Ain't it funny?
That you told me that I won't find anyone like you
And for a while I did believe you
I thought my love ended after you
My feelings won't come back
That I truly believed that love didn't exist for me
I started focusing on myself
Thinking that maybe if the world couldn't give me the love that I deserved
I would give that love to myself
I will heal a heart that you were partially responsible for breaking
I will heal myself and that you would be last person I would ever love like that
But, guess what?
I found someone else
I found him at a time I wasn't searching for love
You can say that he found me
He bought me peace
He calmed me down
He didn't force anything with me
Things happened naturally
He loves me on days I feel unlovable
He tells me things I need to hear
He tells me I'm beautiful even when I don't feel that way
He cares for me
He does things for me without me asking for it
And does things with me without complaining
He was the stability I needed
He fights for me and just doesn't stand there watching
He doesn't tells me to shut up when I get disrespected
Ain't it funny?
That I found the right guy when I wasn't looking for one
While I found the wrong one when I was desperately seeking for love