Too Many Complications



I only discovered Smith was only one of the hundred boys that liked her,the seemingly singular interest from Smith unraveled into a tapestry of a hundred boys vying for her affection. Astonishingly, she stood as the unassuming queen bee of the school's romantic hive. The dynamics painting a vivid picture of the complex social landscape where hidden admirations and unspoken alliances swirled around,and everyone literally treated her like royalty.

One time a billionaire Jake, professed his love to Isabel in skywriting.

Another time she got surgery and had to wear an eye patch and every girl in school also bought an eye patch to wear the next day

She was something else.

Later that week,I worked into my fancy Advanced math class with Smith he was also in my class since he was older than me.Then suddenly I found Isabel sitting by my seat.

[ISABEL]-Hey mud girl,I hope you don't mind me calling you mud girl i've decided that's my new nickname for you.

-Uh,okay.Also, are you in my class now?

[ISABEL]-I got moved up to accelerated math hon.

What,just because I'm popular means I can't be smart?

-of course not,just because people think popular girls are dumb bimbo's,not that you're a dumb bimbo I mean...

[ISABEL]-Wow,you talk alot

listen I wanna apologize about my friends attacking you,they are sort of my bodyguards and since I'm practically a celebrity here.[SIGNS] it's always hard being in the spotlight.

Before I could answer, Smith leaned onto Isabel desk starry-eyed.

[SMITH]-Youre in same class with me now?it's obvious that fate brought us

Its unfortunate that Smith's focus on Isabel led to overlooking his academic performance.Hopefully, the teacher's intervention will prompt him to address his studies more seriously. He hadn't noticed our teacher had passed back his test with an F on it,and at the end of class the teacher told him that he was failing and she suggested I tutor him and I was thinking if this was my chance to win him over,so I asked Smith if he would be needing my help but he had another idea in mind and left instead.

One day we got a new transfered student called Lewis.He looked very handsome and strong that with no time girls started flocking around him.

ln history class I noticed Lewis staring at me with admiring eyes but didn't confront it.

when I got home and idea plugged on me that I should flirt with Lewis to gain Smith attention and make him jealous, Smith on the other hand hated Lewis because he was beginning to get all the attention from girls and making him less popular,so I thought my plan would be perfect.

As fate would have it,I bumped into Lewis in a laptop repair shop the very next day were the repair man was charging him an arm and leg for a minor job

-Excuse me,I couldn't help eavesdropping.Okay I was totally trying to,but this guy is ripping you off!

$2,000,for what?

[LEWIS]-Ummm my laptop just isn't switching on and it has important stuffs...

To be continued...