Chapter 28- Is he dangerous??

Alex woke up earlier and couldn't help admiring the sleeping face besides him as he was lost in thought.

"Hey Alex" Alex jolted backto reality when he heard the voice that gives him peace

"How's my little tigress"Alex pecked her lips making her blush, she remembered their last night exercise and how she became his girlfriend. Alex chuckled straring at her pink face with amusement.

"Are you blushing" Alex teased while Kim shook her head in denial. "You look cute when you blush babe" Alex whispered causing Kim's cheeks to redden even more, she hit his chest and glared at him playfully,hearing Alex call her baby reminded her of how she accepted to be his girlfriend, gosh it was so embarrassing. She needed an excuse to escape from him.

"I'll be late for work"Kim excused herself to take a shower leaving Alex who kept pondering about what was bothering him.



Alex drove her to her restaurant before leaving for his company, he had so much work load, his branch in the U.S and Philippine has been on his neck, he is suppose to travel there but he couldn't bear to leave his Little tigress behind so it's better he uses a virtual means. Before he buried himself in his work load he picked up his phone and texted his girlfriend,gosh the word girlfriend makes him lazy to do his work.

A- Hey babe, how are you doing, I know you'll be busy right now am trust me I also have forms of work to do, I might not make it home tonight pls do t wait up for me. After typing the message he waited fifteen minutes but got more ply so he texted again.

A- I love you babe, I'm gonna fucking miss you. He put down his phone and buried his head into his work.

Meanwhile,Kim was getting amngry staring at Micheal's face, doesn't this ex boyfriend of hers remember that he is married and is a soon to be father. Sis was getting irritated with his frequent visit to her work place and specifically demanding her presence every damm time. She stood in front of him, arms folded and her eyes staring at him coldly and uninterestedly. After the last time Micheal saw her, he has been regretting cheating on her and marrying his wife and has vowed to win her back.

"Sarah I ...." Micheal couldn't complete his words

"It's Miss Foster for you mr Stone, were not that close for you to call me by my name let alone my middle name" she interrupted coldly making Micheal even more frustrated by her attitude.

"Sa.. I mean miss Foster, you were never like this before what happened" he asked

"I guess people do change isn't it" he could hear the sacarsm dripping from her words.

"Look I regret everything I did, I regret leaving you,meeting Summer,betraying you and also marrying her, if you could just give me a second chance,I would show you how much you mean to me,I don't mind divorcing Summer to be with you because I love you so much" he pleaded trying to make Kim see his sincerity.

Kim stepped back when Micheal tried to touch her, this douchebag wasn't just a d**k but also a cunning and cheating a*****e, although she never liked Summer,but she would never wish for the innocent child to grow without a father even if the father is a big d**k, hearing Micheal say that he would leave his wife for another woman reminded her of her father.

"Look Micheal, first of all we are done, I moved one and I expect you to do so too, I don't care if you regret anything or not, I just hope you don't abandon your pregnant wife or else you might end up regretting it more"Kim said with finality.

"Who do you love now ? , huh tell me kim, is it Alexander, do you even know the man you're entangled with? , he is a dangerous man Kim, a fucking mafia Kim is the Canadian underworld, I beg you Kim please leave him for me, look I have enough money to give to you, I will give you what ever you need but pls leave him" Micheal yelled gripping her arms thightly while teaming like a crazy man, luckily there were in one of he vip section so no one could hear them.

"You know what, go fuck yourself Micheal, I don't want to ever see you again because you disgust me, you are a selfish and egoistic prick who wants to fill his ego because he was said no too, even if I don't like Summer, I wish she wasn't with someone like you brushed deserve more a better man who isn't you, take care of your child and be a good father and husband before it's too late good bye" she said to him coldly making Micheal tug his hair in frustration as he watched her leave.

As Kim went back to work she couldn't concentrate,the words of Micheal kept playing in her head, she has seen how Alex killed Adolf brutally in front of her. [Do you even know him ? He's a dangerous man, a deadly mafia king that is feared by all including me]hise words kept replaying in her head, she saw flashes of how Alex murdered Adolfo and also the incident at his mansion were he chocked her to death. [shit did I make a mistake in trusting not just a mafia but a deadly one at that] Kim thought and shrunken her neck in fear, she knew the danger of dating a mafian, she would constantly be targeted my his enemies,she could die in the process, her freedom of movement might be restricted and worse, she might also kill someone in the future. But no one has ever made her feel what Alex does to her. Know thoughy of the possible dangers involved if she keeps dating Alex, she thought of her friend's boyfriend Damien who is also a deadly mafia king and also her friend's ex Lorenzo who was a psychopath.

[ wait will Alex hurt her just like how Lorenzo did to Rose her best friend ?, no no Alex said he loves her, wait but Lorenzo also loves Rose but he hurt her, is Alex also dangerous like Lorenzo] she was lost in thought when her phone vibrated,she stared at him he message Alex sent her. He might not be home tonight, she shrugged her shoulders and decided to trust Alex this time, she couldn't concentrate but luckily there were other chefs to cover her flaw. She prayed that she wouldn't regret her decision of loving Alex.

Meanwhile, Alex has gotten the news of Micheal's visit to Kim's restaurant from his informants assigned to protect Kim. He was lost in thought [ his little tigress hasn't seen the dark side of him yet,what will happen if she gets to see it will she leave him] Alex thought and rounded up just work by one am normally he would have slept in his office room or his penthouse, but he craved for her warmth.

As soon as he got home, he immediately went to his room where him and Kim occupied, took off his clothes except his briefs and then snuggled into her arms.

SHIT !! Alex cursed as he stared outside the window to see rain falling, fuck he hated the raining days, he just snuggled into her even more unconsciously forgetting for pull down his soundproof curtains.