky dark light as stars the sky started lightening up but at the beach it was still dark but the light of the afternoon was shining through the clouds above.

The Jupiterians walked back as they seemed to be filled with hope in their eye's to Winter it seemed darker then usual for 2pm in the afternoon she walked she was thinking it was going to rain so she ran into to the library to get away from the dark sky.

Thinking to herself about the town and the cracked buildings and streets and how Perry looked excited about How the town looked before it had made him feel inside and how he glowed.

She wasn't playing much attention to her surroundings she ran into a blind woman standing outside the desk where the information is.

When she noticed she said she said excuse me Sorry wasn't looking were I was going she said looking and laughed she said well you must be new in Kazone Ontario.

Winter said Yes I am I'm Winter Grimm the new reporter at Falling Star Newspaper and you are?

She giggled and said I'm Kierl-Ann Linjina the librarian here at Once A Book Two Can Love also Welcome to Kazone Ontario Winter said thats a strange name but I could dig it !

Well I am looking for information on the town when it was created who found this peace of heaven I mean established for the anniversary parade.

Her first assignment can you tell me whereabouts I could find them?

Kierl-Ann said to Winter may I hold your shoulder and I will guide you to the information need to find the establishment of Kazone Ontario.

Winter took her hand and placed it on her shoulder as they walk through the library Winter could see dull colors of greens and yellow and orange,the dullness around them seem to be like a prison the books ,the shelves.

Kierl-Ann spoke how the library had bright colors that she could feel brighter and crystals surrounding the ceiling it will show different colors,types of shapes.

Kierl-Ann said that books would fly off the shelves to whomever thought of the topic they would pick, there was a pond with giant fishes called Koicarrjupi that would swim with young child on there backs she said the library itself was alive.

Winter thoughts over flowed and the darkness of the library started to shine the vibrant colors of greens,yellows and oranges for the Penwork of thoughts of Winter is very powerful with a orator who is Kierl-Ann her Penwork was more powerful with Winter by her side.

Winter had found the a funny fluff floating light her hand touched it,the light pulled her into her Mother's past memories when she was pregnant with ((Asami) Winter at that time they were in Knowledge of Alive Pages .

Which showed her the library which had Ravens,doves flying with flowers in there beaks and older woman had seeds in her hand the doves flew down and took seeds and flew into the trees.

In the library Winter was shocked to see the Tree of life, flowers growing inside the pinks of flowers which spoke and sang songs for the children present.

And how the air smelt sweet the old woman said Queen Gargoyle I have your books I understand you can't control the baby thoughts.

I feel she will control all elements in thus world and the next she has already changed the windows and the mirrors in the Knowledge of Pages.

The animals becken at your feet all eyes are now on the Penwork she will control what type of Princess and future Queen she will be.

She jumped up onto shelf and got two books down a flash of light shined bright when she came down for the Princess in Queen Gargoyle had changed the ties of the air and wind.

The stainedless glass window above now showed a sword and two children in what looked like a pumpkin batch with flames,the other showed no color with a man with blood running from his body and another man standing over him.

On one side and color on the other side with a person touching the base of sky and stars falling,also two Planet's overlapping each other the big glass window showed a child on a white mountain and people hidden underneath the ground.

The woman these are predictions to come too pass and then Her future will begin her Penwork must be something new .

The mirror's in the library changed rapidly as the stainless glass window, the wind blew harshly through the Knowledge of Pages she walked up to the Queen Gargoyle and touched her stomach.

And said Dear child no need too fret calm, she hummed a tone in Jupiter native language and the mirrors become still

Winter returned to Kazone Ontario in the library she had collasped on the floor.

Kierl-Ann reached down to her and said are you okay?

The library looks different now I never imagined that it would shine so bright with these amazing colors Winter stood up and looked around but I just saw... I'm sorry I need to leave I couldn't have what's going on here?

As she ran out the library she had left her bag, she ran pass the newspaper and the diner she kept running unto she got the forest.

She screamed and the auras floated down to her surroundings her she could hear heartbeats from them the thoughts that they could be people scared her.

Winter laying on the forest floor reached out her hands and touched each auras releasing them her body finally gave in to sleep those had been released picked her up and brought her too Perry.