Still on Coming out of my Shells

🌹🌹🌹🌹CHAPTER TWO 🌹🌹🌹🌹


-wow.(chuckles) I guess we'll have a new school heartrob,I mean it will be fun to go to the same school we'll stick together though, right?

[SMITH]:Sure but I wanna hang out with the pupurlar kids too,so we can't be together 23/7 you can make friends with other geniuses right?

I felt stupid after Smith said that and it made me all the more nervous for my first day of ninth grade.

I worked towards the school building when suddenly I slipped and fell sideways into a muddy ditch as I screamed for help,a gorgeous girl in designer clothes walk over and pulled me out

-Wow you saved me, thank you

[GIRL]:Don't make me regret helping you,and wow your high school career is not off to the best start

-Its only the first day though,right? I could turn things around

[GIRL]-(LAUGHS) I will believe it when I see it girl

The girl then walked away.

I stepped into the hallway looking for the bathroom and I could feel everyone staring at me,and then I say Smith walking towards me with two other guys. I ran over to him to say hi, but when I did he looked me in disgust.

-[SMITH]:Wow, you're covered in mud what happened?

-Just a little accident on the way here um,I was wondering if you wanted to walk to class together?

-[SMITH]: Thanks,but I think I'm gonna walk with...

Suddenly,Smith stopped talking and his eyes got huge I turned around to see a group of girls around with one the one who rescued me from the ditch

-Wow it's you,I said it's so good to see you again

-[GIRL]: Oh my god, have you not heard of soap and water? I'm literally begging you to work out the door,go home and shower

-[GIRL 2]:Don't worry Isabel,we have her covered

I didn't know what was coming, Isabel friends took out perfume bottles and sprayed them on my muddy clothes and body. The humiliation was overwhelming, and it seemed like the incident had turned into a spectacle for their amusement. This added layer of cruelty intensified my struggles to fit in and left a lasting impact on my self-esteem. I started coughing and pushing them away

-(COUGHS)What are you doing? get away from me, Smith tell them to leave me alone but when I turned to look at Smith he was on his kneels and holding Isabel's hand

-[SMITH]: Please go out with me and I will do whatever you want I will massage your feet,I will steal my parents credit card and buy you a Mercedes and any designers you want

-Oh what are you doing ?

-[ISABEL]:It's fine mud girl,he is only the fourth guy to make me those offers today

lsabel just walked off with her minions and I felt so mad at Smith, why hadn't he defended me when those girls attacked me?

I was also jealous that he had hit on Isabel but as the school day went on,I noticed Smith was only one out of the hundred boys that liked her....

To be continued....