


The next day at school,our competition on who to date Becca was spread and even Isabel heard of it,when she saw me she looked so unhappy before I could say Hi,she had already left.I felt some kind of way but didn't know why she was unhappy,I just brushed it off.

It was my week to take Becca out on a date and I planned an amazing picnic,I fed her chocolate covered strawberries and read her poetry,it was so romantic.

Just then someone came and sat down next to us.

[SMITH]-Fancy bumping into you guys here,I was just on my run

-Then why don't you run away and keep going until we can't see you.

[SMITH]-Relax,I'm leaving.Ohh Becca, I got to tell you what I've got planned for our date,it's epic.

He whipped out two tickets from his pocket for a Beyonce concert and Becca shrieked and hugged him,but quickly pushed him away when she saw my face.

The next night,Becca and Smith went for their date

[BECCA]-im having a blast night at this concert

[SMITH]-glad you're enjoying it.

Then I went over to them and touch Becca on her shoulders

[SMITH]-You're crashing our date

-Wonder where I got that idea from,but this isn't about you dude.

- Becca I got my dad to pull some strings and I have back stage passes,we can actually meet Beyonce

[BECCA]-OMG! what?

[SMITH]-Uh what about me

-I don't know,go home?I will have Becca dropped,don't worry.

[BECCA]-Sorry Smith,I can't miss to see queen B

The next few days went the same,we both kept planning amazing dates for Becca and kept ruining them for each other.One night Becca and I managed to have a romantic dinner without Smith dropping in and I was k*ssing her good night at her door then suddenly the lockect she was wearing got tangled with mine and fell off before she could pick it up,I did and I saw the picture inside

-Becca why do you have a picture of this famous actress and her kid?

[BECCA]- That kid is me and she's my mom

She told me how hard things got after her mom arrest and how she just wanted a fresh start,I looked stunned but then hugged her tight

-your secret is save with me Becca,or can I call you Nessa

[BECCA]-I would love that

I was about to kiss her again when suddenly Smith sprang out of no where.

[SMITH]-Hey babe,just dropped by with some cookie dough ice cream,your favorite.

-she just had dessert,she doesn't want your st*pid ice cream

[SMITH]-why dont you let her speak for her self,are you her lawyer

- why dont you get a life and stop crashing our dates

[SMITH]-why don't you jump off a bridge

[BECCA]-Enough I'm so tired of this, you're so busy fighting each other no one is even looking at me,this is not what I wanted.Figure out a way to make this work or I'm done with you both.

she snatched the ice cream from Smith and stormed off....

To be continued.....