The Enigmatic Awakening (Part 10)

After a day that played out like a martial arts comedy, Chu Xuan called it quits and surrendered to the questionable comfort of his hay kingdom. Instead of plotting a grand escape from his trial disciple life, he embraced the sweet embrace of sleep. As he snuggled into his humble haystack, thoughts of escaping the monotony of trial disciple life occasionally flitted through his mind. In these moments, he imagined himself as a powerful cultivator, performing feats that would make even the most seasoned martial artists gasp in awe. But tonight, tired from the day's events, he was content to let his imagination rest and embrace the sweet nothingness of slumber.

Little did he know, the quirky brick pillow had plans to spice up his dreams.

As Chu Xuan cosied up to his makeshift royal bed, the humble brick decided it was time to unleash its inner party animal. Suddenly, it transformed into the sect's very own glow-in-the-dark artefact – a bedtime beacon that wouldn't be out of place in a low-budget fantasy movie. The transformation was like witnessing a common brick evolve into a disco ball on a psychedelic journey.

Amid this radiant spectacle, Chu Xuan's face contorted in a way that suggested he was in the midst of a nightmare, a dreamland drama brought to you by the glowy brick. Picture the glow-in-the-dark brick as a mischievous storyteller, painting the canvas of dreams with its luminous strokes.

Unbeknownst to him, the stage was set for a showdown with none other than his arch-nemesis, the one and only Zhou. The dream started like a classic martial arts flick, with misty landscapes and ominous flute music setting the scene for the impending duel.

In the dream realm, Zhou wasn't just on a verbal rampage; he unleashed a torrent of words, throwing the loser label around like confetti. The conversation between him and Chu Xuan played out like a scripted drama, with Zhou's taunts echoing through the dreamy landscape. But this time, something snapped in Chu Xuan. The dream took an unexpected turn as our hero decided he had had enough.

In a twist that even the glow-in-the-dark brick couldn't have predicted, Chu Xuan stood up to Zhou. The dream transforms into a scene of epic triumph, as Chu Xuan, with a cinematic punch, shuts Zhou up and bursts the dream-villain balloon. As the dream unfolded, Chu Xuan's victorious smile filled the imaginary realm.

Back in reality, just as the dream reached its triumphant peak, the glow-in-the-dark brick decided to pull a cosmic prank. It stopped its radiant display and birthed a tiny, seed-like object with an otherworldly black-purple hue. This mystical seed went straight for Chu Xuan's forehead, vanishing into his skin like a ninja in the shadows.

In the grand theatre of Chu Xuan's nightly escapades, the curtain fell, leaving him blissfully ignorant of the cosmic exchange happening within his humble abode. The brick, returning to its silent state, acted as if it hadn't just thrown a dream party. And so, as the night unfolded its mysteries, Chu Xuan snored on, blissfully ignorant of the enigmatic events woven into the fabric of his dreams and reality.

Main Character details:-

Name: Chu Xuan

Age: 14

Realm: Body Tempering Realm (4th stage)

Sect: Ascending Sky Pavilion (Trial disciple)