I Accepted A New Identiy



I opened my eyes to find myself in the nurse's room and two faces around me.

One was Becca and the other was Smith

[SMITH]-Thank God you are awake.I'm so sorry Katie.

[SMITH]-You look beautiful Becca

He looked at Becca and with admiring eyes and asked for her number which she gave to him with hesitant and he left with apologizing to me again.I felt so hurt when he collected her number.

The next day Isabel rushed to me with a caring and disturbing eyes

[ISABEL]-Katie are you okay,I heard you were taken to the nurse's room

hope you are fine

-Yes I am,it was just a minor injury

[ISABEL]-Oh thank God

I haven't seen Isabel that worried,but I felt so good to get such genuine feeling from someone.

During recess Smith walked up to me

[SMITH]-Katie does Becca have a boyfriend?

-I don't know, why are you asking me.I thought you liked Isabel

[SMITH]-I asked you because you are her friend and you ought to know,and for Isabel I still like her but she is so difficult to get.

-I suggest you go ask Becca your self

With that I just walked out on him feeling so bitter.

Later that day,when I got to my room I nearly screamed I met Becca sitting on my bed looking livid.

-Geez you scared me,what's your problem?

[BECCA]-i don't like the position I say you and Isabel with today

-Why? what's wrong with that?she was only worried about my injury.

- Do you like her?

[BECCA]-No you idi*t,I like you.

-uhhh that those make more sense

[BECCA]-I know you like Smith BLA BLA BLA,but I just had to tell you.

-I guess we'll only be friends then

But she came closer and suddenly she was k*ssing me.It was my very first k*ss with a girl,and it was lovely.

Just then someone tapped on the window and it was Smith looking mad

[SMITH]-I came to collect my assignment, wanna tell me what's going on here?

As the two of them were staring at me,I sank down on my bed.

-Guys I'm so confused.Smith I've always had a crush on you for a very long time and Becca I also like you,I don't even know what to do

[SMITH]-i didn't notice you had feelings for me,I told you I want to date Becca so you decided to go get her behind my back just to make me jealous but I promise you this can't stop me from going out with Becca, I will pay you back.

-Really I never had such intention,but right now I regret liking you all this time,and we will get to see who she goes out with at the end.

[SMITH]-Why don't you date both of us for two weeks Becca and choose.

[BECCA]- are you guys really serious?it's amazing,so I'm in.

[SMITH]-May the best man win

-Or Woman.....

To be continued.....