Out of My Shells



-Can I give it a go?

I took the laptop and tried some different things, and something worked.

[LEWIS]-OMG you're amazing,can I take you out for dinner?, I've uhh had a kinda crush on you anyway.

see what I mean?I'm just so lucky!

We started dating though I didn't have any feeling for him.

One day as we walked to class together,I saw a pretty girl standing by the notice board.I told Lewis to go without me and walked up to her

-Hi I'm Katie

[GIRL]-Uh,why are you talking to me?

-I noticed you were new and thought you would need someone to show you your class

[GIRL]-No I don't need you help.Okay,I will be your friend you don't have to beg.Im Becca and would love to be shown my class 🤗

Becca was kinda weird but I was just glad to have a friend and as we hang out more I realized the tough mean girl was just an act.

One day Lewis called to meet me and I went,,

with sadness from his tone.

[LEWIS]-I won't be able to continue our relationship again,I would be relocating to another state and for some time now you haven't been giving me your attention,since the day that new girl Becca came you hardly talked to me

so I guess it was easy for me to get over everything,but I will miss you.

-Im so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen

I will miss you too.

He hugged me and left,when I got home.i went to my room and reflected on everything that had happened to me over the month.

My encounter with Isabel and her manions, my crush on Smith,Lewis and even Becca

Everything was too much for me.

The next day i saw Smith and his friends,he walked to me

[SMITH]- Can you help me work on my assignment?

-Sure,Sure I can.

He just left without saying any other thing,and I saw Isabel looking at me with disgust and pity.she walk up to me

[ISABEL]-Why are you making Smith walk over you, can't you see he is only using you

-I have nothing to say,I guess I'm blinded by the crush I have for him

Isabel just walk off and left me there.

A week later,I sign up for a charity bake sale in school as Becca helped me set up my stall,she popped a cookie in her mouth.

[BECCA]-Uh so yum,I will buy all of them.

-What! that's like 200 cookies

[BECCA]-Its for a good cause.Here take my money.

-Whats wrong with my cookies Becca?


But I took a big bite of one and spat it out

-Thats disgusting!did I use salt instead of sugar?

Becca burst out laughing and so did I.

-You bought them all because they are so terrible? that's actually really sweet.

[BECCA]-Unlike your cookies,you got some crumbs.

As Becca brushed them off my mouth,I suddenly felt little butterflies.What the heck?

And that's when a flying basketball hit me right in the face and I blacked out...

To be continued...